Friday 8 February 2008

Springs and Autumns 5 - Duke Xi

僖公 Duke Xi

First year - 659 BC (659 January 10 – 658 January 28, leap year)

(經一·一)元年春,王正月。First year, in spring, during the first month of the royal calendar.

(經一·二)齊師、宋師、曹師次于聶北,救邢。The armies of Qi, of Song and of Cao were encamped in Niebei. And came to rescue Xing.

(經一·三)夏,六月,邢遷于夷儀。In summer, in the sixth month, the capital of Xing was moved to Yiyi.

(經一·四)齊師、宋師、曹師城邢。The armies of Qi, Song and Cao fortified Xing.

(經一·五)秋,七月戊辰,夫人姜氏薨于夷,齊人以歸。In autumn, on day Wuchen (5) of the seventh month (July 31), our Lady, dame Jiang, died in Yi. The people of Qi brought her body back.

(經一·六)楚人伐鄭。The people of Chu attacked Zheng.

(經一·七)八月,公會齊侯、宋公、鄭伯、曹伯、邾人于檉。In the eighth month, our lord met with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao and people of Zhu in Cheng.

(經一·八)九月,公敗邾師于偃。In the ninth month, our lord defeated the army of Zhu in Yan.

(經一·九)冬,十月壬午,公子友帥師敗莒師于酈,獲莒拏。In winter, on day Renwu (19) of the tenth month (October 13), prince You, leading our army, defeated the soldiers of Ju in Li. He captured Na of Ju.

(經一·十)十有二月丁巳,夫人氏之喪至自齊。On day Dingsi (54) of the twelfth month (January 16 intercalary month), the body of the late princess arrived from Qi.

Second year – 658 BC (658 January 29 – 657 January 17, common year)

(經二·一)二年春,王正月,城楚丘。Second year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, we fortified Chuqiu.

(經二·二)夏,五月辛巳,葬我小君哀姜。In summer, on day Xinsi (18) of the fifth month (June 9), our lady Aijiang was buried.

(經二·三)虞師、晉師滅下陽。The armies of Yu and Jin destroyed Xiayang.

(經二·四)秋,九月,齊侯、宋公、江人、黃人盟于貫。In autumn, in the ninth month the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, and people of Jiang and of Huang signed a treaty in Guan.

(經二·五)冬,十月,不雨。In winter, in the tenth month, there was no rain.

(經二·六)楚人侵鄭。People of Chu invaded Zheng.

Third year – 657 BC (657 January 18 – 656 January 6, common year)

(經三·一)三年春,王正月,不雨。 Third year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, there was no rain.

(經三·二)夏,四月,不雨。In summer, in the fourth month, there was no rain.

(經三·三)徐人取舒。The people of Xi took Shu.

(經三·四)六月,雨。In the sixth month, there was rain.

(經三·五)秋,齊侯、宋公、江人、黃人會于陽穀。In autumn, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, and people of Jiang and of Huang had a meeting in Yanggu.

(經三·六)冬,公子友如齊蒞盟。In winter, prince You went to Li, in Qi, and attended a treaty?

(經三·七)楚人伐鄭。The people of Chu attacked Zheng.

Fourth year – 656 BC (656 January 7 – 656 December 26, common year)

(經四·一)四年春,王正月,公會齊侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、鄭伯、許男、曹伯侵蔡。蔡潰,遂伐楚,次于陘。Fourth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our prince, together with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the baronet of Xu and the count of Cao invaded Cai. The army of Cai was scattered, and they proceeded to attack Chu, and installed their camp in Xing.

(經四·二)夏,許男新臣卒。In summer, the baronet of Xu, Xinchen, died.

(經四·三)楚屈完來盟于師,盟于召陵。Quwan of Chu came to our army to sign a treaty, the treaty was signed in Zhaoling.

(經四·四)齊人執陳轅濤涂。The people of Qi captured Yuan Taotu of Chen.

(經四·五)秋,及江人、黃人伐陳。In autumn, together with people of Jiang and of Huang, we attacked Chen.

(經四·六)八月,公至自伐楚。In the eighth month, our prince came back from attacking Chu.

(經四·七)葬許穆公。Duke Mu of Xu was buried.

(經四·八)冬,十有二月,公孫茲帥師會齊人、宋人、衛人、鄭人、許人、曹人侵陳。In winter, in the twelfth month, Prince Zi, leading an army, invaded Chen, together with the people of Qi, Song, Wei, Zheng, Xu and Cao.

Fifth year – 655 BC (656 December 27 – 655 December 15, common year)

(經五·一)五年春,晉侯殺其世子申生。Fifth year. In spring, the marquis of Jin killed his heir apparent, Shensheng.

(經五·二)杞伯姬來朝其子。Dame Boji of Qi came and presented her son to the court audience.

(經五·三)夏,公孫茲如牟。In summer, prince Zi went to Mou.

(經五·四)公及齊侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、鄭伯、許男、曹伯會王世子于首止。Our lord, together with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the baronet of Xu and the count Cao, met the royal crown princ e in Shouzhi.

(經五·五)秋,八月,諸侯盟于首止。In autumn, in the eighth month, the feudal princes signed a treaty in Shouzhi.

(經五·六)鄭伯逃歸不盟。The count of Zheng fled the conference and came back home, without signing the treaty .

(經五·七)楚子滅弦,弦子奔黃。The viscount of Chu destroyed Xian, and the viscount of Hng fled to Huang.

(經五·八)九月戊申朔,日有食之。On day Wushen (45) of the ninth month (August 19), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

(經五·十)冬,晉人執虞公。In winter, the people of Jin captured the duke of Yu.

Sixth year – 654 BC (655 December 16 – 654 December 4, common year)

(經六·一)六年春,王正月。Sixth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經六·二)夏,公會齊侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、曹伯伐鄭,圍新城。In summer, our prince, together with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei and the count of Cao, attacked Zheng, and besieged Xincheng.

(經六·三)秋,楚人圍許,諸侯遂救許。In autumn, the people of Chu besieged Xu, the feudal princes then came to rescue Xu.

(經六·四)冬,公至自伐鄭。In winter, our prince came back from his campaign against Zheng.

Seventh year - 653 BC (654 December 5 – 653 December 22, leap year)

(經七·一)七年春,齊人伐鄭。Seventh year. In spring, the people of QI attacked Zheng.

(經七·二)夏,小邾子來朝。In summer, the viscount of Little Zhu came to our court audiences.

(經七·三)鄭殺其大夫申侯。The prince of Zheng executed his minister, the marquis of Shen.

(經七·四)秋,七月,公會齊侯、宋公、陳世子款、鄭世子華盟于甯母。In autumn, in the seventh month, our prince met with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the heir apparent of Chen, Kuan, and the heir of Zheng, Hua, and signed a treaty in Ningmu.

(經七·五)曹伯班卒。The count of Cao, Ban, died.

(經七·六)公子友如齊。Prince You went to Qi.

(經七·七)冬,葬曹昭公。In winter, duke Zhao of Cao was buried.

Eighth year – 652 BC (653 December 23 – 652 December 12, common year)

(經八·一)八年春,王正月,公會王人、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、許男、曹伯、陳世子款,盟于洮。鄭伯乞盟。Eight year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our prince met with people from the royal house, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the baronet of Xu, the count of Cao and the heir apparent of Chen, Kuan, in Tao, where they signed a treaty. The count of Zheng demanded to sign a treaty.

(經八·二)夏,狄伐晉。In summer, the Di attacked Jin.

(經八·三)秋,七月,禘于太廟,用致夫人。In autumn, in the seventh month, there were offering in the great hall of the ancestor temple, and the tablet of our Lady was moved inside.

(經八·四)冬,十有二月丁未,天王崩。In winter, on day dingwei (44) of the twelfth month (November 30), the heavenly king died.

Ninth year – 651 BC (652 December 13 – 651 December 31, leap year)

(經九·一)九年春,三月丁丑,宋公御說卒。Ninth year. In spring, on day Dingchou (14) of the third month (February 28), the duke of Song, Yushou, died.

(經九·二)夏,公會宰周公、齊侯、宋子、衛侯、鄭伯、許男、曹伯于葵丘。In summer, our prince met with the royal minister, the duke of Zhou, the marquis of Qi, the viscount of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the baronet of Xi and the count of Cao in Kuiqiu.

(經九·三)秋,七月乙酉,伯姬卒。In autumn, on day Yiyou (22) of the seventh month (July 6), princess Boji died.

(經九·四)九月戊辰,諸侯盟于葵丘。On day Wuchen (5) of the ninth month (August 18), the feudal princes signed a treaty in Kuiqiu.

(經九·五)甲子,晉侯佹諸卒。On day Jiazi (1) (? August 13, ninth month?), the marquis of Jin, Guizhu, died.

(經九·六)冬,晉里克殺其君之子奚齊。In winter, Like of Jin killed the son of his lord, Xiqi.

Tenth year – 650 BC (650 January 1 – 640 December 20, common year)

(經十·一)十年春,王正月,公如齊。Tenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our Lord went to Qi.

(經十·二)狄滅溫,溫子奔衛。The Di destroyed Wen. The prince of Wen fled to Wei.

(經十·三)晉里克弒其君卓及其大夫荀息。Like of Jin killed his lord, Zhuo, and his dignitary, Xunxi.

(經十·四)夏,齊侯、許男伐北戎。In summer, the marquis of Qi and the baronet of Xu attacked the northern Rong.

(經十·五)晉殺其大夫里克。The prince of Jin had his minister, Like, executed.

(經十·六)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month.

(經十·七)冬,大雨雪。In winter, there were great snowfalls.

Eleventh year – 649 BC (650 December 21 – 648 January 7, leap year)

(經十一·一)十有一年春,晉殺其大夫丕鄭父。Eleventh year. In spring, the prince of Jin killed his minister, Pizhengfu.

(經十一·二)夏,公及夫人姜氏會齊侯於陽穀。In summer, our Lord and our Lady, dame Jiang, met with the marquis of Qi in Yanggu.

(經十一·三)秋,八月,大雩。In autumn, during the eighth month, there was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經十一·四)冬,楚人伐黃。In winter, the people of Chu attacked Huang.

Twelfth year – 648 BC (648 January 8 – 648 December 27, common year)

(經十二·一)十有二年春,王三月庚午,日有食之。Twelfth year. In spring, on day Gengwu (7) of the third month of the royal calendar (April 6, last day of the third month?), the sun was eclipsed.

(經十二·二)夏,楚人滅黃。In summer, the people of Chu destroyed Huang.

(經十二·三)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month.

(經十二·四)冬,十有二月丁丑,陳侯杵臼卒。In winter, on day Dingchou (14) of the twelfth month (December 9), the marquis of Chen, Chujiu, died.

Thirteenth year – 647 BC (648 December 28 – 646 January 15, leap year)

(經十三·一)十有三年春,狄侵衛。Thirteenth year. In spring, the Di invaded Wei.

(經十三·二)夏,四月,葬陳宣公。In summer, in the fourth month, Duke Xuan of Chen was buried.

(經十三·三)公會齊侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、鄭伯、許男、曹伯于鹹。Our lord met with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the baronet of Xu and the count of Cao, in Xian.

(經十三·四)秋,九月,大雩。In autumn, during the ninth month, there was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經十三·五)冬,公子友如齊。In winter, prince You went to Qi.

Fourteenth year 646 BC (646 January 16 – 645 January 4)

(經十四·一)十有四年春,諸侯城緣陵。Fourteenth year . In spring, the feudal princes fortified Yuanling.

(經十四·二)夏,六月,季姬及鄫子遇于防。使鄫子來朝。In summer, in the sixth month , princess Jiji met the viscount of Ceng in Fang. This caused the viscount of Ceng to come to our court audiences.

(經十四·三)秋,八月辛卯,沙鹿崩。In autumn, on day xinmao (28) of the eighth month (August 15), Mount Shalu collapsed.

(經十四·四)狄侵鄭。The Di attacked Zheng.

(經十四·五)冬,蔡侯肸卒。In winter, the marquis of Cai, Xi, died.

Fifteenth year – 645 BC (645 January 5 – 645 December 23, common year)

(經十五·一)十有五年春,王正月,公如齊。Fifteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our prince went to Qi.

(經十五·二)楚人伐徐。The people of Chu attacked Xu.

(經十五·三)三月,公會齊侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、鄭伯、許男、曹伯盟于牡丘,遂次于匡。公孫敖帥師及諸侯之大夫救徐。In the third month, our Lord met with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the baronet of Xu, the count of Cao in Muqiu. They signed a treaty, and encamped their armies in Kuang. Prince Ao led an army which joined forces with the ministers of the feudal princes, to rescue Xu.

(經十五·四)夏,五月,日有食之。In summer, in the fifth month, the sun was eclipsed. (no eclipse found)

(經十五·五)秋,七月,齊師、曹師伐厲。In autumn, in the seventh month, the armies of Qi and Cao attacked Li.

(經十五·六)八月,螽。In the eighth month, there were locusts.

(經十五·七)九月,公至自會。In the ninth month, our Lord came back from the conference.

(經十五·八)季姬歸于鄫。Princess Jiji returned to Ceng.

(經十五·九)己卯晦,震夷伯之廟。On day Jimao (16), the last day of the month (September 26), lightning struck the ancestral temple of Yibo.

(經十五·十)冬,宋人伐曹。In winter, the people of Song attacked Cao.

(經十五·十一)楚人敗徐于婁林。The people of Chu defeated Xu in Loulin.

(經十五·十二)十有一月壬戌,晉侯及秦伯戰于韓,獲晉侯。On day Renxu (59) of the eleventh month (November 8), the marquis of Jin and the count of Qin fought a battle in Han. The marquis of Jin was taken prisonner.

Sixteenth year – 644 BC (645 December 24 – 644 December 13, common year)

(經十六·一)十有六年春,王正月戊申朔,隕石于宋五。是月,六鹢退飛,過宋都。Sixteenth year. In spring, on day Wushen (45) of the first month of the royal calendar (645 December 24), a new moon, five stones fell from the skies, on Song. That month, six herons were seen flying backward, over the capital of Song.

(經十六·二)三月壬申,公子季友卒。On day Renshen (9) of the third month (March 18), prince Jiyou died.

(經十六·三)夏,四月丙申,鄫季姬卒。In summer, on day Bingshen (33) of the fourth month (April 11), dame Jiji of Ceng died.

(經十六·四)秋,七月甲子,公孫茲卒。In autumn, on day Jiazi (1) of the seventh month (July 8), prince Zi died.

(經十六·五)冬,十有二月,公會齊侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、鄭伯、許男、邢侯、曹伯于淮。In winter, in the twelfth month, our Lord met with the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the baronet of Xu, the marquis of Xing and the count of Cao, in Huai.

Seventeenth year - 643 BC (644 December 14 – 643 December 2, common year)

(經十七·一)十有七年春,齊人、徐人伐英氏。Seventeenth year. In spring, the people of Qi and of Xu attacked Yinshi.

(經十七·二)夏,滅項。In summer, the state of Xiang was destroyed.

(經十七·三)秋,夫人姜氏會齊侯于卞。In autumn, our Lady, dame Jiang, met with the marquis of Qi in Bian.

(經十七·四)九月,公至自會。In the ninth month, our Lord came back from the conference (in Huai).

(經十七·五)冬,十有二月乙亥,齊侯小白卒。In winter, on day Yihai (12) of the twelfth month (November 11), the marquis of Qi, Xiaobo, died.

Eighteenth year - 642 BC (643 December 3 – 642 December 22, leap year)

(經十八·一)十有八年春,王正月,宋公、曹伯、衛人、邾人伐齊。Eighteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the duke of Song, the count of Cao, and people of Wei and Zhu, attacked Qi.

(經十八·二)夏,師救齊。In summer, our army was sent to rescue Qi.

(經十八·三)五月戊寅,宋師及齊師戰于甗。齊師敗績。In day Wuyin (15) of the fifth month (no day Wuyin in the fifth month), the armies of Song and Qi fought a battle in Yan. The host of Qi was badly defeated.

(經十八·四)狄救齊。The Di rescued Qi.

(經十八·五)秋,八月丁亥,葬齊桓公。In autumn, on day Dinghai (24) of the eighth month (July 20), duke Huan of Qi was buried.

(經十八·六)冬,邢人、狄人伐衛。In winter, people of Xing and of Di attacked Wei.

Ninteteenth year – 641 BC (642 December 23 – 640 January 9, leap year)

(經十九·一)十有九年春,王三月,宋人執滕子嬰齊。Nineteenth year. In spring, in the third month of the royal calendar, the people of Song the prince of Teng, Yingqi.

(經十九·二)夏,六月,宋公、曹人、邾人盟于曹南。In summer, in the sixth month, the duke of Song and the people of Cao and Zhu signed a treaty in the south of Cao.

(經十九·三)鄫子會盟于邾。己酉,邾人執鄫子,用之。The prince of Ceng met them (Song, Cao and Zhu) and signed a treaty in Zhu. On day Jiyou (46) (June 7), the people of Zhu captured the prince of Ceng, and used him for the sacrifice.

(經十九·四)秋,宋人圍曹。In autumn, the people of Song besieged Cao.

(經十九·五)衛人伐邢。The people of Wei attacked Xing.

(經十九·六)冬,會陳人、蔡人、楚人、鄭人,盟于齊。In winter, our prince met the people of Chen, Cai, Chu and Zheng, and signed a treaty in Qi.

(經十九·七)梁亡。Liang was destroyed.

Twentieth year – 640 BC (640 January 10 – 640 December 29, common year)

(經二十·一)二十年春,新作南門。Twentieth year. In spring, the southern gate was rebuilt.

(經二十·二)夏,郜子來朝。In summer, the viscount of Gao attended our court audiences.

(經二十·三)五月乙巳,西宮災。On day Yisi (42) of the fifth month (May 29), the western palace was destroyed by fire.

(經二十·四)鄭人入滑。The people of Zheng invaded Hua.

(經二十·五)秋,齊人、狄人盟于邢。In autumn, the people of Qi and the Di signed a treaty in Xing.

(經二十·六)冬,楚人伐隨。The people of Chu attacked Sui.

Twenty first year – 639 BC (640 December 30 – 639 December 18, common year)

(經二一·一)二十有一年春,狄侵衛。Twenty first year. In spring, the Di invaded Wei.

(經二一·二)宋人、齊人、楚人盟于鹿上。The people of Song, Qi and Chu signed a treaty in Lushang.

(經二一·三)夏,大旱。In summer, there was drought.

(經二一·四)秋,宋公、楚子、陳侯、蔡侯、鄭伯、許男、曹伯會于盂。執宋公以伐宋。In autumn, the duke of Song, the viscount of Chu, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Cai, the baronet of Xu and the count of Cao signed a treaty in Yu. They captured the duke of Song, and proceeded to attack Song.

(經二一·五)冬,公伐邾。In winter, our lord attacked Zhu.

(經二一·六)楚人使宜申來獻捷。The people of Chu sent Yishen to Lu, to offer the spoils of their conquest.

(經二一·七)十有二月癸醜,公會諸侯盟于薄,釋宋公。On day Guichou (50) of the twelfth month (November 28), our lord met with the feudal princes in Bo, and signed a treaty. They released the duke of Song.

Twenty second year – 638 BC (639 December 19 – 638 December 7, common year)

(經二二·一)二十有二年春,公伐邾,取須句。Twenty second year. In spring, our prince attacked Zhu and took Xuju.

(經二二·二)夏,宋公、衛侯、許男、滕子伐鄭。In summer, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the baronet of Wu and the viscount of Teng attacked Zheng.

(經二二·三)秋,八月丁未,及邾人戰于升陘。In autumn, on day Dingwei (44) of the eighth month (July 20), we battled the people of Zhu in Shengxing.

(經二二·四)冬,十有一月己巳朔,宋公及楚人戰于泓,宋師敗績。In winter, on day Jisi (6) of the eleventh month, a new moon (October 10), the duke of Song fought a battle with the people of Chu in Hong. The army of Song was badly defeated.

Twenty third year – 637 BC (638 December 8 - 637 November 25, common year)

(經二三·一)二十有三年春,齊侯伐宋,圍緡。Twenty third year, in spring, the marquis of Qi attacked Song and besieged Min.

(經二三·二)夏,五月庚寅,宋公茲父卒。In summer, on day Gengyin (27) of the fifth month (April 28), the duke of Song, Zifu, died.

(經二三·三)秋,楚人伐陳。In autumn, the people of Chu attacked Chen.

(經二三·四)冬,十有一月,杞子卒。In winter, in the eleventh month, the viscount of Qi died.

Twenty fourth year – 636 BC (637 November 26 - 636 December 14, leap year)

(經二四·一)二十有四年春,王正月。Twenty fourth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經二四·二)夏,狄伐鄭。In summer the Di attacked Zheng.

(經二四·三)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month.

(經二四·四)冬,天王出居于鄭。In winter, the heavenly king left his capital, and went to stay in Zheng.

(經二四·五)晉侯夷吾卒。The marquis of Jin, Yiwu, died.

Twenty fifth year – 635 BC (636 December 15 - 634 January 2, leap year)

(經二五·一)二十有五年春,王正月丙午,衛侯毀滅邢。Twenty fifth year. In spring, on day Bingwu (43) of the first month of the royal calendar (January 4), the marquis of Wei, Hui, destroyed Xing.

(經二五·二)夏,四月癸酉,衛侯毀卒。In summer, on day Guiyou (10) of the fourth month (April 1), the marquis of Wei, Hui, died.

(經二五·三)宋蕩伯姬來逆婦。Princess Boji of Dang, from Song, came to Lu, to greet a new bride.

(經二五·四)宋殺其大夫。The prince of Song had his minister executed.

(經二五·五)秋,楚人圍陳,納頓子于頓。In autumn, the people of Chu besieged Chen. They brought the viscount of Dun back to Dun.

(經二五·六)葬衛文公。Duke Wen of Wei was buried.

(經二五·七)冬,十有二月癸亥,公會衛子、莒慶,盟于洮。In winter, on day Guihai (60) of the twelfth month (November 17), our lord met with the prince of Wei, and Qing of Ju. They signed a treaty in Tao.

Twenty sixth year - 634 BC (634 January 3 – 634 December 23, common year)

(經二六·一)二十有六年春,王正月,己未,公會莒子、衛甯速,盟于向。Twenty sixth year. In spring, on day Jiwei (56) of the first month of the royal calendar (January 12), our lord met with the viscount of Ji, and Ningsu of Wei. They signed a treaty in Xiang.

(經二六·二)齊人侵我西鄙,公追齊師,至酅,弗及。The people of Qi invaded our western borders. Our lord went to chase the army of Qi, he arrived in Xi, but could not overtake them.

(經二六·三)夏,齊人伐我北鄙。In summer, the people of Qi attacked our northern border.

(經二六·四)衛人伐齊。The people of Wei attacked Qi.

(經二六·五)公子遂如楚乞師。Prince Sui went to Chu to demand military help.

(經二六·六)秋,楚人滅夔,以夔子歸。In autumn, the people of Chu destroyed Kui, and brought the prince of Kui back with them.

(經二六·七)冬,楚人伐宋,圍緡。公以楚師伐齊,取穀。In winter, the people of Chu attacked Song and besieged Min. Our lord, with the help of the army of Chu, attacked Qi, and took Gu.

(經二六·八)公至自伐齊。Our lord came back from his campaign against Qi.

Twenty seventh year – 633 BC (634 December 24 – 633 December 12, common year)

(經二七·一)二十有七年春,杞子來朝。Twenty seventh year. In spring, the viscount of Qi came to our court audiences.

(經二七·二)夏,六月庚寅,齊侯昭卒。In summer, on day Gengyin (27) of the sixth month (June 6), the marquis of Qi, Zhao, died.

(經二七·三)秋,八月乙未,葬齊孝公。In autumn, on day Yihai (12) of the eighth month (July 21), duke Xiao of Qi was buried.

(經二七·四)乙巳,公子遂帥師入杞。On day Yisi (42) (August 20, ninth month), prince Sui, leading an army, invaded Qi.

(經二七·五)冬,楚人、陳侯、蔡侯、鄭伯、許男圍宋。In winter, the people of Chu, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Cai, the count of Zheng and the baronet of Xu besieged Song.

(經二七·六)十有二月甲戌,公會諸侯,盟于宋。On day Jiaxu (11) of the twelfth month (November 17), our lord met with the feudal princes. They signed a treaty in Song.

Twenty eight year – 632 BC (633 December 13 – 632 December 1, common year)

(經二八·一)二十有八年春,晉侯侵曹,晉侯伐衛。Twenty eighth year. In spring, the marquis of Jin invaded Cao and attacked Wei.

(經二八·二)公子買戍衛,不卒戍,刺之。Prince Mai was guarding the border of Wei. Because he had not protected it, he was executed.

(經二八·三)楚人救衛。The people of Chu rescued Wei.

(經二八·四)三月丙午,晉侯入曹,執曹伯。畀宋人。On day Bingwu (43) of the third month (February 17), the marquis of Jin invaded Cao, and captured the count of Cao, which he surrendered to the people of Song.

(經二八·五)夏,四月己巳,晉侯、齊師、宋師、秦師及楚人戰于城濮,楚師敗績。In summer, on day Jisi (6) of the fourth month (March 12), the marquis of Jin, leading the armies of Qi, Song and Qin, gave battle to the people of Chu in Pu. The army of Chu was badly defeated.

(經二八·六)楚殺其大夫得臣。The prince of Chu killed his minister, Dechen.

(經二八·七)衛侯出奔楚。The marquis of Wei left his country, and fled to Chu.

(經二八·八)五月癸醜,公會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、蔡侯、鄭伯、衛子、莒子,盟於踐土。On day Guichou (50) of the fifth month (April 25), our lord met with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Cai, the count of Zheng, the viscount of Wei and the viscount of Ju in Jiantu. They signed a treaty.

(經二八·九)陳侯如會。The marquis of Chen joined the meeting.

(經二八·十)公朝于王所。Our lord went to the court audience in the royal palace.

(經二八·十一)六月,衛侯鄭自楚復歸于衛。衛元咺出奔晉。In the sixth month, the marquis of Wei, Zheng , returned from Chu to Wei. Yuanxuan of Wei left the country and fled to Jin.

(經二八·十二)陳侯款卒。The marquis of Chen, Kuan, died.

(經二八·十三)秋,杞伯姬來。In autumn, Dame Boji of Qi came to visit us.

(經二八·十四)公子遂如齊。Prince Sui went to Qi.

(經二八·十五)冬,公會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、蔡侯、鄭伯、陳子、莒子、邾子、秦人于溫。In winter, our prince met with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis od Cai, the count of Zheng, the viscount of Chen, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, and the people of Qin,in Wen.

(經二八·十六)天王狩于河陽。The heavenly king went to hunt in Heyang.

(經二八·十七)壬申,公朝于王所。On day Renshen (9) (September 11? Tenth month?), our prince attended to court audience in the royal palace.

(經二八·十八)晉人執衛侯,歸之于京師。衛元咺自晉復歸于衛。The people of Jin captured the marquis of Wei, and had him brought back to the royal capital. Yuanxuan of Wei returned from Jin to Wei.

(經二八·十九)諸侯遂圍許。The feudal princes then besieged Xu.

(經二八·二十)曹伯襄復歸于曹,遂會諸侯圍許。The count of Cao, Xiang, return to Cao. He then joined the feudal princes at the siege of Xu.

Twenty ninth year – 631 BC (632 December 2 – 631 December 20, leap year)

(經二九·一)二十有九年春,介葛盧來。Twenty ninth year. In spring, Gelu of Jie visited us.

(經二九·二)公至自圍許。Our prince came back from the siege of Xu.

(經二九·三)夏,六月,會王人、晉人、宋人、齊人、陳人、蔡人、秦人,盟于翟泉。In summer, in the sixth month, our prince met with the royal house, people of Jin, Song, Qi, Chen, Cai and Qin. They signed a treaty in Diquan.

(經二九·四)秋,大雨雹。In autumn, there were big storms of hail.

(經二九·五)冬,介葛盧來。In winter, Gelu of Jie visited us.

Thirtieth year – 630 BC (631 December 21 – 630 December 9, common year)

(經三十·一)三十年春,王正月。Thirtieth year. In spring in the first year of the royal calendar.

(經三十·二)夏,狄侵齊。In summer, the Di invaded Qi.

(經三十·三)秋,衛殺其大夫元咺及公子瑕。衛侯鄭歸于衛。In autumn, the prince of Wei killed his minister, Yuanxuan, and prince Xia. The marquis of Wei, Zheng, returned to Wei.

(經三十·四)晉人、秦人圍鄭。The people of Jin and Qin besieged Zheng.

(經三十·五)介人侵蕭。The people of Jie invaded Xiao.

(經三十·六)冬,天王使宰周公來聘。In winter, the heavenly king sent his minister, the duke of Zhou, on an embassy in Lu.

(經三十·七)公子遂如京師,遂如晉。Prince Sui went to the royal capital, and from then to Jin.

Thirty first year – 629 BC (630 December 10 – 629 November 27, common year)

(經三一·一)三十有一年春,取濟西田。Thirty first year. In spring, we took the fields west of the Ji.

(經三一·二)公子遂如晉。Prince Sui went to Jin.

(經三一·三)夏,四月,四卜郊,不從,乃免牲。猶三望。In summer, in the fourth month, the augurs were consulted four times about the summer sacrifice to earth, and were unfavourable. The sacrificial ox was therefore freed. Yet, the three sacrifices to rivers were done.

(經三一·四)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month.

(經三一·五)冬,杞伯姬來求婦。In winter, princess Boji of Qi came to demand a bride.

(經三一·六)狄圍衛。十有二月,衛遷于帝丘。The Di besieged Wei. In the twelfth month, the prince of Wei moved his capital to Diqiu.

Thirty second year – 628 BC (629 November 28 – 628 November 16, common year)

(經三二·一)三十有二年春,王正月。Thirty second year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經三二·二)夏,四月己丑,鄭伯捷卒。In summer, on day Jichou (26) of the fourth month (March 11), the count of Zheng, Jie, died.

(經三二·三)衛人侵狄。秋,衛人及狄盟。The people of Wei invaded the Di. In autumn, the people of Wei signed a treaty with the Di.

(經三二·四)冬,十有二月己卯,晉侯重耳卒。In winter, on day Jimao (16) of the twelfth month (October 27), the marquis of Jin, Chong’er, died.

Thirty third year – 627 BC (628 November 17 – 627 December 5, leap year)

(經三三·一)三十有三年春,王二月,秦人入滑。Thirty third year. In spring, in the second month of the royal calendar, the people of Qin invaded Hua.

(經三三·二)齊侯使國歸父來聘。The marquis of Qi sent Guifu of Guo on an embassy to Lu.

(經三三·三)夏,四月辛巳,晉人及姜戎敗秦師于殽。In summer, on day Xinsi (18) (February 26) of the fourth month, the people of Jin, together with Jiang Rong, defeated the army of Qin in Yao.

(經三三·四)癸巳,葬晉文公。On day Guisi (30) (March 10), duke Wen of Jin was buried.

(經三三·五)狄侵齊。The Di invaded Qi.

(經三三·六)公伐邾,取訾婁。Our prince attacked Zhu, and took Zilou.

(經三三·七)秋,公子遂帥師伐邾。In autumn, prince Sui led an army attack Zhu.

(經三三·八)晉人敗狄于箕。The people of Qi defeated the Di in Ji.

(經三三·九)冬,十月,公如齊。In winter, in the tenth month, our prince went to Qi.

(經三三·十)十有二月,公至自齊。In the twelfth month , our prince returned from Qi.

(經三三·一一)乙巳,公薨于小寢。On day Yisi (42) (November 17, intercalary month), our prince passed away in his small appartments.

(經三三·一二)隕霜不殺草。李、梅實。There was frost, but the crops were not destroyed, and the plums and dark plums were not harmed.

(經三三·一三)晉人、陳人、鄭人伐許。The people of Jin, Chen and Zheng attacked Zhu.

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