Friday 8 February 2008

Springs and Autumns 2 - Duke Huan

桓公 Duke Huan

First year – 711 BC (711 January 15 – 710 February 2, leap year)

(經一·一)元年春,王正月,公即位。The first year, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord was enthroned.

(經一·二)三月,公會鄭伯于垂,鄭伯以璧假許田。The third month, our lord conferred with the count of Zheng in Chui. The count of Zheng offered a jade disk for the rent of the lands in Xu.

(經一·三)夏,四月丁未。公及鄭伯盟于越。In summer, on day Dingwei (44) of the fourth month (April 14), our lord conferred with the count of Zheng in Yue.

(經一·四)秋,大水。In autumn, there was a great flood.

(經一·五)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.

Second year – 710 BC (710 February 3 – 709 January 23, common year)

(經二·一)二年春,王正月戊申,宋督弒其君與夷及其大夫孔父。Second year, in spring, on day Wushen (45) of the first month of the royal calendar (February 9), Du of Song killed his lord, Yuyi, and his dignitary, Kongfu.

(經二·二)滕子來朝。The viscount of Teng came to our court audiences.

(經二·三)三月,公會齊侯、陳侯、鄭伯于稷,以成宋亂。In the third month, our lord conferred with the marquis of Qi, the marquis of Chen and the count of Zheng in Ji, in order to put an end to the troubles in Song.

(經二·四)夏,四月,取郜大鼎于宋。戊申,納于太廟。In summer, in the fourth month, we took the great bronze tripod of Gao from Song. On day Wushen (45) (June 9, fifth month), it was installed in the great hall of the ancestral temple.

(經二·五)秋,七月,杞侯來朝。In autumn, in the seventh month, the marquis of Qi(3) came to pay homage.

(經二·六)蔡侯、鄭伯會于鄧。The marquis of Cai and the count of Zheng conferred in Deng.

(經二·七)九月,入杞。In the ninth month, we entered Qi(3).

(經二·八)公及戎盟于唐。Our prince signed a treaty with the Rong in Tang.

(經二·九)冬,公至自唐。In winter, our prince came back from Tang.

Third year – 709 BC (709 January 23 – 708 January 10, common year)

(經三·一)三年春,正月,公會齊侯于嬴。Third year, in spring, in the first month, our prince conferred with the marquis of Qi in Ying.

(經三·二)夏,齊侯、衛侯胥命于蒲。In summer, the marquis of Qi and the marquis of Wei made a pact in Pu.

(經三·三)六月,公會杞侯于郕。In the sixth month, our prince conferred with the marquis of Qi in Cheng.

(經三·四)秋,七月壬辰朔,日有食之,既。In autumn, on day Renchen (29) (July 17), the new moon of the seventh month, there was an eclipse, it was total.

(經三·五)公子翬如齊逆女。Prince Hui went to Qi to demand a bride for our lord.

(經三·六)九月,齊侯送姜氏于讙。In the ninth month, the marquis of Qi escorted princess Jiang to Huan.

(經三·七)公會齊侯于讙。Our lord conferred with the marquis of Qi in Huan.

(經三·八)夫人姜氏至自齊。Our lady, dame Jiang, arrived from Qi.

(經三·九)冬,齊侯使其弟年來聘。In winter, the marquis of Qi sent his younger brother, Nian, on an embassy.

(經三·十)有年。There was a great harvest.

Fourth year – 708 BC (708 January 11 – 707 January 29, leap year)

(經四·一)四年春,正月,公狩于郎。Fourth year, in spring, in the first month, our lord hunted in Lang.

(經四·二)夏,天王使宰渠伯糾來聘。In summer, the heavenly king sent his minister, the count of Qu, Jiu, on an embassy.

Fifth year – 707 BC (707 January 30 – 706 January 18, common year)

(經五·一)五年春,正月甲戌 、己丑 ,陳侯鮑卒。Firth year, in spring, on day Jiaxu (11) or Jichou (26) of the first month, the marquis of Chen, Bao, died. (February 19 or March 6 of the second month)

(經五·二)夏,齊侯、鄭伯如紀。In summer, the marquis of Qi and the count of Zheng went to Ji.

(經五·三)天王使仍叔之子來聘。The heavenly king sent the son of Rengshu to Lu, on an embassy.

(經五·四)葬陳桓公。Duke Huan of Chen was buried.

(經五·五)城祝丘。We fortified Zhuqiu.

(經五·六)秋,蔡人、衛人、陳人從王伐鄭。In autumn, the people of Cai, Wei and Chen escorted the king to attack Zheng.

(經五·七)大雩。There was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經五·八)螽。There were locusts.

(經五·九)冬,州公如曹。In winter, the duke of Zhou went to Cao.

Sixth year – 706 BC (706 January 19 – 705 January 7, common year)

(經六·一)六年春,正月,寔來。Sixth year, in spring, in the first month , he really arrived (Shi arrived ?)

(經六·二)夏,四月,公會紀侯于成。In summer, in the fourth month, our lord conferred with the marquis of Ji, in Cheng.

(經六·三)秋,八月壬午,大閱。In autumn, on day Renwu (19) of the eighth month (August 21), there was a great review of troops.

(經六·四)蔡人殺陳佗。The people of Cai killed Tou of Chen.

(經六·五)九月丁卯,子同生。In the ninth month , on day Dingmao (4) (October 5), Zitong, was born.

(經六·六)冬,紀侯來朝。In winter, the marquis of Ji came to our court audience.

Seventh year – 705 BC (705 January 8 – 704 January 25, leap year)

(經七·一)七年春,二月己亥,焚咸丘。The seventh year, in spring, on day Jihai (36) of the second month (March 5), a fire was made in Xianqiu.

(經七·二)夏,穀伯綏來朝。鄧侯吾離來朝。In summer, the count of Gu, Sui, and the marquis of Deng, Wuli, came to pay homage.

Eighth year – 704 BC (704 January 26 – 703 January 15, common year)

(經八·一)八年春,正月己卯,烝。Eighth year, in spring, on day Jimao (16) of the first month (February 8), the winter offerings were done.

(經八·二)天王使家父來聘。The heavenly king sent Jiafu on an embassy to Lu.

(經八·三)夏,五月丁丑,烝。In summer, on day Dingchou of the fifth month (14) (June 6), there were other winter offerings.

(經八·四)秋,伐邾。In autumn, we attacked Zhu.

(經八·五)冬,十月,雨雪。In winter, in the tenth month, snow fell.

(經八·六)祭公來,遂逆王后于紀。The duke of Ji came to visit, then he went to Ji, to demand a royal bride.

Ninth year – 703 BC (703 January 16 - 702 January 5, common year)

(經九·一)九年春,紀季姜歸于京師。Ninth year, in spring, Princess Jijiang of Ji went to the capital to marry.

(經九·二)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month.

(經九·三)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month

(經九·四)冬,曹伯使其世子射姑來朝。In winter, the count of Cai sent his heir apparent, Shegu, to Lu, to pay homage.

Tenth year – 702 BC (702 January 6 – 701 January 24, leap year)

(經十·一)十年春,王正月庚申,曹伯終生卒。Tenth year. In spring, on the first month of the royal calendar, on day Gengshen (57) (January 10), the duke of Cao, Zhongsheng, died.

(經十·二)夏,五月,葬曹桓公。In summer, in the fifth month, duke Huan of Cao was buried.

(經十·三)秋,公會衛侯于桃丘,弗遇。In autumn, our prince conferred with the marquis of Wei in Taoqiu. But they did not meet.

(經十·四)冬,十有二月丙午,齊侯、衛侯、鄭伯來戰于郎。In winter, on day Bingwu (43) of the twelfth month (December 22), the marquis of Qi, the marquis of Wei and the count of Zheng came to battle us in Lang.

Eleventh year – 701 BC (701 January 25 – 700 January 12, common year)

(經十一·一)十有一年春,正月,齊人、衛人、鄭人盟于惡曹。Eleventh year. In spring, in the first month, the people of Qi, of Wei and of Zheng signed a treaty in Wucao

(經十一·二)夏,五月癸未,鄭伯寤生卒。In summer, on day Guiwei (20) of the fifth month (May 27), the count of Zheng, Wusheng, died.

(經十一·三)秋,七月,葬鄭莊公。In autumn, in the seventh month, duke Zhuang of Zheng was buried.

(經十一·四)九月,宋人執鄭祭仲。突歸于鄭。鄭忽出奔衛。In the ninth month , people of Song captured Jizhong of Zheng. Tu returned to Zheng. Huchu of Zheng fled to Wei.

(經十一·五)柔會宋公、陳侯、蔡叔盟于折。Rou met with the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen and Shu of Cai, they signed a treaty in Zhe.

(經十一·六)公會宋公于夫鐘。Our lord met with the duke of Song in Fuzhong.

(經十一·七)冬,十有二月,公會宋公于闞。In winter, in the twelfth month, our lord met with the duke of Song in Kan.

Twelfth year – 700 BC (700 January 13 – 699 January 31, leap year)

(經十二·一)十有二年春,正月。Twelfth year. In spring, in the first month.

(經十二·二)夏,六月壬寅,公會杞侯、莒子盟于曲池。In summer, on day Renyin (39) of the sixth month (June 10), our prince met with the marquis of Qi and the viscount of Ju, and signed a treaty in Quchi.

(經十二·三)秋,七月丁亥,公會宋公、燕人盟于穀丘。In autumn, on day Dinghai (24) of the seventh month (July 25), our prince met with the duke of Song and people of Yan, and signed a treaty in Guqiu.

(經十二·四)八月壬辰,陳侯躍卒。On day Renchen (29) of the eighth month, the marquis of Chen, Yue, died. (no such day, in the eighth month, either July 30, seventh month, or September 28, ninth month)

(經十二·五)公會宋公于虛。Our lord met with the duke of Song in Xu.

(經十二·六)冬,十有一月,公會宋公于龜。In winter, in the eleventh month, our lord met wih the duke of Song in Gui.

(經十二·七)丙戌,公會鄭伯,盟于武父。On day Bingxu (23) (November 21), our lord met with the count of Zheng. They signed a treaty in Wufu.

(經十二·八)丙戌,衛侯晉卒。On day Bingxu (23) (November 21), the marquis of Wei, Jin, died.

(經十二·九)十有二月,及鄭師伐宋。丁未,戰于宋。In the twelfth month, together with the army of Zheng, we attacked Song. On day Dingwei (44) (December 12), there was a battle in Song.

Thirteenth year – 699 BC (699 February 1 – 698 January 20, common year)

(經十三·一)十有三年春,二月,公會紀侯、鄭伯。己巳,及齊侯、宋公、衛侯、燕人戰。齊師、宋師、衛師、燕師敗績。Thirteenth year. In spring, in the second month, our lord met with the marquis of Ji and the count of Zheng. On day Jisi (6) (March 4), he battled the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei and people of Yan. The armies of Qi, Song, Wei and Yan were badly defeated.

(經十三·二)三月,葬衛宣公。In the third month, duke Xuan of Wei was buried.

(經十三·三)夏,大水。In summer, there was a flood.

(經十三·四)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month.

(經十三·五)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.

Fourteenth year – 698 BC (698 January 21 – 697 January 9, common year)

(經十四·一)十有四年春,正月,公會鄭伯于曹。Fourteenth year. In spring, in the first month, our lord met with the count of Zheng in Cao.

(經十四·二)無冰。There was not frost.

(經十四·三)夏五,鄭伯使其弟語來盟。In spring, in the fifth month, the count of Zheng sent his younger brother, Yu, to sign a treaty.

(經十四·四)秋,八月壬申,御廩災。In autumn, on day Renshen (9) of the eighth month (August 29), the ducal granaries burnt and were destroyed.

(經十四·五)乙亥,嘗。On day Yihai (12) (September 1), the autumn offerings were done.

(經十四·六)冬,十有二月丁巳,齊侯祿父卒。In winter, on day Dingsi (54) of the twelfth month (December 12), the marquis of Qi, Lufu, died.

(經十四·七)宋人以齊人、蔡人、衛人、陳人伐鄭。The people of Song, together with those of Qi, Cai, Wei and Chen attacked Zheng.

Fifteenth year – 697 BC (697 January 10 – 697 December 28, common year)

(經十五·一)十有五年春,二月,天王使家父來求車。Fifteenth year. In spring, in the second month, the heavenly king sent Jiafu come request some carriages.

(經十五·二)三月乙未,天王崩。On day Yiwei (32) of the third month (March 19), the heavenly king passed away.

(經十五·三)夏,四月己巳,葬齊僖公。In summer, on day Jisi (6) of the fourth month (April 22), duke Xi of Qi was buried.

(經十五·四)五月,鄭伯突出奔蔡。In the fifth month, the count of Zheng, Tu, fled to Cai.

(經十五·五)鄭世子忽復歸于鄭。The heir apparent of Zheng, Hu, returned to Zheng.

(經十五·六)許叔入于許。Shu of Xu invaded Xu.

(經十五·七)公會齊侯于艾。Our lord met with the marquis of Qi in Ai.

(經十五·八)邾人、牟人、葛人來朝。The people of Zhu, of Mou and of Ge came to our court audience.

(經十五·九)秋,九月,鄭伯突入于櫟。In autumn , in the ninth month, the count of Zheng, Tu, invaded Li.

(經十五·十)冬,十有一月,公會宋公、衛侯、陳侯于栘,伐鄭。In winter, in the eleventh month, our lord met the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei and the marquis of Chen in Yi. They attacked Zheng.

Sixteenth year – 696 BC (697 December 29 – 695 January 16, leap year)

(經十六·一)十有六年春,正月,公會宋公、蔡侯、衛侯于曹。Sixteenth year. In spring, in the first month, our lord met with the duke of Song, the marquis of Cai, and the marquis of Wei in Cao.

(經十六·二)夏,四月,公會宋公、衛侯、陳侯、蔡侯伐鄭。In summer, in the fourth month, our lord met with the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the marquis of Chen and the marquis of Cai, and attacked Zheng.

(經十六·三)秋,七月,公至自伐鄭。In autumn , in the seventh month, our lord came back from Zheng.

(經十六·四)冬,城向。In winter, we fortified Xiang.

(經十六·五)十有一月,衛侯朔出奔齊。In the eleventh month, the marquis of Wei, Shuo, fled to Qi.

Seventeenth year – 695 BC (695 January 17 – 694 January 6, common year)

(經十七·一)十有七年春,正月丙辰,公會齊侯、紀侯,盟于黃。Seventeenth year. In spring, on day Bingchen (53) of the first month (January 29), our lord met with the marquis of Qi and the marquis of Ji. They signed a treaty in Huang.

(經十七·二)二月丙午,公會邾儀父,盟于趡。On day Bingwu (43) of the second month (there was no day bingwu in the second month, but the third day of the third month was one, March 20), our lord met with Yifu of Zhu. They signed a treaty in Cui.

(經十七·三)夏,五月丙午,及齊師戰于奚。In summer, on day Bingwu (43) of the fifth month (May 19), we battled the army of Qi in Xi.

(經十七·四)六月丁丑,蔡侯封人卒。In the sixth month, on day Dingchou (14) (June 19), the marquis of Cai, Fengren, died.

(經十七·五)秋,八月,蔡季自陳歸于蔡。In autumn, in the eighth month, Ji of Cai returned from Chen to Cai.

(經十七·六)癸巳,葬蔡桓侯。On day Guisi (30) (September 3), marquis Huan of Cai was buried.

(經十七·七)及宋人、衛人伐邾。Together with people of Song and Wei, we attacked Zhu.

(經十七·八)冬,十月朔,日有食之。In winter, on the new moon of the tenth month (October 10), there was an eclipse.

Eighteenth year – 694 BC (694 January 7 – 694 December 27, common year)

(經十八·一)十有八年春,王正月,公會齊侯于濼。公與夫人姜氏遂如齊。Eighteenth year, in spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord met with the marquis of Qi in Luo. Our lord and his wife, dame Jiang, therefore went to Qi.

(經十八·二)夏,四月丙子,公薨于齊。In summer, on day Bingzi (13) of the fourth month (April 14), our lord died in Qi.

(經十八·三)丁酉,公之喪至自齊。On day Dingyou (34) (May 5, fifth month), the body of our lord came back from Qi.

(經十八·四)秋,七月。In autumn, during the seventh month.

(經十八·五)冬,十有二月己丑,葬我君桓公。In winter, on day Jichou (26) of the twelfth month (December 23), our lord, duke Huan, was buried.

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