Duke Ding 定公
First year – 509 BC (510 December 3 - 509 November 21, common year)
(經一·一) 元年,春王。First year . In spring of the royal calendar.
(經一·二)三月,晉人執宋仲幾于京師。In the third month, the people of Jin captured Zhongji of Song in the royal capital.
(經一·三)夏,六月癸亥,公之喪至自乾侯。In summer, on day Guihai (60) of the sixth month (May 19), the body of our late lord returned from Ganhou.
(經一·四)戊辰,公即位。On day Wuchen (5) (May 24), our new lord was enthroned.
(經一·五)秋,七月癸巳,葬我君昭公。In autumn, on day Guisi (30) of the seventh month (June 18), our lord, duke Zhao, was buried.
(經一·六)九月,大雩。In the ninth month, there was a great sacrifice for rain.
(經一·七)立煬宮。The ancestral temple of Duke Fan was rebuilt.
(經一·八)冬,十月,隕霜殺菽。In winter, in the tenth month, there was frost, which destroyed the crop of beans.
Second year – 508 BC (509 November 22 - 508 December 10, leap year)
(經二·一)二年 春,王正月。Second year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.
(經二·二)夏,五月壬辰,雉門及兩觀災。In autumn, on day Renchen (29) of the fifth month (April 13), fire caught on the Pheasant Door of the Palace, and in its two watchtowers.
(經二·三)秋,楚人伐吳。In autumn, the people of Chu attacked Wu.
(經二·四)冬,十月,新作雉門及兩觀。In winter, in the tenth month, the Pheasant Door and the two watchtowers were rebuilt.
Third year – 507 BC (508 December 11 – 507 December 29, leap year, see below)
(經三·一)三年 春,王正月,公如晉,至河,乃復。Third year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord went to Jin. As he reached the Yellow River, he turned back.
(經三·二)二月辛卯,邾子穿卒。On day Xinmao (28) of the second month (February 6), the viscount of Zhu, Chuan, died.
(經三·三)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month.
(經三·四)秋,葬邾莊公。In autumn, duke Zhuang of Zhu was buried.
(經三·五)冬,仲孫何忌及邾子盟于拔。In winter, prince Heji, the second grandson, and the viscount of Zhu, signed a treaty in Ba.
Fourth year – 506 BC (507 December 30 - 506 December 18, common year, this year starts after the solstice)
(經四·一)四年 春,王二月癸巳,陳侯吳卒。Fourth year. In spring, on day Guisi (30) of the second month of the royal calendar (February 3), the marquis of Chen, Wu, died.
(經四·二)三月,公會劉子、晉侯、宋公、蔡侯、衛侯、陳子、鄭伯、許男、曹伯、莒子、邾子、頓子、胡子、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子、齊國夏于召陵,侵楚。In the third month, our prince met with the prince of Liu, the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Cai, the marquis of Wei, the viscount of Chen, the count of Zheng, the baronet of Xu, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Dun, the viscount of Hu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3), the viscount of Little Zhu and Guoxia of Qi, in Zhaoling. Together, they invaded Chu.
(經四·三)夏,四月庚辰,蔡公孫姓帥師滅沈,以沈子嘉歸,殺之。In summer, on day Gengchen (17) of the fourth month (March 22, third month???), prince Xing of Cai led an army destroy Shen. He took prisonner the viscount of Shen, Jia, and brought him back, then killed him.
(經四·四)五月,公及諸侯盟于皋鼬。In the fifth month, our lord met with the feudal princes, and signed a treaty in Gaoyou.
(經四·五)杞伯成卒于會。The count of Qi(3), Cheng, died during the meeting.
(經四·六)六月,葬陳惠公。In the sixth month, duke Hui of Chen was buried .
(經四·七)許遷于容城。Xu moved its capital to Rongcheng.
(經四·八)秋,七月,公至自會。In autumn, in the seventh month, our lord came back from the conference .
(經四·九)劉卷卒。Juan of Liu died.
(經四·十)葬杞悼公。Duke Dao of Qi(3) was buried.
(經四·十一)楚人圍蔡。The people of Chu besieged the capital of Cai .
(經四·十二)晉士鞅、衛孔圉帥師伐鮮虞。Shi Yang of Jin and Kong Yu of Wei led an army attack the Xianyu.
(經四·十三)葬劉文公。Duke Wen of Liu was buried.
(經四·十四)冬,十有一月庚午,蔡侯以吳子及楚人戰于柏舉,楚師敗績。楚囊瓦出奔鄭。庚辰,吳入郢。In winter, on day Gengwu (7) of the eleventh month (November 7), the marquis of Cai, because of the viscount of Wu, fought a battle with the people of Chu in Boju. The army of Chu was badly beaten. Nangwa of Chu left his country and fled to Zheng. On day Gengchen (17) (November 17), the people of Wu entered Ying.
Fifth year – 505 BC (506 December 19- 505 December 6, common year)
(經五·一)五年 春,三月辛亥朔,日有食之。Fifth year. In spring, on day Xinhai (48) of the third month (February 16), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.
(經五·二)夏,歸粟于蔡。In summer, we offered grain to Cai.
(經五·三)於越入吳。The Yuyue invaded Wu.
(經五·四)六月丙申,季孫意如卒。On day Bingshen (33) of the sixth month (May 31), prince Yiru, the fourth grandson, died.
(經五·五)秋,七月壬子,叔孫不敢卒。In autumn, on day Renzi (49) of the seventh month (June 16), prince Bugan, the third grandson, died.
(經五·六)冬,晉士鞅帥師圍鮮虞。In winter, Shi Yang of Jin led an army besiege the capital of the Xianyu.
Sixth year – 504 BC (505 December 7 - 504 December 25, leap year, see below)
(經六·一)六年 春,王正月癸亥,鄭游速帥師滅許,以許男斯歸。Sixth year. In spring on day Guihai (60) of the first month of the royal calendar (December 24), You Su of Zheng led an army destroy Xu. He came back with the baronet of Xu, Si.
(經六·二)二月,公侵鄭。In the second month, our lord invaded Zheng.
(經六·三)公至自侵鄭。Our lord returned from the campaign against Zheng .
(經六·四)夏,季孫斯、仲孫何忌如晉。In summer, Prince Si, the fourth grandson, and prince Heji, the second grandson, went to Jin.
(經六·五)秋,晉人執宋行人樂祁犁。In autumn, the people of Jin arrested a messenger of Song, Yue Qili.
(經六·六)冬,城中城。In winter, we fortified Zhongcheng.
(經六·七)季孫斯、仲孫忌帥師圍鄆。Prince Xi, the fourth grandson, and prince Ji, the second grandson, led an army besiege Yun.
Seventh year – 503 BC (504 December 26 - 503 December 14, common year, this could be leap and the previous one common, as the solstice fell on the first day of the month, and nothing in the text guarantees this)
(經七·一)七年 春,王正月。Seventh year. In the first month of the royal calendar.
(經七·二)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month .
(經七·三)秋,齊侯、鄭伯盟于鹹。In autumn, the marquis of Qi and the count of Zheng signed a treaty in Xian.
(經七·四)齊人執衛行人北宮結以侵衛。People of Qi capured a messenger of Wei, northern palace prince Jie, and because of this invaded Wei.
(經七·五)齊侯、衛侯盟于沙。The marquis of Qi and the marquis of Wei signed a treaty in Sha.
(經七·六)大雩。There was a great sacrifice for rain.
(經七·七)齊國夏帥師伐我西鄙。Guo Xia of Qi led an army attack our western borders.
(經七·八)九月,大雩。In the ninth month, there was a great sacrifice for rain.
(經七·九)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.
Eighth year – 502 BC (503 December 15 - 502 December 4, common year)
(經八·一)八年春,王正月,公侵齊。Eighth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord invaded Qi.
(經八·二)公至自侵齊。Our lord returned home from the invasion of Qi.
(經八·三)二月,公侵齊。In the second month, our lord invaded Qi.
(經八·四)三月,公至自侵齊。In the third month, our lord returned from his invasion of Qi.
(經八·五)曹伯露卒。The count of Cao, Lu, died.
(經八·六)夏,齊國夏帥師伐我西鄙。In summer, Guo Xia of Qi led an army attack our western borders.
(經八·七)公會晉師于瓦。Our lord met with the army of Jin in Wa.
(經八·八)公至自瓦。Our lord returned from Wa.
(經八·九)秋,七月戊辰,陳侯柳卒。In autumn, on day Wuchen (5) of the seventh month (June 17), the marquis of Chen, Liu, died.
(經八·十)晉士鞅帥師侵鄭,遂侵衛。Shi Yang of Jin led an army invade Zheng, then he proceeded to invade Wei.
(經八·十一)葬曹靖公。Duke Jing of Cao was buried.
(經八·十二)九月,葬陳懷公。In the ninth month, duke Huai of Chen was buried.
(經八·十三)季孫斯、仲孫何忌帥師侵衛。Prince Si, the fourth grandson, and prince Heji, the second grandson, led an army invade Wei.
(經八·十四)冬,衛侯、鄭伯盟于曲濮。In winter, the marquis of Wei and the count of Zheng signed a treaty in Qupu.
(經八·十五)從祀先公。The ducal house made offerings to our late lord.
(經八·十六)盜竊寶玉、大弓。Robbers stole precious items and jades, and great bows.
Ninth year – 501 BC (502 December 5 - 501 December 22, leap year)
(經九·一)九年春,王正月。Ninth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.
(經九·二)夏,四月戊申,鄭伯蠆卒。In summer, on day Wushen (45) of the fourth month (March 23), the duke of Zheng, Chai, died.
(經九·三)得寶玉、大弓。The precious items and jades and the great bows were recovered .
(經九·四)六月,葬鄭獻公。In the sixth month, duke Xian of Zheng was buried.
(經九·五)秋,齊侯、衛侯次于五氏。In autumn, the marquis of Qi and the marquis of Wei stopped in the village of Wushi.
(經九·六)秦伯卒。The count of Qin died.
(經九·七)冬,葬秦哀公。In winter, duke Ai of Qin was buried.
Tenth year – 500 BC (501 December 23 - 500 December 11, common year, see below)
(經十·一)十年春,王三月,及齊平。Tenth year. In the third month of the royal calendar, we made peace with Qi.
(經十·二)夏,公會齊侯于夾穀。In summer, our lord held a conference with the marquis of Qi, in Jiagu.
(經十·三)公至自夾穀。Our lord came back from Jiagu.
(經十·四)晉趙鞅帥師圍衛。Zhao Yang of Jin led and army besiege Wei.
(經十·五)齊人來歸鄆、讙、龜陰田。People of Qi came to Lu, and offered our prince the territories of Yun , Huan and Guiyin.
(經十·六)叔孫州仇、仲孫何忌帥師圍郈。Prince Zhouchou, the third grandson, and prince Heji, the second grandson, led an army besiege Hou.
(經十·七)秋,叔孫州仇、仲孫何忌帥師圍郈。In autumn, prince Zhouchou, the third grandson, and prince Heji, the second grandson, led an army besiege Hou.
(經十·八)宋樂大心出奔曹。Yue Daxin of Song left his country and fled to Cao.
(經十·九)宋公子地出奔陳。Prince Di of Song left his country and fled to Chen.
(經十·十)冬,齊侯、衛侯、鄭游速會于安甫。In winter, the marquis of Qi, the marquis of Wei and You Su of Zheng, met in Anfu.
(經十·十一)叔孫州仇如齊。Prince Zhouchou, the third grandson, went to Qi.
(經十·十二)宋公之弟辰暨仲佗、石彄出奔陳。The brother of the duke of Song, Chen, togather with Zhong Tuo and Shi Kou, left their country and fled to Chen.
Eleventh year – 499 BC (500 December 12 - 499 December 1, common year, one of the three years 499, 500 or 501 must be leap, and the text cannot tell which. Following the dates of solstices, I assume 501 is leap.)
(經十一·一)十有一年春,宋公之弟辰及仲佗、石彄、公子地自陳入于蕭以叛。Eleventh year . In spring, the brother of the duke of Song, Chen, together with Zhong Tuo, Shi Kuo and prince Di, returned from Chen to Xiao and rebelled.
(經十一·二)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month.
(經十一·三)秋,宋樂大心自曹入于蕭。In autumn, Yue Daxin of Song came back from Cao to Xiao.
(經十一·四)冬,及鄭平。叔還如鄭蒞盟。In winter, we made peace with Zheng, Shu Huan went to Zheng to sign the treaty.
Twelfth year – 498 BC (499 December 2 – 498 December 20, leap year, see below)
(經十二·一)十有二年春,薛伯定卒。Twelfth year. In spring, the count of Xie, Ding, died.
(經十二·二)夏,葬薛襄公。In summer, duke Xiang of Xie was buried.
(經十二·三)叔孫州仇帥師墮郈。Prince Zhouchou, the third grandson, led an army to destroy Hou.
(經十二·四)衛公孟彄帥師伐曹。Prince Kou (?) of Wei led an army attack Cao.
(經十二·五)季孫斯、仲孫何忌帥師墮費。Prince Si, the fourth grandson, and prince Heji, the second grandson, led an army destroy Fei.
(經十二·六)秋,大雩。In autumn, there was a great sacrifice for rain.
(經十二·七)冬,十月癸亥,公會齊侯盟于黃。In winter, on day Guihai (60) of the tenth month (September 19), our lord met with the marquis of Qi and signed a treaty in Huang.
(經十二·八)十有一月丙寅朔,日有食之。On day Bingyin (3) of the eleventh month (September 22), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.
(經十二·九)公至自黃。Our lord returned from Huang
(經十二·十)十有二月,公圍成。In the twelfth month, our lord besieged Cheng.
(經十二·十一)公至自圍成。Our lord returned from the siege of Cheng.
Thirtenth year – 497 BC (498 December 21 – 497 December 8, common year, in fact this year could be leap and the previous one common, but this would have the month begin in November, and have two leap years in a row, something which never seems to happen in this era)
(經十三·一)十有三年春,齊侯、衛侯次于垂葭。Thirteenth year . In spring, the marquis of Qi and the marquis of Wei stopped in Chuijia.
(經十三·二)夏,筑蛇淵囿。In summer, the hunting reserve in Sheyuan.
(經十三·三)大搜于比蒲。There was a great hunt in Bipu.
(經十三·四)衛公孟彄帥師伐曹。Prince Kou of Wei led an army attack Cao.
(經十三·五)秋,晉趙鞅入于晉陽以叛。In autumn, Zhao Yang of Jin entered Jinyang and rebelled.
(經十三·六)冬,晉荀寅、士吉射入于朝歌以叛。In winter, Xun Yin of Jin, and Shi Jishe went to Chaoge and revolted.
(經十三·七)晉趙鞅歸于晉。Zhao Yang of Jin returned to the capital of Jin.
(經十三·八)薛弒其君比。The people of Xie killed their lord, Bi.
Fourteenth year – 496 BC (497 December 9 – 496 December 26, leap year)
(經十四·一)十有四年 春,衛公叔戍來奔。衛趙陽出奔宋。Fourteenth year. In spring, prince Shu of Wei came to Lu fleeing. Zhao Yang of Wei left his country and fled to Song.
(經十四·二)二月辛巳,楚公子結、陳公孫佗人帥師滅頓以頓子牂歸。On day Xinsi (18) of the second month (January 29), prince Jie of Chu and prince Tuoren of Chen led an army destroy Dun, they brought back the viscount of Dun, Zang, as a prisonner.
(經十四·三)夏,衛北宮結來奔。In summer, prince Jie of Wei (northern palace) came to Lu fleeing.
(經十四·四)五月,於越敗吳于槜李。In the fifth month, the Yuyue defeated Wu in Zuili.
(經十四·五)吳子光卒。The viscount of Wu, Guang, died.
(經十四·六)公會齊侯、衛侯于牽。Our lord help a conference in Qian with the marquis of Qi and the marquis of Wei.
(經十四·七)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference.
(經十四·八)秋,齊侯、宋公會于洮。In autumn, the marquis of Qi and the Duke of Song met in Tao.
(經十四·九)天王使石尚來歸脤。The heavenly king sent Shi Shang to Lu, he presented our lord with meat offerings from the ancestor temple.
(經十四·十)衛世子蒯聵出奔宋。The heir of Wei, Kuaikui, left his country and fled to Song.
(經十四·十一)衛公孟彄出奔鄭。Prince Kou of Wei left his country and fled to Zheng.
(經十四·十二)宋公之弟辰自蕭來奔。The brother of the duke of Song, Chen, came from Xiao to Lu, fleeing.
(經十四·十三)大搜于比蒲。There was a great hunt in Bipu.
(經十四·十四)邾子來會公。The viscount of Zhu came to meet our lord.
(經十四·十五)城莒父及霄。We fortified Jufu and Xiao.
Fifteenth year – 495 BC (496 December 27 – 495 December 16, common year)
(經十五·一)十有五年春,王正月,邾子來朝。Fifteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the viscount of Zhu came to our court audiences.
(經十五·二)鼷鼠食郊牛,牛死,改卜牛。A small rat ate the horns of the ox meant for the sacrifice to earth. The ox died, and another had to be found by augurs.
(經十五·三)二月辛丑,楚子滅胡,以胡子豹歸。On day Xinchou (38) of the second month (February 13), the viscount of Chu destroyed Hu, and brought back the viscount of Hu, Bao, as a prisonner.
(經十五·四)夏,五月辛亥,郊。In summer, on day Xinhai (48) of the fifth month (April 24, last day of the fourth month, apparently the fifth month began a day too early), the sacrifice to earth was conducted.
(經十五·五)壬申,公薨于高寢。On day Renshen (9) (May 15), our lord passed away is his upper appartments.
(經十五·六)鄭罕達帥師伐宋。Han Da of Zheng led an army attack Song.
(經十五·七)齊侯、衛侯次于渠蒢。The marquis of Qi and the marquis of Wei stopped in Quchu.
(經十五·八)邾子來奔喪。The viscount of Zhu came to attend in the funeral.
(經十五·九)秋,七月壬申,姒氏卒。In autumn, on day Renshen (9) of the seventh month (July 14), dame Si died.
(經十五·十)八月庚辰朔,日有食之。On day Gengchen (17) of the eighth month, a new moon (July 22), the sun was eclipsed.
(經十五·十一)九月,滕子來會葬。In the ninth month, the viscount of Teng came to join the funeral.
(經十五·十二)丁巳,葬我君定公,雨,不克葬。戊午,日下昃,乃克葬。On day Dingsi (54) (August 28), our lord, duke Ding, was buried. As it rained, the funeral could not be completed. On day Wuwu (55) (August 29), after sunset, the funeral was finally finished.
(經十五·十三)辛巳,葬定姒。On day Xinsi (18) (September 21, in the tenth month, in fact), Dame Dingsi was buried.
(經十五·十四)冬,城漆。In winter, we fortified Qi.
Friday, 8 February 2008
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