Friday, 8 February 2008

Springs and autumns 6 - Duke Wen

Duke Wen 文公

First year – 626 BC (627 December 6 – 626 December 24, leap year)

(經一·一)元年,春,王正月,公即位。First year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our prince was enthroned.

(經一·二)二月癸亥,日有食之。On day Guihai (60) of the second month (February 3, last day of the month), the sun was eclipsed.

(經一·三)天王使叔服來會葬。The heavenly king sent Shufu to Lu, to attend the funeral.

(經一·四)夏,四月丁巳,葬我君僖公。In summer, on day Dingsi (54) of the fourth month (March 29), our lord, duke Xi, was buried.

(經一·五)天王使毛伯來錫公命。The heavenly king sent the count of Mao bestow a royal favour on our prince (Xi).

(經一·六)晉侯伐衛。The marquis of Jin attacked Wei.

(經一·七)叔孫得臣如京師。Prince Dechen, the third grandson, went to the royal capital.

(經一·八)衛人伐晉。The people of Wei attacked Jin.

(經一·九)秋,公孫敖會晉侯于戚。In autumn, prince Ao met with the marquis of Jin in Qi.

(經一·十)冬,十月丁未,楚世子商臣弒其君頵。In winter, on day Dingwei (44) of the tenth month (September 15), the heir apparent of Chu, prince Shangchen, killed his lord, Jun.

(經一·十一)公孫敖如齊。Prince Ao went to Qi.

Second year – 625 BC (626 December 25 – 625 December 13, common year)

(經二·一)二年春,王二月甲子,晉侯及秦師戰于彭衙,秦師敗績。Second year. In spring, on day Jiazi (1) of the second month of the royal calendar (January 30), the marquis of Jin battled the army of Qin in Pengya. The army of Qin was severely defeated.

(經二、二)丁丑,作僖公主。On day Dingchou (14) (February 12), the funeral tablet of duke Xi was put up.

(經二、三)三月乙巳,及晉處父盟。On day Yisi (42) of the third month (March 11), we signed a treaty with Chufu of Jin.

(經二、四)夏,六月,公孫敖會宋公、陳侯、鄭伯、晉士縠盟于垂隴。In summer, in the sixth month, prince Ao met with the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the duke of Zheng and Shigu of Jin in Chuilong. A treaty was signed.

(經二、五)自十有二月不雨,至于秋七月。There had been no rain since the twelfth month, it lasted unto the seventh month, in autumn.

(經二、六)八月丁卯,大事于太廟,躋僖公。In the eighth month, on day Dingmao (4) (July 31), great offerings were made in the ancestor temple, and duke Xi was elevated.

(經二、七)冬,晉人、宋人、陳人、鄭人伐秦。In winter, the people of Jin, Song, Chen and Zheng attacked Qin.

(經二、八)公子遂如齊納幣。Prince Sui went to Qi to offer wedding presents.

Third year – 624 BC (625 December 14 – 623 January 1, leap year)

(經三·一)三年春,王正月,叔孫得臣會晉人、宋人、陳人、衛人、鄭人伐沈。沈潰。Third year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, Prince Dechen, the third grandson, together with people of Jin, Song, Chen, Wei and Zheng attacked Chen. The army of Chen was routed.

(經三、二)夏,五月,王子虎卒。In summer, in the fifth month, royal prince Hu died.

(經三、三)秦人伐晉。The people of Qin attacked Jin.

(經三、四)秋,楚人圍江。In autumn, the people of Chu besieged Jiang.

(經三、五)雨螽于宋。It rained locusts in Song.

(經三、六)冬,公如晉。十有二月己巳,公及晉侯盟。In winter, our prince went to Jin. On day Jisi (6) of the twelfth month (November 25), our prince signed a treaty with the marquis of Jin.

(經三、七)晉陽處父帥師伐楚以救江。Yang Chufu of Jin led an army to attack Chu, in order to rescue Jiang.

Fourth year – 623 BC (623 January 2 – 623 December 21, common year)

(經四·一)四年春,公至自晉。Fourth year, in spring, our prince returned from Jin.

(經四·二)夏,逆婦姜于齊。In summer, our prince sent someone to greet dame Jiang, his wife, in Qi.

(經四·三)狄侵齊。The Di invaded Qi.

(經四·四)秋,楚人滅江。In autumn, the people of Chu destroyed Jiang.

(經四·五)晉侯伐秦。The marquis of Jin attacked Qin.

(經四·六)衛侯使甯俞來聘。The marquis of Wei sent Ningyu on an embassy to Lu.

(經四·七)冬,十有一月壬寅,夫人風氏薨。In winter, on day Renyin (39) of the eleventh month (October 24), our lady, dame Feng died.

Fifth year – 622 BC (623 December 22 – 622 December 11, common year

(經五·一)五年春,王正月,王使榮叔歸含,且赗。Fifth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the king sent Rong Shu offer pearls and carriages for the funeral.

(經五·二)三月辛亥,葬我小君成風。On day Xinhai (48) of the third month (March 2), our queen , Chengfeng, was buried.

(經五·三)王使召伯來會葬。The king sent the count of Zhao to attend the funeral.

(經五·四)夏,公孫敖如晉。In summer, prince Ao went to Jin.

(經五·五)秦人入鄀。The people of Qin invaded Ruo.

(經五·六)秋,楚人滅六。In autumn, the people of Chu destroyed Liu.

(經五·七)冬,十月甲申,許男業卒。In winter, on day Jiashen (21) of the tenth month (October 1), the baronet of Xu, Ye, died.

Sixth year – 621 BC (622 December 12 – 621 December 29, leap year)

(經六·一)六年春,葬許僖公。Sixth year. In spring, duke Xi of Xu was buried.

(經六·二)夏,季孫行父如陳。In summer, prince Xingfu, the fourth grandson, went to Chen.

(經六·三)秋,季孫行父如晉。In autumn, prince Xingfu, the fourth grandson, went to Jin.

(經六·四)八月乙亥,晉侯驩卒。On day Yihai (12) of the eighth month (July 18), the marquis of Jin, Huan, died.

(經六·五)冬,十月,公子遂如晉。In winter, in the tenth month, prince Sui went to Jin.

(經六·六)葬晉襄公。Duke Xiang of Jin was buried.

(經六·七)晉殺其大夫陽處父。The prince of Jin killed his minister, Yang Chufu.

(經六·八)晉狐射姑出奔狄。Hu Shegu of Jin left his country and fled among the Di.

(經六·九)閏月不告月,猶朝于廟。In the intercalary month, the prince did not announce the month to his ancestors. Yet, he visited his ancestral temple.

Seventh year – 620 BC (621 December 30 – 620 December 18, common year)

(經七·一)七年春,公伐邾。Seventh year, in spring, our prince attacked Zhu.

(經七·二)三月甲戌,取須句。On day Jiaxu (11) of the third month (March 14), he captured Xuju

(經七·三)遂城郚。Then, he fortified Wu.

(經七·四)夏,四月,宋公王臣卒。In summer, in the fourth month, the duke of Song, Wangchen, died.

(經七·五)宋人殺其大夫。The people of Song killed their minister.

(經七·六)戊子,晉人及秦人戰于令狐。晉先蔑奔秦。On day Wuzi (25) (March 28), the people of Jin and Qi fought a battle in Linghu. Xianmie of Jin fled to Qin.

(經七·七)狄侵我西鄙。The di invaded our western border.

(經七·八)秋,八月,公會諸侯、晉大夫,盟于扈。In autumn, in the eighth month, our prince met with the feudal princes and the ministers of Jin in Hu. A treaty was signed.

(經七·九)冬,徐伐莒。In winter, Xu attacked Ju.

(經七·十)公孫敖如莒蒞盟。Prince Ao went to Ju to sign a treaty.

Eighth year – 619 BC (620 December 19 – 619 December 7, common year)

(經八·一)八年春王正月。Eighth year, in spring in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經八·二)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month.

(經八·三)秋,八月戊申,天王崩。In autumn, on day wushen (45) of the eighth month (August 10), the heavenly king died.

(經八·四)冬,十月壬午,公子遂會晉趙盾,盟于衡雍。In winter, on day Renwu (19) of the tenth month (September 13), prince Sui met Zhao Dun of Jin, they signed a treaty in Hengyong.

(經八·五)乙酉,公子遂會雒戎,盟于暴。On day Yiyou (22) (September 16), prince Sui met with the Rongs of Luo. They signed a treaty in Bao.

(經八·六)公孫敖如京師,不至而復。丙戌,奔莒。Prince Ao went to the royal capital, before he arrived, he turned back . On day Bingxu (23) (September 17), he fled to Ju.

(經八·七)螽。There were locusts.

(經八·八)宋人殺其大夫司馬。宋司城來奔。The people of Song killed their minister, Sima. Sicheng of Song, fleeing, came to Lu.

Ninth year – 618 BC (619 December 8 – 618 December 26, leap year)

(經九·一)九年春,毛伯來求金。Ninth year. In spring, the count of Mao came to ask for gold.

(經九·二)夫人姜氏如齊。Our princess, dame Jiang went to Qi.

(經九·三)二月,叔孫得臣如京師。辛丑,葬襄王。In the second month, prince Dechen, the third grandson, went to the royal capital. On day Xinchou (38) (January 30), king Xiang was buried.

(經九·四)晉人殺其大夫先都。The people of Jin killed their minister, Xiandu.

(經九·五)三月,夫人姜氏至自齊。In the third month, our lady, dame Jiang, returned from Qi.

(經九·六)晉人殺其大夫士縠及箕鄭父。The people of Qi killed their ministers, Shigu and Zhengfu of Ji.

(經九·七)楚人伐鄭。The people of Chu attacked Zheng.

(經九·八)公子遂會晉人、宋人、衛人、許人,救鄭。Prince Sui, together with people of Jin, Song, Wei and Xu rescued Zheng.

(經九·九)夏,狄侵齊。In summer, the Di invaded Qi.

(經九·十)秋,八月,曹伯襄卒。In autumn, in the eighth month, the count of Cao, Xiang, died.

(經九·十一)九月癸酉,地震。On day Guiyou (10) of the ninth month (August 30), there was an earthquake.

(經九·十二)冬,楚子使椒來聘。In winter, the viscount of Chu sent Jiao to Lu , on an embassy .

(經九·十三)秦人來歸僖公、成風之襚。People of Qin came to offer funeral clothing for duke Xi and princess Chengfeng.

(經九·十四)葬曹共公。Duke Gong of Cao was buried.

Tenth year – 617 BC (618 December 27 – 617 December 14, common year)

(經十·一)十年春,王三月辛卯,臧孫辰卒。Tenth year. On day Xinmao (28) of the third month of the royal calendar (March 15), Chen, the grandson of Zang, died.

(經十·二)夏,秦伐晉。In summer, Qin attacked Jin.

(經十·三)楚殺其大夫宜申。The prince of Chu killed his minister, Yishen.

(經十·四)自正月不雨,至于秋七月。Since the first month, there was no rain. It last until the seventh month, in autumn.

(經十·五)及蘇子盟于女栗。We signed a treaty in Nuli with the viscount of Su.

(經十·六)冬,狄侵宋。In winter, the Di invaded Song.

(經十·六)楚子、蔡侯次于厥貉。The viscount of Chu and the marquis of Cai encamped their armies in Juehe.

Eleventh year – 616 BC (617 December 15 – 616 December 4, common year)

(經十一·一)十有一年春,楚子伐麇。Eleventh year, in spring, the viscount of Chu attacked Jun .

(經十一·二)夏,叔彭生會晉郤缺于承匡。In summer, Shu Pengsheng met with Xique of Jin in Chengkuang.

(經十一·三)秋,曹伯來朝。In autumn, the count of Cao came to our court audiences.

(經十一·四)公子遂如宋。Prince Sui went to Qi.

(經十一·五)狄侵齊。The Di invaded Qi.

(經十一·六)冬,十月甲午,叔孫得臣敗狄于鹹。In winter, on day Jiawu (31) of the tenth month (September 9), Dechen, the third grandson, defeated the Di in Xian.

Twelfth year – 615 BC (616 December 5 – 615 December 23, leap year)

(經十二·一)十有二年春,王正月,郕伯來奔。Twelfth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the count of Cheng fled to Lu.

(經十二·二)杞伯來朝。The count of Qi came to our court audiences.

(經十二·三)二月庚子,子叔姬卒。On day Gengzi (37) of the second month (January 13), princess Zi Shuji died.

(經十二·四)夏,楚人圍巢。In summer, the people of Chu besieged Chao.

(經十二·五)秋,滕子來朝。In autumn, the viscount of Teng came to our court audiences.

(經十二·六)秦伯使術來聘。The count of Qin sent Shu to Lu, on an embassy.

(經十二·七)冬,十有二月戊午,晉人、秦人戰于河曲。In winter, on day Wuwu (55) of the twelfth month (November 27, intercalary month), the people of Jin and Qin fought a battle in Hequ (the Yellow River bend).

(經十二·八)季孫行父帥師城諸及鄆。Xingfu, the fourth grandson led an army to reinforce Zhu and Yun.

Thirteenth year – 614 BC (615 December 24 – 614 December 12, common year)

(經十三·一)十有三年春,王正月。Thirteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經十三·二)夏,五月壬午,陳侯朔卒。In summer, on day renwu (19) of the fifth month (April 20), the marquis of Chen, Shuo, died.

(經十三·三)邾子蘧蒢卒。The viscount of Zhu, Quchu, died.

(經十三·四)自正月不雨,至于秋七月。From the first month until the seventh month, in autumn, there was no rain.

(經十三·五)大室屋壞。The roof of the main hall of the ancestral temple fell down.

(經十三·六)冬,公如晉。衛侯會公于沓。In winter, our prince went to Jin. The marquis of Wei met with our prince in Ta.

(經十三·七)狄侵衛。The Di invaded Wei.

(經十三·八)十有二月己丑,公及晉侯盟。On day Jichou (26) of the twelfth month (October 24, eleventh month), our prince signed a treaty with the marquis of Jin .

(經十三·九)公還自晉,鄭伯會公于棐。As our prince was returning from Jin, the count of Zheng met him in Fei.

Fourteenth year – 613 BC (614 December 13 – 613 December 1)

(經十四·一)十有四年春,王正月,公至自晉。Fourteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our prince returned from Jin.

(經十四·二)邾人伐我南鄙,叔彭生帥師伐邾。The people of Zhu attacked our southern border. Shu Pengshe led an army to attack Zhu.

(經十四·三)夏,五月乙亥,齊侯潘卒。In summer, on day Yihai (12) of the fifth month (April 7, fourth month), the marquis of Qi, Pan, died.

(經十四·四)六月,公會宋公、陳侯、衛侯、鄭伯、許男、曹伯、晉趙盾。癸酉,同盟于新城。In the sixth month, our prince met with the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the baronet of Xu, the count of Cao and Zhao Dun of Jin. On day Guiyou (10) (June 4), they signed a collective treaty in Xincheng.

(經十四·五)秋,七月,有星孛入于北斗。In autumn, in the seventh month, a comet was seen in the great dipper.

(經十四·六)公至自會。Our prince came back from the meeting.

(經十四·七)晉人納捷菑于邾,弗克納。The people of Jin brought Jiezi to Zhu, to make him prince, but did not succeed.

(經十四·八)九月甲申,公孫敖卒于齊。On day Jiashen (21) of the ninth month (August 14), prince Ao died in Qi.

(經十四·九)齊公子商人弒其君舍。Prince Shangren of Qi killed his lord, She.

(經十四·十)宋子哀來奔。The prince of Song, Ai, came to Lu, fleeing.

(經十四·十一)冬,單伯如齊。In winter, the count of Chan went to Qi.

(經十四·十二)齊人執單伯。The people of Qi captured the count of Chan.

(經十四·十三)齊人執子叔姬。The people of Qi captured Prince Zi Shuji.

Fifteenth year – 612 BC (613 December 2 – 612 December 19, leap year)

(經十五·一)十有五年春,季孫行父如晉。Fifteenth year. In spring, Xingfu, the fourth grandson, went to Qi.

(經十五·二)三月,宋司馬華孫來盟。In the third month, the minister of war of Song, Hua Sun, came to sign a treaty.

(經十五·三)夏,曹伯來朝。In summer, the count of Cai went to our court audiences.

(經十五·四)齊人歸公孫敖之喪。The people of Qi sent back the body of prince Ao.

(經十五·五)六月辛丑朔,日有食之。鼓、用牲于社。On day Xinchou (38) of the sixth month, a new moon (April28), the sun was eclipsed. Drums were beaten and oxen were sacrificed on the soil altar.

(經十五·六)單伯至自齊。The count of Chan came back from Qi.

(經十五·七)晉郤缺帥師伐蔡。戊申,入蔡。Xique of Jin led an army attack Cai . On day Wushen (45) (May 5), he invaded Cai.

(經十五·八)秋,齊人侵我西鄙。In autumn, the people of Qi invaded our western borders.

(經十五·九)季孫行父如晉。Xingfu, the fourth grandson, went to Jin.

(經十五·十)冬,十有一月,諸侯盟于扈。In winter, in the eleventh month, the feudal princes met in Hu.

(經十五·十一)十有二月,齊人來歸子叔姬。In the twelfth month, people of Qi came to Lu and brought back princess Zi Shuji.

(經十五·十二)齊侯侵我西鄙,遂伐曹,入其郛。The marquis of Qi invaded our western border. Then he attacked Cao and entered the external walls of their capital.

Sixteenth year – 611 BC (612 December 20 – 611 December 8, common year)

(經十六·一)十有六年春,季孫行父會齊侯于陽穀,齊侯弗及盟。Sixteenth year. In spring, Xingfu, the fourth grandson, met with the marquis of Qi in Yanggu. But the marquis of Qi did not sign a treaty.

(經十六·二)夏,五月,公四不視朔。In summer, on the fifth month, our prince did not make offering on the new moon for the fourth time in a row.

(經十六·三)六月戊辰,公子遂及齊侯盟于郪丘。In the sixth month, on day Wuchen (5) (May 20), prince Sui signed a treaty with the marquis of Qi, in Louqiu.

(經十六·四)秋,八月辛未,夫人姜氏薨。In autumn, on day xinwei (8) of the eighth month (July 22), our princess, dame Jiang, passed away.

(經十六·五)毀泉臺。The tower of Quan fell.

(經十六·六)楚人、秦人、巴人滅庸。The people of Chu, Qin and Ba destroyed Yong.

(經十六·七)冬,十有一月,宋人弒其君杵臼。In winter, in the eleventh month, the people of Song killed thei lord, Chujiu.

Seventeenth year – 610 BC (611 December 9 – 610 November 28, common year)

(經十七·一)十有七年春,晉人、衛人、陳人、鄭人伐宋。Seventeenth year. In spring, the people of Jin, Wei, Chen and Zheng attacked Song.

(經十七·二)夏,四月癸亥,葬我小君聲姜。In summer, on day Guihai (60) of the fourth month (March 11), our queen, dame Shengjiang, was buried.

(經十七·三)齊侯伐我西鄙。六月癸未,公及齊侯盟于穀。The marquis of Qi attacked our western border. On day Guiwei (20) of the sixth month (May 30), our prince and the marquis of Qi signed a treaty in Gu.

(經十七·四)諸侯會于扈。The feudal princes met in Hu.

(經十七·五)秋,公至自穀。In autumn, our prince came back from Gu.

(經十七·六)冬,公子遂如齊。In winter, prince Sui went to Qi.

Eighteenth year – 609 BC (610 November 29 – 609 December 16, leap year)

(經十八·一)十有八年春,王二月丁丑,公薨于臺下。Eighteenth year. In spring, on day Dingchou (14) of the second month of the royal calendar (January 19), our prince passed away at the foot of a palace tower.

(經十八·二)秦伯罃卒。The count of Qin, Ying, died.

(經十八·三)夏,五月戊戌,齊人弒其君商人。In summer, on day Wuxu (35) of the fifth month (April 9), the people of Qi killed their lord, Shangren.

(經十八·四)六月癸酉,葬我君文公。On day guiyou (10) of the sixth month (May 14), our lord, duke Wen, was buried.

(經十八·五)秋,公子遂、叔孫得臣如齊。In autumn, prince Sui and Dechen, the third grandson, went to Qi.

(經十八·六)冬,十月,子卒。In winter, in the tenth month, the future prince died.

(經十八·七)夫人姜氏歸于齊。Our princess, dame Jiang, returned to Qi.

(經十八·八)季孫行父如齊。Xingfu, the fourth grandson, went to Qi.

(經十八·九)莒弒其君庶其。The people of Ju killed their lord, Shuqi.

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