Friday 8 February 2008

Springs and Autumns 7 - Duke Xuan

Duke Xuan 宣公

First year – 608 BC (609 December 17 – 608 December 5, common year)

(經一·一)元年春,王正月,公即位。First year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our prince was enthroned.

(經一·二)公子遂如齊逆女。Prince Sui went to Qi to greet a wife (for our prince).

(經一·三)三月,遂以夫人婦姜至自齊。In the third month, prince Sui came back from Qi with a princess Jiang.

(經一·四)夏,季孫行父如齊。In summer, Xingfu, grandson of Ji, went to Qi.

(經一·五)晉放其大夫胥甲父于衛。The prince of Jin relegated his minister, Xu Jiafu, to Wei.

(經一·六)公會齊侯于平州。Our prince met with the marquis of Qi in Pingzhou.

(經一·七)公子遂如齊。Prince Sui went to Qi.

(經一·八)六月,齊人取濟西田。In the sixth month, the people of Qi seized the lands west of river Ji.

(經一·九)秋,邾子來朝。In autumn, the viscount of Zhu went to our court audiences.

(經一·十)楚子、鄭人侵陳,遂侵宋。晉趙盾帥師救陳。宋公、陳侯、衛侯、曹伯會晉師于棐林,伐鄭。The viscount of Chu and people of Zheng invaded Chen, and the proceed to attack Song. Zhao Dun of Jin led an army to resce Chen. The duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei and the count of Cao joined their forces with the army of Jin in Feilin, and attacked Zheng.

(經一·十一)冬,晉趙穿帥師侵崇。In winter, Zhao Chuan of Jin led an army to attack Chong.

(經一·十二)晉人、宋人伐鄭。The people of Jin and Song attacked Zheng.

Second year – 607 BC (608 December 6 – 607 November 25, common year)

(經二·一)二年春,王二月壬子,宋華元帥師及鄭公子歸生帥師,戰于大棘。宋師敗績,獲宋華元。Second year. In spring, on day Renzi (49) of the second month of the royal calendar (no such day in the second month), an army led by Huayuan of Song, and another led by prince Zigui of Zheng, fought a battle in Daji. The army of Song was badly defeated, and Song Huayuan was captured.

(經二·二)秦師伐晉。The army of Qin attacked Jin.

(經二·三)夏,晉人、宋人、衛人、陳人侵鄭。In summer, the people of Jin, Song, Wei and Chen invaded Zheng.

(經二·四)秋,九月乙丑,晉趙盾弒其君夷皋。In autumn, on day Yichou (2) of the ninth month (August 24), Zhao Dun of Jin killed his lord, Yigao.

(經二·五)冬,十月乙亥,天王崩。In winter, on day Yihai (12) of the tenth month (September 3), the heavenly king passed away.

Third year – 606 BC (607 November 26 – 606 November 14, common year)

(經三·一)三年春,王正月,郊牛之口傷,改卜牛。牛死,乃不郊。猶三望。Third year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the ox for the winter sacrifice to earth was wounded in the mouth. The augurs were consulted to select another one. The ox died, and the sacrifice could not be made. Yet, the three sacrifices to the rivers were done.

(經三·二)葬匡王。King Kuang was buried.

(經三·三)楚子伐陸渾之戎。The viscount of Chu attacked the Rongs of Luhun.

(經三·四)夏,楚人侵鄭。In summer, the people of Chu invaded Zheng.

(經三·五)秋,赤狄侵齊。In autumn, the red Di invaded Qi.

(經三·六)宋師圍曹。The army of Song besieged the capital of Cao.

(經三·七)冬,十月丙戌,鄭伯蘭卒。In winter, on day Bingxu (23) of the tenth month (September 9), the duke of Zheng, Lan, was buried.

(經三·八)葬鄭穆公。Duke Mu of Zheng was buried.

Fourth year – 605 BC (606 November 15 - 605 December 2, leap year)

(經四·一)四年春,王正月,公及齊侯平莒及郯。莒人不肯。公伐莒,取向。Fourth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord and the marquis of Qi suppressed a revolt in Ju and Tan. As the people of Ju did not submit, our lord attacked their state, and took Xiang.

(經四·二)秦伯稻卒。The count of Qin, Dao, died.

(經四·三)夏,六月乙酉,鄭公子歸生弒其君夷。In summer, on day Yiyou (22) of the sixth month (May 5), prince Guisheng of Zheng killed his lord, Yi.

(經四·四)赤狄侵齊。The red Di invaded Qi.

(經四·五)秋,公如齊。In autumn, our lord went to Qi.

(經四·六)公至自齊。Our lord came back from Qi.

(經四·七)冬,楚子伐鄭。In winter, the viscount of Chu attacked Zheng.

Fifth year – 604 BC (605 December 3 – 604 December 21, leap year)

(經五·一)五年春,公如齊。Fifth year, in spring, our lord went to Qi.

(經五·二)夏,公至自齊。In summer, our lord came back from Qi.

(經五·三)秋,九月,齊高固來逆叔姬。In autumn, in the ninth month, Gaogu of Qi came to Lu to demand princess Shuji for his prince.

(經五·四)叔孫得臣卒。Dechen, grandson of Shu, died.

(經五·五)冬,齊高固及子叔姬來。In winter, Gaogu of Qin and princess Zi Shuji came to Lu.

(經五·六)楚人伐鄭。The people of Chu attacked Zheng.

Sixth year – 603 BC (604 December 22 – 603 December 10, common year)

(經六·一)六年春,晉趙盾、衛孫免侵陳。Sixth year. In spring, Zhao Dun of Jin and Sun Mian of Wei invaded Chen.

(經六·二)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month.

(經六·三)秋,八月,螽。In autumn, in the eighth month, there were locusts.

(經六·四)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.

Seventh year – 602 BC (603 December 11 – 602 December 29, leap year)

(經七·一)七年春,衛侯使孫良夫來盟。Seventh year. In spring, the marquis of Wei sent Sun Liangfu to Lu, in order to sign a treaty.

(經七·二)夏,公會齊侯伐萊。In summer, our lord, together with the marquis of Qi, attacked Lai.

(經七·三)秋,公至自伐萊。In autumn, our lord came back from his campaign against Lai.

(經七·四)大旱。There was a great drought.

(經七·五)冬,公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯于黑壤。In winter, our lord met with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng and the count of Zheng in Heirang.

Eighth year – 601 BC (602 December 30 – 601 December 17, common year)

(經八·一)八年春,公至自會。Eighth year. In spring, our lord came back from the conference.

(經八·二)夏,六月,公子遂如齊,至黃乃復。In summer, in the sixth month, prince Sui went to Qi. But he turned back after he arrived in Huang.

(經八·三)辛巳,有事于太廟,仲遂卒于垂。壬午,猶繹。萬入,去龠。On day Xinsi (18) (June 9), offering were made in the great hall of the ancestral temple. Zhongsui died in Chui. On day renwu (19) (June 10), a second offering of the same food was made. When the mimes entered the temple, they did not take their flutes with them.

(經八·四)戊子,夫人嬴氏薨。On day Wuzi (25) (June 16), our lady dame Ying, passed away.

(經八·五)晉師、白狄伐秦。The army of Jin, with the help of the White Di, attacked Qin.

(經八·六)楚人滅舒蓼。The people of Chu destroyed Shuliao.

(經八·七)秋,七月甲子,日有食之,既。In autumn, on day Jiazi (1) of the seventh month (September 20, tenth month), the sun was eclipsed, it was total.

(經八·八)冬,十月己丑,葬我小君敬嬴。雨,不克葬。庚寅,日中而克葬。In winter, on day Jichou (26) of the tenth month (October 15), our Lady Jingying was buried. As it rained, the funeral could not be held. On day Gengyin (27) (October 16), at midday, the funeral could be held.

(經八·九)城平陽。We fortified Pingyang.

(經八·十)楚師伐陳。The army of Chu attacked Chen.

Ninth year – 600 BC (601 December 18 – 600 December 6, common year)

(經九·一)九年春王正月,公如齊。Ninth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord went to Qi.

(經九·二)公至自齊。Our lord came back from Qi.

(經九·三)夏,仲孫蔑如京師。In summer, Mie, the grandson of Zhong, went to the royal capital.

(經九·四)齊侯伐萊。The marquis of Qi attacked Lai.

(經九·五)秋,取根牟。In autumn, we seized Genmou.

(經九·六)八月,滕子卒。In the eighth month, the viscount of Teng died.

(經九·七)九月,晉侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯會于扈。During the ninth month, the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng and the count of Cao held a conference in Hu.

(經九·八)晉荀林父帥師伐陳。Xun Linfu of Jin led an army to attack Chen.

(經九·九)辛酉,晉侯黑臀卒于扈。On day xinyou (58) (September 12, tenth month), the marquis of Jin, Heitun, died in Hu.

(經九·十)冬,十月癸酉,衛侯鄭卒。In winter, on day Guiyou (10) of the tenth month (September 24), marquis Zheng of Wei was buried.

(經九·十一)宋人圍滕。The people of Song besieged the capital of Teng.

(經九·十二)楚子伐鄭。The viscount of Chu attacked Zheng.

(經九·十三)晉郤缺帥師救鄭。Xique of Jin led an army to rescue Zheng.

(經九·十四)陳殺其大夫泄冶。The prince of Zheng executed his minister, Xieye.

Tenth year – 599 BC (600 December 7 – 599 December 26, leap year)

(經十·一)十年春,公如齊。Tenth year, in spring, our lord went to Qi.

(經十·二)公至自齊。Our lord came back from Qi.

(經十·三)齊人歸我濟西田。The people of Qi gave us back the fields on the west bank of the Ji.

(經十·四)夏,四月丙辰,日有食之。In summer, on day Bingchen (53) of the fourth month (March 6), the sun was eclipsed.

(經十·五)己巳,齊侯元卒。On day Jisi (6) (March 19), the marquis of Qi, Yuan, died.

(經十·六)齊崔氏出奔衛。The family head of Sui, from Qi, left his country and fled to Wei.

(經十·七)公如齊。Our lord went to Qi.

(經十·八)五月,公至自齊。In the fifth month, our lord returned from Qi.

(經十·九)癸巳,陳夏徵舒弒其君平國。On day Guisi (30) (April 12), Xia Zhengshu of Chen killed his lord, Pingguo.

(經十·十)六月,宋師伐滕。In the sixth month, the army of Song attacked Teng.

(經十·十一)公孫歸父如齊。葬齊惠公。Prince Guifu went to Qi. Duke Hui of Qi was buried.

(經十·十二)晉人、宋人、衛人、曹人伐鄭。The people of Jin, Song, Wei and Cao attacked Zheng.

(經十·十三)秋,天王使王季子來聘。In autumnn the heavenly king sent royal prince Jizi on an embassy in Lu.

(經十·十四)公孫歸父帥師伐邾,取繹。Prince Guifu led an army to attack Zhu. He took Yi.

(經十·十五)大水。There were floods.

(經十·十六)季孫行父如齊。Xingfu, grandson of Ji, went to Qi.

(經十·十七)冬,公孫歸父如齊。In winter, prince Guifu went to Qi.

(經十·十八)齊侯使國佐來聘。The marquis of Qi sent Guozuo on an embassy to Lu.

(經十·十九)饑。There was famine.

(經十·二十)楚子伐鄭。The viscount of Chu attacked Zheng.

Eleventh year – 598 BC (599 December 27 – 598 December 15, common year)

(經十一·一)十有一年春,王正月。Eleventh year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經十一·二)夏,楚子、陳侯、鄭伯盟于辰陵。In summer, the viscount of Chu, the marquis of Chen, and the count of Zheng signed a treaty in Chenling.

(經十一·三)公孫歸父會齊人伐莒。Prince Chenfu, together with the people of Qi, attacked Ju.

(經十一·四)秋,晉侯會狄于欑函。In autumn, the marquis of Jin held a conference with the Di in Zanhan.

(經十一·五)冬,十月,楚人殺陳夏徵舒。In winter, in the tenth month, the people of Chu killed Xia Zhengshu of Chen.

(經十一·六)丁亥,楚子入陳。On day Dinghai (24) (September 28), the viscount of Chu invaded Chen.

(經十一·七)納公孫寧、儀行父于陳。Prince Ning and Yi Xingfu were presented in Chen (to be made rulers).

Twelfth year – 597 BC (598 December 16 – 597 December 4, common year)

(經十二·一)十有二年春,葬陳靈公。Twelfth year. In spring, duke Ling of Chen was buried.

(經十二·二)楚子圍鄭。The viscount of Chu besieged the capital of Zheng.

(經十二·三)夏,六月乙卯,晉荀林父帥師及楚子戰于邲,晉師敗績。In summer, on day yimao (52) of the sixth month (no day yimao in the sixth month), an army led by Xun Linfu of Jin battled the viscount of Chu in Bi. The army of Jin was badly defeated.

(經十二·四)秋,七月。In autumn, in the seventh month.

(經十二·五)冬,十有二月戊寅,楚子滅蕭。In winter, on day Wuyin (15) of the twelfth month (November 12), the viscount of Chu destroyed Xiao.

(經十二·六)晉人、宋人、衛人、曹人同盟于清丘。The people of Jin, Song, Wei and Cao signed a collective treaty in Qingqiu.

(經十二·七)宋師伐陳。衛人救陳。The army of Song attacked Chen. The army of Wei rescued Chen.

Thirteenth year – 596 BC (597 December 5 – 596 December 23, leap year)

(經十三·一)十有三年春,齊師伐莒。Thirteenth year. In spring, the army of Qi attacked Ju.

(經十三·二)夏,楚子伐宋。In summer, the viscount of Chu attacked Song.

(經十三·三)秋,螽。In autumn, there were locusts.

(經十三·四)冬,晉殺其大夫先縠。In winter, the prince of Jin had his minister, Gu, executed.

Fourteenth year – 595 BC (596 December 24 – 595 December 12, common year)

(經十四·一)十有四年春,衛殺其大夫孔達。Fourteenth year. In spring, the prince of Wei had his minister, Kong Da, executed.

(經十四·二)夏,五月壬申,曹伯壽卒。In summer, on day Renshen (9) of the fifth month (April 30), the count of Cao, Shou, died.

(經十四·三)晉侯伐鄭。The marquis of Jin attacked Zheng.

(經十四·四)秋,九月,楚子圍宋。In autumn, in the ninth month, the viscount of Chu besieged the capital of Song.

(經十四·五)葬曹文公。Duke Wen of Cao was buried.

(經十四·六)冬,公孫歸父會齊侯于穀。In winter, prince Guifu met with the marquis of Qi in Gu.

Fifteenth year – 594 BC (595 December 13 – 594 December 1, common year)

(經十五·一)十有五年春,公孫歸父會楚子于宋。Fifteenth year. In spring, prince Guifu met with the viscount of Chu in Song.

(經十五·二)夏,五月,宋人及楚人平。In summer, in the fifth month, the people of Song and the people of Chu made peace.

(經十五·三)六月癸卯,晉師滅赤狄潞氏,以潞子嬰兒歸。On day Guimao (40) of the sixth month (May 26), the army of Jin destroyed the Lu clan of the Red Di. They came back with the prince of Lu, Ying’er, as a captive.

(經十五·四)秦人伐晉。The people of Qin attacked Jin.

(經十五·五)王札子殺召伯、毛伯。Wang Lizi killed the count of Zhao and the count of Mao.

(經十五·六)秋,螽。In autumn, there were locusts.

(經十五·七)仲孫蔑會齊高固于無婁。Prince Mie, the second grandson, met with Gaogu of Jin in Wulou.

(經十五·八)初稅畝。For the first time, a new tax was received on land.

(經十五·九)冬,蝝生。In winter, there were locust larvae.

(經十五·十)饑。There was famine.

Sixteenth year – 593 BC (594 December 2 – 593 December 19, leap year, most probably)

(經十六·一)十有六年春,王正月,晉人滅赤狄甲氏及留吁。Sixteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the people of Jin destroyed the Jia clan, and the Liuxu of the Red Di.

(經十六·二)夏,成周宣榭火。In summer, the military school of lord Xuan, in Chengzhou, was destroyed by fire.

(經十六·三)秋,郯伯姬來歸。In autumn, Lady Boji of Tan came back to visit.

(經十六·四)冬,大有年。In winter, the harvest was very abundant.

Seventeenth year – 592 BC (593 December 20 – 592 December 8, common year)

(經十七·一)十有七年春,王正月庚子,許男錫我卒。Seventeenth year. In spring, on day Gengzi (37) of the first month of the royal calendar (January 12), the baronet of Xu, Xiwo, died.

(經十七·二)丁未,蔡侯申卒。On day Dingwei (44) (January 19, second month), the marquis of Cai, Shen, died.

(經十七·三)夏,葬許昭公。In summer, duke Zhao of Xu was buried.

(經十七·四)葬蔡文公。Duke Wen of Cai was buried.

(經十七·五)六月癸卯,日有食之。On day Guimao (40) of the sixth month (no eclipse, and no day guimao that month), the sun was eclipsed.

(經十七·六)己未,公會晉侯、衛侯、曹伯、邾子同盟于斷道。In day Jiwei (56) (May 31), our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao and the viscount of Zhu, signed a collective treaty in Duandao.

(經十七·七)秋,公至自會。In autumn, our lord came back from the conference.

(經十七·八)冬,十有一月壬午,公弟叔肸卒。In winter, on day renwu (19) of the eleventh month (October 21), the brother of our lord, Shuxi, died.

Eighteenth year - 591 BC (592 December 9 – 591 November 27, common year)

(經十八·一)十有八年春,晉侯、衛世子臧伐齊。Eighteenth year. In spring, the marquis of Jin and the heir apparent of Wei, Zang, attacked Qi.

(經十八·二)公伐杞。Our prince attacked Qi.

(經十八·三)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month.

(經十八·四)秋,七月,邾人戕鄫子于鄫。In autumn, in the seventh month, a man of Zhu went to the capital of Ceng, and assassinated the viscount of Ceng.

(經十八·五)甲戌,楚子旅卒。In day Jiaxu (11) (June 10), the viscount of Chu, Lu, died.

(經十八·六)公孫歸父如晉。Prince Guifu went to Qi.

(經十八·七)冬,十月壬戌,公薨于路寢。In winter, on day renxu (59) of the tenth month (September 26), our lord passed away in his greater apartments.

(經十八·八)歸父還自晉,至笙。遂奔齊。Prince Guifu returned from Jin, but when he arrived in Sheng, he fled and took refuge in Qi.

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