Friday, 8 February 2008

Springs and Autumns 12 - Duke Ai

Duke Ai 哀公

First year – 494 BC (495 December 17 - 494 December 5, common year)

(經一·一)元年 春,王正月,公即位。First year, in spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord was crowned .

(經一·二)楚子、陳侯、隨侯、許男圍蔡。The viscount of Chu, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Sui and the baronet of Xu besieged the capital of Cai.

(經一·三)鼷鼠食郊牛,改卜牛。夏,四月辛巳,郊。A small rat ate the horns of the ox meant for the sacrifice to earth.Another ox had to be found by augurs. In summer, on day Xinsi (18) of the fourth month (March 20), the sacrifice was conducted.

(經一·四)秋,齊侯、衛侯伐晉。In autumn, the marquis of Qi and the marquis of Wei attacked Jin.

(經一·五)冬,仲孫何忌帥師伐邾。In winter, prince Heji, the second grandson, led an army attack Zhu.

Second year – 493 BC (494 December 6 – 493 December 23, leap year)

(經二·一)二年 春,王二月,季孫斯、叔孫州仇、仲孫何忌帥師伐邾,取漷東田及沂西田。癸巳,叔孫州仇、仲孫何忌及邾子盟于句繹。Second year. In spring, in the second month of the royal calendar, prince Si, the fourth grandson, prince Zouchou, the third grandson, and prince Heji, the second gradnson, led an army to attack Zhu. They took the territories east of the Kuo river, and those west of the Yi river. On day Guisi (30) (January 26), prince Zhouchou and prince Heji signed a treaty with the viscount of Zhu, in Juyi.

(經二·二)夏,四月丙子,衛侯元卒。In summer, on day Bingzi (13) of the fourth month (March 9), the marquis of Wei, Yuan, died.

(經二·三)滕子來朝。The viscount of Teng came to our court audiences.

(經二·四)晉趙鞅帥師納衛世子蒯聵于戚。Zhang Yang of Jin, leading an army, captured the heir of Wei, prince Kuaikui, in Qi.

(經二·五)秋,八月甲戌,晉趙鞅帥師及鄭罕達帥師戰于鐵。鄭師敗績。In autumn, on day Jiaxu (11) of the eighth month (July 5), an army led Zhao Yang of Jin battled one led by Han Da of Zheng in Tie. The army of Zheng was defeated.

(經二·六)冬,十月,葬衛靈公。In winter, in the tenth month, duke Ling of Wei was buried.

(經二·七)十有一月,蔡遷于州來。蔡殺其大夫公子駟。In the eleventh month, the prince of Cai moved his capital to Zhoulai. He then executed his minister, prince Si.

Third year – 492 BC (493 December 24 - 492 December 13, common year)

(經三·一)三年春,齊國夏、衛石曼姑帥師圍戚。Third year. In spring, Guo Xia of Qi and Shi Mangu of Wei lead an army besiege Qi.

(經三·二)夏,四月甲午,地震。In summer, on day Jiawu (31) of the fourth month (March 22, first day of the month), there was an earthquake.

(經三·三)五月辛卯,桓宮、僖宮災。On day Xinmao (28) of the fifth month (May 18), the ancestral temples of duke Huan and duke Xi were burnt.

(經三·四)季孫斯、叔孫州仇帥師城啟陽。Prince Si, the fourth grandson, and prince Zhouchou, the third grandson, led an army defend Qiyang.

(經三·五)宋樂髡帥師伐曹。Yue Kun of Song led an army attack Cao.

(經三·六)秋,七月丙子,季孫斯卒。In autumn, on day Bingzi (13) of the seventh month (July 2), prince Si, the fourth grandson, died.

(經三·七)蔡人放其大夫公孫獵于吳。The people of Cai deported their minister, prince Lie, to Wu.

(經三·八)冬,十月癸卯,秦伯卒。In winter, on day Guimao (40) of the tenth month (September 27), the count of Qin died.

(經三·九)叔孫州仇、仲孫何忌帥師圍邾。Prince Zhouchou, the third grandson, and prince Heji, the second grandson, led an army besiege Zhu.

Fourth year – 491 BC (492 December 14 - 491 December 2, common year)

(經四·一)四年 春,王二月庚戌,盜殺蔡侯申。Fourth year. In spring, on day Gengxu (47) of the second month of the royal calendar (February 1), bandits killed the marquis of Cai, Shen.

(經四·二)蔡公孫辰出奔吳。Prince Chen of Cai left his country and fled to Wu.

(經四·三)葬秦惠公。Duke Hui of Qin was buried.

(經四·四)宋人執小邾子。The people of Song arrested the viscount of Little Zhu.

(經四·五)夏,蔡殺其大夫公孫姓、公孫霍。In summer, the prince of Cai executed his ministers, prince Xiang and prince Huo.

(經四·六)晉人執戎蠻子赤歸于楚。The people of Jin captured the prince of the Rongman, Chi, in Chu.

(經四·七)城西郛。We fortified our western border.

(經四·八)六月辛丑,亳社災。On day Xinchou (38) of the sixth month (May 23), the altar of earth of Bo burned down.

(經四·九)秋,八月甲寅,滕子結卒。In autumn, on day Jiayin (51) of the eighth month (August 4), the viscount of Teng, Jie, died.

(經四·十)冬,十有二月,葬蔡昭公。In winter, in the twelfth month, duke Zhao of Cai was buried.

(經四·十一)葬滕頃公。Duke Qing of Teng was buried.

Fifth year – 490 BC (491 December 3 - 490 December 19, leap year, this is one of the two places in the entire chronicle where the presence of an intercalary month is mentioned, note that it seems to happen, in both cases, at the end of the year)

(經五·一)五年 春,城毗。Fifth year. In spring, we fortified Pi.

(經五·二)夏,齊侯伐宋。In summer, the marquis of Qi attacked Song.

(經五·三)晉趙鞅帥師伐衛。Zhang Yang of Jin led an army attack Wei.

(經五·四)秋,九月癸酉,齊侯杵臼卒。In autumn, on day Guiyou (10) of the ninth month (August 18), the marquis of Qi, Chujiu, died.

(經五·五)冬,叔還如齊。In winter, Shu Huan went to Qi.

(經五·六)閏月,葬齊景公。In the intercalary month, duke Jing of Qi was buried.

Sixth year – 489 BC (490 December 22 - 489 December 9, common year)

(經六·一)六年 春,城邾瑕。Sixth year. In spring, we fortified Zhuxia.

(經六·二)晉趙鞅帥師伐鮮虞。Zhao Yang of Jin led an army attack the Xianyu.

(經六·三)吳伐陳。The prince of Wu attacked Chen.

(經六·四)夏,齊國夏及高張來奔。In summer, Guo Xia and Gao Zhang of Qi came to Lu, fleeing.

(經六·五)叔還會吳于柤。Shu Huan met the prince of Wu in Zha.

(經六·六)秋,七月庚寅,楚子軫卒。In autumn, on day Gengyin (27) of the seventh month (June 30), the viscount of Chu , Zhen, died.

(經六·七)齊陽生入于齊。Yazngsheng of Qi was brought back to Qi.

(經六·八)齊陳乞弒其君荼。Chen Qi of Qi assassinated his lord, Tu.

(經六·九)冬,仲孫何忌帥師伐邾。In winter, prince Heji, the second grandson, led an army attack Zhu.

(經六·十)宋向巢帥師伐曹。Xiang Chao of Song led an army attack Cao.

Seventh year – 488 BC (489 December 10 - 488 December 28, leap year, see note below, though)

(經七·一)七年 春,宋皇瑗帥師侵鄭。Seventh year. In spring, Huan Yuan of Song led an army invade Zheng.

(經七·二)晉魏曼多帥師侵衛。Wei Manduo of Jin led an army invade Wei.

(經七·三)夏,公會吳于鄫。In summer, our lord met with the prince of Wu in Ceng.

(經七·四)秋,公伐邾。八月己酉,入邾,以邾子益來。In autumn, our lord attacked Zhu. On day Jiyou (46) of the eighth month (July 18), he entered the capital of Zhu, and took the viscount of Zhu, Yi, back to Lu.

(經七·五)宋人圍曹。The people of Song besieged the capital of Cao .

(經七·六)冬,鄭駟弘帥師救曹。In winter, Si Hong of Zheng led an army rescue Cao.

Eighth year – 487 BC (488 December 29 – 487 December 17, common year. This year begins after the winter solstice, it should normally be a leap year, but the indication of day Guihai in the twelfth month seems to show the contrary, unless the intercalary month is not at the end, a fact which seems to be invalidated by the rest of the text, or it was referred to as the twelfth month)

(經八·一)八年 春,王正月,宋公入曹,以曹伯陽歸。Eighth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the duke of Song invaded Cao. He captured the count of Cao, Yang, and brought him back to Song.

(經八·二)吳伐我。The prince of Wu attacked us .

(經八·三)夏,齊人取讙及闡。In summer, the people of Qi took Huan and Chan.

(經八·四)歸邾子益于邾。The viscount of Zhu, Yi, returned to Zhu.

(經八·五)秋,七月。In autumn, the seventh month.

(經八·六)冬,十有二月癸亥,杞伯過卒。In winter, on day Guihai (60) of the twelfth month (November 20), the count of Qi(3), Guo, died.

(經八·七)齊人歸讙及闡。The people of Qi returned Huan and Chan.

Ninth year - 486 BC (487 December 18 - 486 December 6, common year)

(經九·一)九年 春,王二月,葬杞僖公。Ninth year. In spring, in the second month of the royal calendar, duke Xi of Qi(3) was buried.

(經九·二)宋皇瑗帥師取鄭師于雍丘。Huang Yuan of Song, leading an army, captured the soldiers of Zheng in Yongqiu.

(經九·三)夏,楚人伐陳。In summer, the people of Chu attacked Chen.

(經九·四)秋,宋公伐鄭。In autumn, the duke of Song attacked Zheng .

(經九·五)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.

Tenth year – 485 BC (486 December 7 - 485 December 24, leap year)

(經十·一)十年 春,王二月,邾子益來奔。Tenth year. In spring, in the second month of the royal calendar, the viscount of Zhu, Yi, came to Lu, fleeing.

(經十·二)公會吳伐齊。Our lord joined forces with Wu to attack Qi.

(經十·三)三月戊戌,齊侯陽生卒。On day Wuxu of the third month (35) (February 18), the marquis of Qi, Yangsheng, died.

(經十·四)夏,宋人伐鄭。In summer, the people of Song attacked Zheng.

(經十·五)晉趙鞅帥師侵齊。Zhao Yang of Jin led an army invade Qi.

(經十·六)五月,公至自伐齊。In the fifth month, our lord returned from his campaign against Qi.

(經十·七)葬齊悼公。Duke Dao of Qi was buried.

(經十·八)衛公孟彄自齊歸于衛。Prince Kou of Wei returned from Qi to Wei.

(經十·九)薛伯夷卒。The count of Xie, Yi, died.

(經十·十)秋,葬薛惠公。In autumn, duke Hui of Xie was buried.

(經十·十一)冬,楚公子結帥師伐陳。In winter, prince Jie of Chu led an army to attack Chen.

(經十·十二)吳救陳。The prince of Wu rescued Chen.

Eleventh year – 484 BC (485 December 25 - 484 December 14, common year)

(經十一·一)十有一年 春,齊國書帥師伐我。Eleventh year. In spring, Guo Shu of Qi led an army attack us.

(經十一·二)夏,陳轅頗出奔鄭。In summer, Yuan Po of Chen left his country and fled to Zheng.

(經十一·三)五月,公會吳伐齊。甲戌,齊國書帥師及吳戰于艾陵,齊師敗績,獲齊國書。In the fifth month, our lord, together with the prince of Wu, attacked Qi. On day Jiaxu (11) (May 19), the army led by Guo Shu of Qi fought a battle with the prince of Wu in Ailing. The army of Qi was defeated, and Guo Shu of Qi was captured.

(經十一·四)秋,七月辛酉,滕子虞毋卒。In autumn, on day Xinyou (58) of the seventh month (July 5), the viscount of Teng, Yuwu, died.

(經十一·五)冬,十有一月,葬滕隱公。In winter, in the eleventh month, duke Yin of Teng was buried.

(經十一·六)衛世叔齊出奔宋。Prince Shuqi of Wei left his country and fled to Song.

Twelfth year – 483 BC (484 December 15 - 483 December 4, common year, following the text, this one could as well be a leap year, in which case the following one would be common, see the discussion below)

(經十二·一)十有二年春,用田賦。Twelfth year. In spring, contributions were one fu (one horse and three oxen) per field (square league).

(經十二·二)夏,五月甲辰,孟子 卒。In summer, on day Jiachen (41) of the fifth month (April 14), our lady Mengzi, died.

(經十二·三)公會吳于橐皋。Our lord met with the prince of Wu in Tuogao.

(經十二·四)秋,公會衛侯、宋皇瑗于鄖。In autumn, our lord met with the marquis of Wei and Huang Yuan of Song in Yun.

(經十二·五)宋向巢帥師伐鄭。Xiang Chao of Song led an army attack Zheng.

(經十二·六)冬,十有二月,螽。In winter, in the twelfth month, there were locusts.

Thirteenth year – 482 BC (483 December 5 - 482 December 23, the text of the Annals cannot guarantee this is a leap year. Yet, from the date of the solstice, it should be one, and the Zuozhuan, commenting on the fall of Wu, gives additional dates (days Bingzi (13), Yiyou (22) and Dinghai (24), in the sixth month, and Xinchou (38), in the seventh, which all are possible is the year is leap. Therefore, it seems legitimate to assume a leap year here)

(經十三·一)十有三年 春,鄭罕達帥師取宋師于嵒。Thirteenth year. In spring, Han Da of Zheng captured the army of Song in Yan.

(經十三·二)夏,許男成卒。In summer, the baronet of Xu, Cheng, died.

(經十三·三)公會晉侯及吳子于黃池。Our lord met with the marquis of Jin and the viscount of Wu in Huangchi.

(經十三·四)楚公子申帥師伐陳。Prince Shen of Chu led an army attack Chen.

(經十三·五)於越入吳。The Yuyue entered the capital of Wu.

(經十三·六)秋,公至自會。In autumn, our lord came back from the conference.

(經十三·七)晉魏曼多帥師侵衛。Wei Manduo of Jin led an army invade Wei.

(經十三·八)葬許元公。Duke Yuan of Xu was buried.

(經十三·九)九月,螽。In the ninth month, there were locusts.

(經十三·十)冬,十有一月,有星孛于東方。In winter, in the eleventh month, a comet was seen in the Eastern Square.

(經十三·一一)盜殺陳夏區夫。Bandits killed Xia Qufu of Chen.

(經十三·十二)十有二月,螽。In the twelfth month, there were locusts.

Fourteenth year – 481 BC (482 December 24 – 481 December 11, common year)

(經十四·一)十有四年春,西狩獲麟。Fourteenth year. In spring, during a hunt in the west, an unicorn was captured.

(經十四·二)小邾射以句繹來奔。Prince She of the Little Zhu came to Lu, fleeing, because of Juyi.

(經十四·三)夏,四月,齊陳恒執其君,寘于舒州。In summer, in the fourth month, Chen Heng of Qi arrested his lord, and banned him is Shuzhou.

(經十四·四)庚戌,叔還卒。On day Gengxu (47) (April 9), Shu Huan died.

(經十四·五)五月庚申朔,日有食之。On day Gengshen (57) of the fifth month (April 19), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

(經十四·六)陳宗豎出奔楚。Zong Shu of Chen left his country and fled to Chu.

(經十四·七)宋向魋入于曹以叛。Xiang Tui of Song invaded Cao and started a rebellion.

(經十四·八)莒子狅卒。The viscount of Ju, Qing, died.

(經十四·九)六月,宋向魋自曹出奔衛。In the sixth month, Xiang Tui of Song left Cao and fled to Wei.

(經十四·十)宋向巢來奔。Xiang Chao of Song came to Lu, fleeing.

(經十四·十一)齊人弒其君壬于舒州。The people of Qi killed their lord, Ren, in Shuzhou.

(經十四·十二)秋,晉趙鞅帥師伐衛。In autumn, Zhao Yang of Jin led an army attack Wei.

(經十四·十三)八月辛丑,仲孫何忌卒。On day Xinchou (38) of the eighth month (July 27), Heji, the second grandson, died.

(經十四·十四)冬,陳宗豎自楚復入于陳,陳人殺之。In winter, Zong Shu of Chen returned from Chu to Chen. People of Chen had him executed.

(經十四·十五)陳轅買出奔楚。Yuan Mai of Chen left his country and fled to Chu.

(經十四·十六)有星孛。A comet was seen.

(經十四·十七)饑。There was famine.

Fifteenth year – 480 BC (481 December 12 - 480 November 30, common year)

(經十五·一)十有五年春王正月,成叛。Fifteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, Chen rebelled.

(經十五·二)夏,五月,齊高無丕出奔北燕。In summer, in the fifth month, Gao Wupi of Qi left his country and fled to the northern Yan.

(經十五·三)鄭伯伐宋。The count of Zheng attacked Song.

(經十五·四)秋,八月,大雩。In autumn, in the eighth month, there was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經十五·五)晉趙鞅帥師伐衛。Zhao Yang of Jin led an army attack Wei .

(經十五·六)冬,晉侯伐鄭。In winter, the marquis of Jin attacked Zheng.

(經十五·七)及齊平。We made peace with Qi.

(經十五·八)衛公孟彄出奔齊。Prince Kuo of Wei left his his country and fled to Qi.

Sixteenth year – 479 BC (480 December 1 – 479 December 19, should be a leap year)

(經十六·一)十有六年春,王正月己卯,衛世子蒯聵自戚入于衛,衛侯輒來奔。Sixteenth year. In spring, on day Jimao (16) of the first month of the royal calendar (December 29, 480 BC), the heir apparent of Wei, Kuaikui, returned to Wei from Qi. The marquis of Wei, Zhe, came to Lu, fleeing.

(經十六·二)二月,衛子還成出奔宋。In the second month, the prince of Wei, Huancheng, left his country and fled to Song.

(經十六·三)夏,四月己丑,孔丘卒。In summer, on day Jichou (26) of the fourth month (March 9) Confucius died.

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