Friday 8 February 2008

Springs and Autumns 3 - Duke Zhuang

莊公 Duke Zhuang

First year – 693 BC (694 December 28 – 693 January 14, leap year)

(經一·一)元年春,王正月。First year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經一·二)三月,夫人孫于齊。In the third month, our Lady took refuge in Qi.

(經一·三)夏,單伯送王姬。In summer, the count of Shan accompanied imperial princess Ji (to Qi)

(經一·四)秋,筑王姬之館于外。In autumn, a residence was built for the imperial princess out of the capital.

(經一·五)冬,十月乙亥,陳侯林卒。In winter, on day Yihai (12) of the tenth month (October 4), the marquis of Chen, Lin, died.

(經一·六)王使榮叔來錫桓公命。The king sent Rong Shu bestow a royal favour upon duke Huan.

(經一·七)王姬歸于齊。The imperial princess returned to Qi.

(經一·八)齊師遷紀郱、鄑、郚。The army of Qi chased the people of Ji out of Ping, Zi and Wu.

Second year – 692 BC (692 January 15 – 693 January 3, common year)

(經二·一)二年春,王二月,葬陳莊公。Second year. In spring, in the second month of the royal calendar, duke Zhuang of Chen was buried.

(經二·二)夏,公子慶父帥師伐於余丘。In summer, prince Qingfu led an army attack Yuyuqiu.

(經二·三)秋,七月,齊王姬卒。In autumn, in the seventh month, the imperial princess of Qi died.

(經二·四)冬,十有二月,夫人姜氏會齊侯于禚。In winter, in the twelfth month , our Lady, dame Jiang, met with the marquis of Qi in Zhuo.

(經二·五)乙酉,宋公馮卒。On day Yiyou (22) (December 8), the duke of Song, Feng, died.

Third year – 691 BC (691 January 4 – 690 January 20, leap year)

(經三·一)三年春,王正月,溺會齊師伐衛。Third year, in spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, Ni joined forces with the army of Qi to attack Wei.

(經三·二)夏,四月,葬宋莊公。In summer, in the fourth month, duke Zhuang of Song was buried.

(經三·三)五月,葬桓王。In the fifth month, King Huan was buried.

(經三·四)秋,紀季以酅入于齊。In autumn , Ji (the youngest prince) of Ji gave Xi to Qi.

(經三·五)冬,公次于滑。In winter, our prince travelled to Hua

Fourth year – 690 BC (690 January 21 – 691 January 11, common year)

(經四·一)四年春,王二月,夫人姜氏享齊侯于祝丘。Fourth year . In spring, in the second month of the royal calendar, our lady, dame Jiang, offered a banquet to the marquis of Qi, in Zhuqiu.

(經四·二)三月,紀伯姬卒。In the third month, Princess Boji of Ji died.

(經四·三)夏,齊侯、陳侯、鄭伯遇于垂。In summer, the marquis of Qi, the marquis of Chen and the count of Zheng met in Chui.

(經四·四)紀侯大去其國。The marquis of Ji abandonned his state.

(經四·五)六月乙丑,齊侯葬紀伯姬。In the sixth month, on day Yichou (2) (July 11), the marquis of Qi made a funeral to princess Boji of Ji.

(經四·六)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month.

(經四·七)冬,公及齊人狩于禚。In winter, our lord and the people of Qi hunted in Zhuo.

Fifth year – 689 BC (689 January 12 – 689 December 30, common year)

(經五·一)五年春,王正月。Fifth year. In spring in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經五·二)夏,夫人姜氏如齊師。In summer, our Lady, Dame Jiang, visited the army of Qi.

(經五·三)秋,郳犁來來朝。In autumn, Lilai of Ni came to our court audience.

(經五·四)冬,公會齊人、宋人、陳人、蔡人伐衛。In winter, our Lord joined the people of Qi, of Song of Chen and of Cai, and attacked Wei.

Sixth year – 688 BC (689 December 31 – 688 December 19, common year)

(經六·一)六年春,王正月,王人子突救衛。Sixth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, Zitu, in the service of the King, rescued Wei.

(經六·二)夏,六月,衛侯朔入于衛。In summer, in the sixth month, the marquis of Wei, Shuo, came back to Wei.

(經六·三)秋,公至自伐衛。In autumn, our lord came back from the campaign against Wei.

(經六·四)螟。We were plagued by insects.

(經六·五)冬,齊人來歸衛俘。In winter, the people of Qi came to offer the treasures and prisonners taken in Wei.

Seventh year – 687 BC (688 December 20 – 686 January 7, leap year)

(經七·一)七年春,夫人姜氏會齊侯于防。Seventh year . In spring, the princess, dame Jiang, met with the marquis of Qi in Fang.

(經七·二)夏,四月辛卯,夜,恒星不見。夜中,星隕如雨。In summer, on day Xinmao (28) of the fourth month (March 23), during the night, the moon and the stars were not to be seen. In the middle of the night, stars fell like rain.

(經七·三)秋,大水。In autumn, there was a flood.

(經七·四)無麥、苗。There was no harvest of wheat, and no other crop.

(經七·五)冬,夫人姜氏會齊侯于穀。In winter, our lady, Dame Jiang, met with the marquis of Qi in Gu.

Eighth year – 686 BC (686 January 8 – 686 December 28, common year)

(經八·一)八年春,王正月,師次于郎,以俟陳人、蔡人。Eighth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the army halted in Lang, where it waited for the people of Chen and Cai.

(經八·二)甲午,治兵。On day Jiawu (31) (January 20), the troops exercised.

(經八·三)夏,師及齊師圍郕。郕降于齊師。In summer, our troops, together with the army of Qi, besieged Cheng, which surrendered to the host of Qi.

(經八·四)秋,師還。In autumn, the army came back.

(經八·五)冬,十有一月癸未,齊無知弒其君諸兒。In winter, on day Guiwei (20) of the eleventh month (November 5), Wuzhi of Qi killed his lord, Zhu’er.

Ninth year – 685 BC (686 December 29 - 684 January 15, leap year)

(經九·一)九年春,齊人殺無知。Ninth year. In spring, the people of Qi killed Wuzhi.

(經九·二)公及齊大夫盟于蔇。Our prince and the dignitaries of Qi signed a treaty in Ji.

(經九·三)夏,公伐齊,納子糾。齊小白入于齊。In summer, our lord attacked Qi, and introduced Zijiu. Xiaobai of Qi came back to Qi.

(經九·四)秋,七月丁酉,葬齊襄公。In autumn, on day Dingyou (34) of the seventh month (July 14), Duke Xiang of Qi was buried.

(經九·五)八月庚申,及齊師戰于乾時,我師敗績。On day Gengshen (57) of the eighth month (August 8), we battled the army of Qi in Ganshi. Our soldiers were badly defeated.

(經九·六)九月,齊人取子糾殺之。In the ninth month, the people of Qi captured Zijui and killed him.

(經九·七)冬,浚洙。In winter, the river Zhu was dredged.

Tenth year – 684 BC (684 January 16 – 685 February 3, leap year)

(經十·一)十年春,王正月,公敗齊師于長勺。Tenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our prince defeated the army of Qi in Changshao.

(經十·二)二月,公侵宋。In the second month, our prince invaded Song.

(經十·三)三月,宋人遷宿。In the third month, the people of Song expelled the inhabitants of Su.

(經十·四)夏,六月,齊師、宋師次于郎。公敗宋師于乘丘。In summer, in the sixth month, the armies of Qi and Song halted in Lang. Our prince defeated the army of Song in Chengqiu.

(經十·五)秋,九月,荊敗蔡師于莘,以蔡侯獻舞歸。In autumn, in the ninth month, Jing defeated the army of Cai in Xin. They captured the marquis of Cai, Xianwu, and returned.

(經十·六)冬,十月,齊師滅譚。譚子奔莒。In winter, in the tenth month, the army of Qi destroyed Tan. The viscount of Tan fled to Ju.

Eleventh year – 683 BC (683 February 4 – 682 January 23, common year)

(經十一·一)十有一年春,王正月。Eleventh year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經十一·二)夏,五月戊寅,公敗宋師于鄑。In summer, on day Wuyin (15) of the fifth month (June 16), our lord defeated the army of Song in Zi.

(經十一·三)秋,宋大水。In autumn, there were floods in Song.

(經十一·四)冬,王姬歸于齊。In winter, an imperial princess went to Qi to be married.

Twelfth year – 682 BC (682 January 24 – 681 January 12, common year)

(經十二·一)十有二年春,王三月,紀叔姬歸于酅。Twelfth year. In spring, in the third month of the royal calendar, princess Shuji of Ji was married in Xi.

(經十二·二)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month.

(經十二·三)秋,八月甲午,宋萬弒其君捷及其大夫仇牧。In autumn, on day Jiawu (31) of the eighth month (August 27), Wang of Song killed his lord, Jie, and his minister, Choumu.

(經十二·四)冬,十月,宋萬出奔陳。In winter, in the tenth month, Wan of Song left the country, and fled to Chen.

Thirteenth year – 681 BC (681 January 13 – 681 December 31, common year)

(經十三·一)十有三年春,齊侯、宋人、陳人、蔡人、邾人會于北杏。Thirteenth year. In spring, the marquis of Qi and people of Song, of Chen, of Cai and of Zhu met in Beixing.

(經十三·二)夏,六月,齊人滅遂。In summer, in the sixth month, the people of Qi destroyed Sui.

(經十三·三)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month.

(經十三·四)冬,公會齊侯盟于柯。In winter, our lord met the marquis of Qi in Ke, they signed a treaty.

Fourteenth year – 680 BC (680 January 1 – 679 January 19, leap year)

(經十四·一)十有四年春,齊人、陳人、曹人伐宋。Fourteenth year. In spring, the people of Qi, of Chen and of Cao attacked Song.

(經十四·二)夏,單伯會伐宋。In summer, the count of Shan joined them and attacked Song.

(經十四·三)秋,七月,荊入蔡。In autumn, in the seventh month, Jing invaded Cai.

(經十四·四)冬,單伯會齊侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯于鄄。In winter, the count of Shan met with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei and the count of Zheng in Juan.

Fifteenth year – 679 BC (679 January 20 – 678 January 9, common year)

(經十五·一)十有五年春,齊侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、鄭伯會于鄄。Fifteenth year. In spring, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei and the count of Zheng met in Juan.

(經十五·二)夏,夫人姜氏如齊。In summer, our lady, dame Jiang, went to Qi.

(經十五·三)秋,宋人、齊人、邾人伐郳。In autumn, the people of Song, of Qi and of Zhu attacked Ni.

(經十五·四)鄭人侵宋。The people of Zheng invaded Song.

(經十五·五)冬,十月。In december, in the tenth month.

Sixteenth year – 678 BC (678 January 10 – 678 December 29, common year)

(經十六·一)十有六年春,王正月。Sixteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經十六·二)夏,宋人、齊人、衛人伐鄭。In summer, the people of Song, of Qi and of Wei attacked Zheng.

(經十六·三)秋,荊伐鄭。In autumn, Jing attacked Zheng.

(經十六·四)冬,十有二月,會齊侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、鄭伯、許男、滑伯、滕子同盟于幽。In winter, in the twelfth month, our lord met with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the baronet of Xu, the count of Hua and the viscount of Teng, in You. A collective treaty was signed.

(經十六·五)邾子克卒。The viscount of Zhu, Ke, died.

Seventeenth year – 677 BC (678 December 30 – 676 January 16, leap year)

(經十七·一)十有七年春,齊人執鄭詹。Seventeenth year. In spring, the people of Qi arrested Zhan of Zheng.

(經十七·二)夏,齊人殲于遂。In summer, soldiers of Qi were killed in Sui.

(經十七·三)秋,鄭詹自齊逃來。In autumn, Zhan of Zheng fled from Qi to Lu.

(經十七·四)冬,多麋。In winter, there were many elks.

Eighteenth year – 676 BC (676 January 17 - 675 January 6, common year)

(經十八·一)十有八年春,王三月,日有食之。Eighteenth year. In spring, in the third month of the royal calendar, the sun was eclipsed. (April 15, last day of the third month)

(經十八·二)夏,公追戎于濟西。In summer, our lord chased the Rongs to the west of the Ji

(經十八·三)秋,有蜮。In autumn, turtles with three feet were seen.

(經十八·四)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.

Nineteenth year - 675 BC (675 January 7 - 674 January 25, leap year, see below)

(經十九·一)十有九年春,王正月。Ninteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經十九·二)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month.

(經十九·三)秋,公子結媵陳人之婦于鄄,遂及齊侯、宋公盟。In autumn, prince Jie accompanied the bride of the ruler of Chen to Juan. Then, he went on to sign a treaty with the marquis of Qi and the duke of Song.

(經十九·四)夫人姜氏如莒。Our Lady, dame Jiang, went to Ju.

(經十九·五)冬,齊人、宋人、陳人伐我西鄙。In winter, the people of Qi, of Song and of Chen attacked our western border.

Twentieth year – 674 BC (674 January 26 – 673 January 14, common year (or leap starting on December 27… date of the solstice)

(經二十·一)二十年春,王二月,夫人姜氏如莒。Twentieth year. In spring, in the second month of the royal calendar, our lady, dame Jiang went to Ju.

(經二十·二)夏,齊大災。In summer, Qi endured great calamities.

(經二十·三)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month.

(經二十·四)冬,齊人伐戎。In winter, the people of Qi attacked the Rong.

Twenty first year – 673 BC (673 January 15 – 672 January 2, common year)

(經二一·一)二十有一年春,王正月。Twenty first year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經二一·二)夏,五月辛酉,鄭伯突卒。In summer, on day Xinyou (58) of the fifth month (June 7), the duke of Zheng, Tu, died.

(經二一·三)秋,七月戊戌,夫人姜氏薨。In autumn, on day Wuxu (35) of the seventh month (July 14), our lady, dame Jiang, died.

(經二一·四)冬,十有二月,葬鄭厲公。In winter, in the twelfth month, duke Li of Zheng was buried.

Twenty second year – 672 BC (672 January 3 – 671 January 21, leap year)

(經二二·一)二十有二年春,王正月,肆大眚。Twenty second year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our prince proclaimed a large amnesty for unvoluntary crimes.

(經二二·二)癸醜,葬我小君文姜。On day Guichou (50) (January 25), our lady, Wenjiang, was buried.

(經二二·三)陳人殺其公子御寇。The people of Chen killed their prince, Yukou.

(經二二·四)夏,五月。In summer, in the fifth month.

(經二二·五)秋,七月丙申,及齊高傒盟于防。In autumn, on day Bingshen (33) of the seventh month (July 7), a treaty was signed in Fang with Gaoxi of Qi.

(經二二·六)冬,公如齊納幣。In winter, our lord went to Qi, to offer rich presents.

Twenty third year – 671 BC (671 January 22 – 670 January 10, common year)

(經二三·一)二十有三年春,公至自齊。Twenty third year. In spring, our lord returned from Qi.

(經二三·二)祭叔來聘。Shu of Ji came on embassy.

(經二三·三)夏,公如齊觀社。In summer, our lord went to Qi to attend the sacrifice to earth.

(經二三·四)公至自齊。Our lord returned from Qi.

(經二三·五)荊人來聘。People from Jing came on embassy.

(經二三·六)公及齊侯遇于穀。Our lord met with the marquis of Qi in Gu.

(經二三·七)蕭叔朝公。Shu of Xiao paid a visit to our lord.

(經二三·八)秋,丹桓宮楹。In autumn, the pillars of the temple of duke Huan were painted red.

(經二三·九)冬,十有一月,曹伯射姑卒。In winter, in the eleventh month, the count of Cao, Shegu, died.

(經二三·十)十有二月甲寅,公會齊侯盟于扈。In the twelfth month, on day Jiayin (51), our prince met with the marquis of Qi and signed a treaty in Hu. (17/11/671)

Twenty fourth year – 670 BC (670 January 11 – 670 Decemebr 31, common year)

(經二四·一)二十有四年春,王三月,刻桓宮桷。Twenty fourth year. In spring, in the third month of the royal calendar, the rafters of the temple of duke Huan were carved.

(經二四·二)葬曹莊公。Duke Zhuang of Cao was buried.

(經二四·三)夏,公如齊逆女。In summer, our lord went to Qi to greet his wife.

(經二四·四)秋,公至自齊。In autumn, our lord returned from Qi.

(經二四·五)八月丁丑,夫人姜氏入。On day Dingchou (14) of the eighth month (August 7), our lady, dame Jiang arrived.

(經二四·六)戊寅,大夫宗婦覿,用幣。On day Wuyin (15) (August 8), dignitaries and women of the ducal house visited our lady, and offered presents.

(經二四·七)大水。There was a flood.

(經二四·八)冬,戎侵曹。In winter, the Rongs invaded Cao.

(經二四·九)曹羈出奔陳。Ji of Cao fled to Chen.

(經二四·十)赤歸于曹。Chi returned to Cao.

(經二四·十一)郭公。The prince of Guo.

Twenty fifth year – 669 BC (669 January 1 – 669 December 19, common year)

(經二五·一)二十有五年春,陳侯使女叔來聘。Twenty fifth year. In spring, the marquis of Chen sent Nu Shu on an embassy.

(經二五·二)夏,五月癸醜,衛侯朔卒。In summer, on day Guichou (50) of the fifth month (May 9), the marquis of Wei, Shuo, died.

(經二五·三)六月辛末朔,日有食之,鼓、用牲于社。On day Xinwei (8) of the sixth month, a new moon, the sun was eclipsed (May 27). Drums were beaten and oxen sacrificed on the land altar.

(經二五·四)伯姬歸于杞。Princess Boji was sent to Qi.

(經二五·五)秋,大水,鼓、用牲于社、于門。In autumn, there was a flood. Drums were beaten and oxen sacrificed on the land altar and at the doors.

(經二五·六)冬,公子友如陳。In winter, prince You went to Chen .

Twenty sixth year – 668 BC (669 December 20 – 667 January 7, leap year)

(經二六·一)二十有六年春,公伐戎。Twenty sixth year. In spring, our lord attacked the Rong.

(經二六·二)夏,公至自伐戎。In summer, our lord returned from his campaign against the Rong.

(經二六·三)曹殺其大夫。The prince of Cao had his minister executed.

(經二六·四)秋,公會宋人、齊人伐徐。In autumn, our lord, together with the people of Song and Qi, attacked Xu.

(經二六·五)冬,十有二月癸亥朔,日有食之。In winter, on day Guihai (60) of the twelfth month (November 10), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

Twenty seventh year – 667 BC (667 January 8 – 667 December 28, common year)

(經二七·一)二十有七年春,公會杞伯姬于洮。Twenty seventh year. In spring, our lord met Princess Boji of Qi in Tao.

(經二七·二)夏,六月,公會齊侯、宋公、陳侯、鄭伯同盟于幽。In summer, in the sixth month, our lord met with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen and the count of Zheng. They signed a collective treaty in You.

(經二七·三)秋,公子友如陳,葬原仲。In autumn, prince You went to Chen, to attend the funeral of Yuanzhong.

(經二七·四)冬,杞伯姬來。In winter, Princess Boji of Qi came to Lu.

(經二七·五)莒慶來逆叔姬。Qing of Ju came to greet princess Shuji.

(經二七·六)杞伯來朝。The count of Qi came to our court audience.

(經二七·七)公會齊侯于城濮。Our lord met with the marquis of Qi in Chengpu.

Twenty eighth year – 666 BC (667 December 29 – 665 January 14, leap year)

(經二八·一)二十有八年春,王三月甲寅,齊人伐衛。衛人及齊人戰,衛人敗績。Twenty eighth year . In spring, on day Jiayin (51) of the third month of the royal calendar (February 24, end of the second month), the people of Qi attacked Wei. The soldiers of Wei battled those of Qi and Wei was severely defeated.

(經二八·二)夏,四月丁未,邾子瑣卒。In summer, on day Dingwei (44) of the fourth month (April 18), the viscount of Zhu, Suo, died.

(經二八·三)秋,荊伐鄭,公會齊人、宋人救鄭。In autumn, Jing attacked Zheng. Our lord, together with people of Qi and of Song, rescued Zheng.

(經二八·四)冬,筑郿。In winter, we fortified Mei.

(經二八·五)大無麥、禾,臧孫辰告糴于齊。There was a very bad harvest of wheat and other cereals. Zangsun Chen begged Qi to sell his grains.

Twenty ninth year – 665 BC (665 January 17 – 664 January 4, common year)

(經二九·一)二十有九年春,新延廄。Twenty ninth year. In spring, the horse stables of Yan were rebuilt.

(經二九·二)夏,鄭人侵許。In summer, the people of Zheng invaded Xu.

(經二九·三)秋,有蜚。In autumn, there were moths.

(經二九·四)冬,十有二月,紀叔姬卒。In winter, in the twelfth month, dame Shuji of Ji died.

(經二九·五)城諸及防。We fortified Zhu and Fang.

Thirtieth year – 664 BC (664 January 5 - 663 January 23, leap year)

(經三十·一)三十年春,王正月。Thirtieth year , in spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經三十·二)夏,次于成。In summer, the army was encamped in Cheng.

(經三十·三)秋,七月,齊人降鄣。In autumn, the seventh month, the people of Qi submitted Zhang.

(經三十·四)八月癸亥,葬紀叔姬。In the eighth month, on day Guihai (60) (August 21), Princess Shuji of Ji was buried.

(經三十·五)九月庚午朔,日有食之,鼓、用牲于社。On day Gengwu (7) of the ninth month (August 28), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed. The drum was beaten, and oxen were sacrificed on the altar of soil.

(經三十·六)冬,公及齊侯遇于魯濟。In winter, our prince and the marquis of Qi had a meeting in Ji, in Lu.

(經三十·七)齊人伐山戎。The people of Qi made war to the Mountain Rongs.

Thirty first year – 663 BC (663 January 24 – 662 January 12, common year)

(經三一·一)三十有一年春,筑臺于郎。Thirty first year, in spring, a watchtower was built in Lang.

(經三一·二)夏,四月,薛伯卒。In summer, in the fourth month, the count of Xie died.

(經三一·三)筑臺于薛。A tower was built in Xie.

(經三一·四)六月,齊侯來獻戎捷。In the sixth month, the marquis of Qi came to offer the spoils of his campaign against the Rong.

(經三一·五)秋,筑臺于秦。In autumn, a watchtower was built in Qin.

(經三一·六)冬,不雨。In winter, there was no rain.

Thirty second year – 662 BC (662 January 13 - 661 January 1, common year)

(經三二·一)三十有二年春,城小穀。Thirty second year. In spring, we fortified, Xiaogu.

(經三二·二)夏,宋公,齊侯遇于梁丘。In summer, the duke of Song and the marquis of Qi had a meeting in Liangqiu.

(經三二·三)秋,七月癸巳,公子牙卒。In autumn, on day Guisi (30) of the seventh month (July 12), prince Ya died.

(經三二·四)八月癸亥,公薨于路寢。On day guihai (60) of the eighth month (August 11), our lord passed away in his main appartments.

(經三二·五)冬,十月己未,子般卒。In winter, on day jiwei (56) of the tenth month (October 6), Ziban died.

(經三二·六)公子慶父如齊。Prince Qingfu went to Qi.

(經三二·七)狄伐邢。The Di attacked Xing.

1 comment:

Zoe said...

Grateful for sharing thhis