Friday 8 February 2008

Springs and Autumns 8 - Duke Cheng

Duke Cheng 成公

First year – 590 BC (591 November 28 – 590 December 16, leap year)

(經一·一)元年春,王正月,公即位。First year, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord was enthroned.

(經一·二)二月辛酉,葬我君宣公。On day Xinyou (58) of the second month (January 23), our lord, duke Xuan, was buried.

(經一·三)無冰。There was no frost.

(經一·四)三月,作丘甲。In the third month, each village mobilised his soldiers.

(經一·五)夏,臧孫許及晉侯盟于赤棘。In summer, Xu, the grandson of Zang, signed a treaty with the marquis of Jin, in Chiji.

(經一·六)秋,王師敗績于茅戎。In autumn, the royal armies were severely defeated by the Mao Rong.

(經一·七)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.

Second year- 589 BC (590 December 17 – 589 December 5, common year)

(經二·一)二年春,齊侯伐我北鄙。Second year. In spring, the marquis of Qi attacked our northern borders.

(經二·二)夏,四月丙戌,衛孫良夫帥師及齊師戰于新筑,衛師敗績。In summer, on day Bingxu (23) of the fourth month (April 12), an army led by Sun Liangfu of Wei battled the army of Qi in Xinzhu. The army of Wei was badly defeated.

(經二·三)六月癸酉,季孫行父、臧孫許、叔孫僑如、公孫嬰齊帥師會晉郤克、衛孫良夫、曹公子首及齊侯戰于鞍,齊師敗績。On day Guiyou (10) of the sixth month (May 29), an army led by Xingfu, the fourth grandson, Xu, grandson of Zang, Qiaoru, the third grandson, and prince Yingqi, joined forces with Xike of Jin, Sun Liangfu of Wei and prince Shou of Cao, and battled the army of Qi in An. The army of Qi was severely defeated.

(經二·四)秋,七月,齊侯使國佐如師。己酉,及國佐盟于袁婁。In autumn, in the seventh month, the marquis of Qi sent Guozuo to our capital. On day Jiyou (46) (July 4), a treaty was signed with Guozou, in Yuanlou.

(經二·五)八月壬午,宋公鮑卒。On day Renwu (19) of the eighth month (August 6), the duke of Song, Bao, died.

(經二·六)庚寅,衛侯速卒。On day gengyin (27) (August 14, ninth month), the marquis of Wei, Su, died.

(經二·七)取汶陽田。We took back the fields on the north bank of the Ru.

(經二·八)冬,楚師、鄭師侵衛。In winter, the armies of Chu and Zheng invaded Wei.

(經二·九)十有一月,公會楚公子嬰齊于蜀。In the eleventh month, our lord met with prince Yingqi of Chu in Shu.

(經二·十)丙申,公及楚人、秦人、宋人、陳人、衛人、鄭人、齊人、曹人、邾人、薛人、鄫人盟于蜀。On day Bingshen (33) (October 19), our lord signed a treaty with the people of Chu, Qin, Song, Chen, Wei, Zheng, Qi, Cao, Zhu, Xie and Zeng, in Shu.

Third year – 588 BC (589 December 6 – 588 November 25, common year)

(經三·一)三年春,王正月,公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯伐鄭。Third year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei and the count of Cao, attacked Zheng.

(經三·二)辛亥,葬衛穆公。On day Xinhai (48) (January 2), duke Mu of Wei was buried.

(經三·三)二月,公至自伐鄭。In the second month, our lord came back from the campaign against Zheng.

(經三·四)甲子,新宮災。三日哭。On day Jiazi (1) (January 15), the new ancestral temple was destroyed by fire, there were three days of mourning.

(經三·五)乙亥,葬宋文公。On day yihai (12) (January 26), duke Wen of Song was buried.

(經三·六)夏,公如晉。In summer, our lord went to Jin.

(經三·七)鄭公子去疾帥師伐許。Prince Quji of Zheng led an army attack Xu.

(經三·八)公至自晉。Our lord came back from Jin.

(經三·九)秋,叔孫僑如帥師圍棘。In autumn, Qiaoru, the third grandson, led an army besiege Ji.

(經三·十)大雩。There was a great sacrifice to rain.

(經三·十一)晉郤克、衛孫良夫伐廧咎如。Xike of Jin and Sun Liangfu of Wei attacked Jiuru of Qiang.

(經三·十二)冬,十有一月,晉侯使荀庚來聘。In winter, in the eleventh month, the marquis of Jin sent Xun Geng on an embassy to Lu;

(經三·十三)衛侯使孫良夫來聘。The marquis of Wei sent Sun Liangfu on an embassy to Lu.

(經三·十四)丙午,及荀庚盟。On day bingwu (43) (October 24), a treaty was signed with Xun Geng.

(經三·十五)丁未,及孫良夫盟。On day Dingwei (44) (October 25), a treaty was signed with Sun Liangfu.

(經三·十六)鄭伐許。The prince of Zheng attacked Xu.

Fourth year – 587 BC (588 November 26 – 587 December 14, leap year)

(經四·一)四年春,宋公使華元來聘。Fourth year, in spring, the duke of Song sent Hua Yuan on an embassy in Lu.

(經四·二)三月壬申,鄭伯堅卒。On day Renshen (9) of the third month (no such day in the third month), the count of Zheng, Jian, died.

(經四·三)杞伯來朝。The count of Qi came to our court audiences.

(經四·四)夏,四月甲寅,臧孫許卒。In summer, on day Jiayin (51) of the fourth month (February 29), Xu, the grandson of prince Zang, died.

(經四·五)公如晉。Our lord went to Jin.

(經四·六)葬鄭襄公。Duke Xiang of Zheng was buried.

(經四·七)秋,公至自晉。In autumn, our lord returned from Jin.

(經四·八)冬,城鄆。In winter, Yun was fortified.

(經四·九)鄭伯伐許。The count of Zheng attacked Xu.

Fifth year – 586 BC (587 December 15 – 587 December 3, common year)

(經五·一)五年春王正月,杞叔姬來歸。Fifth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, princess Shuji of Qi(3) came to Lu to visit.

(經五·二)仲孫蔑如宋。Prince Mie, the second grandson, went to Song.

(經五·三)夏,叔孫僑如會晉荀首于穀。In summer, prince Qiaoru, the third grandson, met with Xun Shou of Jin, in Gu.

(經五·四)梁山崩。Mount Liang collapsed.

(經五·五)秋,大水。In autumn, there were floods.

(經五·六)冬,十有一月己酉,天王崩。In winter, on day Jiyou (46) of the eleventh month (October 17), the heavenly king passed away.

(經五·七)十有二月己丑,公會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、邾子、杞伯同盟于蟲牢。On day Jichou (26) of the twelfth month (November 26), our lord met with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Zhu, and the count of Qi(3). They signed a collective treaty in Chonglao.

Sixth year – 585 BC (586 December 4 – 585 November 21, common year)

(經六·一)六年春王正月,公至自會。Sixth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord came back from his conference.

(經六·二)二月辛巳,立武宮。On day Xinsi (18) of the second month (January 17), an ancestral temple to king Wu was established.

(經六·三)取鄟。We took Zhuan.

(經六·四)衛孫良夫帥師侵宋。Sun Liangfu of Wei led an army invade Song.

(經六·五)夏,六月,邾子來朝。In summer, in the sixth month, the viscount of Zhu came to our court audiences.

(經六·六)公孫嬰齊如晉。Prince Yingqi went to Jin.

(經六·七)壬申,鄭伯費卒。On day Renshen (9) (May 7), the duke of Zheng, Fei, died.

(經六·八)秋,仲孫蔑、叔孫僑如帥師侵宋。In autumn, prince Mie, the second grandson, and prince Qiaoru, the third grandson, led an army invade Song.

(經六·九)楚公子嬰齊帥師伐鄭。Prince Yingqi of Chu led and army to attack Zheng.

(經六·十)冬,季孫行父如晉。In winter, Xingfu, the fourth grandson, went to Jin.

(經六·十一)晉欒書帥師救鄭。Luan Shu of Jin led an army rescue Zheng.

Seventh year – 584 BC (585 November 22 – 584 December 9, leap year)

(經七·一)七年春,王正月,鼷鼠食郊牛角,改卜牛。鼷鼠又食其角,乃免牛。Seventh year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, a small rat ate the horns of the ox meant for the winter sacrifice to earth. A new ox had to be chosen by the augurs. But a small rat, again, ate at its horns, and finally there was no ox for the sacrifice.

(經七·二)吳伐郯。The prince of Wu attacked Tan.

(經七·三)夏,五月,曹伯來朝。In summer, in the fifth month, the count of Cao came to our court audiences.

(經七·四)不郊,猶三望。There was not earth sacrifice, yet the three sacrifices to rivers were done.

(經七·五)秋,楚公子嬰齊帥師伐鄭。In autumn, prince Yingqi of Chu led an army to attack Zheng.

(經七·六)公會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、杞伯救鄭。八月戊辰,同盟于馬陵。Our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu and the count of Qi(3), rescued Zheng. On day Wuchen (5) of the eighth month (June 27), they signed a collective treaty in Maling.

(經七·七)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference.

(經七·八)吳入州來。The people of Wu invaded Zhoulai.

(經七·九)冬,大雩。In winter, there was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經七·十)衛孫林父出奔晉。Sun Linfu of Wei fled his country, and took refuge in Jin.

Eighth year – 583 BC (584 December 10 – 583 November 29, common year)

(經八·一)八年春,晉侯使韓穿來言汶陽之田,歸之于齊。Eighth year. In spring, the marquis of Jin sent Han Chuan to discuss the issue of the fields on the northern banks of the Ru. They were given back to Qi.

(經八·二)晉欒書帥師侵蔡。Luan Shu of Jin led an army invade Cai.

(經八·三)公孫嬰齊如莒。Prince Yingqi went to Ju.

(經八·四)宋公使華元來聘。The duke of Song sent Huan Yuan to Lu, on an embassy.

(經八·五)夏,宋公使公孫壽來納幣。In summer, the duke of Song sent prince Shou to Lu. He offered presents to beg for a bride.

(經八·六)晉殺其大夫趙同、趙括。The prince of Jin had his ministers Zhao Tong and Zhao Gua, executed.

(經八·七)秋,七月,天子使召伯來賜公命。In autumn, in the seventh month, the son of Heaven sent the count of Zhao to Lu, to bestow a royal favour upon the former duke.

(經八·八)冬,十月癸卯,杞叔姬卒。In winter, on day Guimao (40) of the tenth month (September 25), prince Shuji of Qi(3) died.

(經八·九)晉侯使士燮來聘。The marquis of Jin sent Shixie to Lu, on an embassy.

(經八·十)叔孫僑如會晉士燮、齊人、邾人伐郯。Qiaoru, the third grandson, together with Shixie of Jin, and people of Qi and Zhu, attacked Tan.

(經八·十一)衛人來媵。People of Wei came to Lu to escort a princess.

Ninth year – 582 BC (583 November 30 – 582 December 18, leap year)

(經九·一)九年春,王正月,杞伯來逆叔姬之喪以歸。Ninth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the count of Qi(3) came to Lu, bringing back the body of princess Shuji.

(經九·二)公會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、杞伯,同盟于蒲。Our lord met with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju and the count of Qi(3). They signed a collective treaty in Pu.

(經九·三)公至自會。Our lord came back from the meeting.

(經九·四)二月,伯姬歸于宋。In the second month, princess Boji was offered as a wife to the prince of Song.

(經九·五)夏,季孫行父如宋致女。In summer, prince Xingfu, the fourth grandson, went to Song, escorting our princess.

(經九·六)晉人來媵。The people of Jin came to us, escorting a princess.

(經九·七)秋,七月丙子,齊侯無野卒。In autumn, on day Bingzi (13) of the seventh month (June 25, last day of the month?), the marquis of Qi, Wuye, died.

(經九·八)晉人執鄭伯。The people of Jin captured the count of Zheng.

(經九·九)晉欒書帥師伐鄭。Luan Shu of Jin led an army to attack Zheng.

(經九·十)冬,十有一月,葬齊頃公。In winter, in the eleventh month, Duke Qing of Qi was buried.

(經九·十一)楚公子嬰齊帥師伐莒。庚申,莒潰。楚人入鄆。Prince Yingqi of Chu led an army to attack Ju. On day Gengshen (57) (October 7), Ju was defeated. The people of Chu then invaded Yun.

(經九·十二)秦人、白狄伐晉。The people of Qin and the White Di, attacked Jin.

(經九·十三)鄭人圍許。The people of Zheng besieged the capital of Xu.

(經九·十四)城中城。The external wall of the capital was rebuilt.

Tenth year – 581 BC (582 December 19 – 581 December 6, common year)

(經十·一)十年春,衛侯之弟黑背帥師侵鄭。Tenth year. In spring, the brother of the marquis of Wei, Hei Bei led an army to invade Zheng.

(經十·二)夏,四月,五卜郊,不從,乃不郊。In summer, in the fourth month, the augurs were consulted five times on the summer sacrifice to earth. The omens were unfavourable, and the sacrifice therefore was not conducted.

(經十·三)五月,公會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯,伐鄭。In the fifth month, our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, and the count of Cao, attacked Zheng.

(經十·四)齊人來媵。The people of Qi came to Lu to escort a princess.

(經十·五)丙午,晉侯獳卒。On day Bingwu (43) (May 20, sixth month), the marquis of Jin, Nou, died.

(經十·六)秋,七月,公如晉。In autumn, in the seventh month, our lord went to Jin.

(經十·七)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.

Eleventh year – 580 BC (581 December 7 – 580 November 26, common year)

(經十一·一)十有一年春,王三月,公至自晉。Eleventh year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord came back from Jin.

(經十一·二)晉侯使郤犨來聘,己丑,及郤犨盟。The marquis of Jin sent Xi Chou on an embassy to Lu. On day Jichou (26) (581 December 29), a treaty was signed with Xi Chou.

(經十一·三)夏,季孫行父如晉。In summer, prince Xingfu, the fourth grandson , went to Jin.

(經十一·四)秋,叔孫僑如如齊。In autumn, prince Qiaoru, the third grandson, went to Qi.

(經十一·五)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.

Twelfth year –579 BC (580 November 27 – 579 December 15, leap year, from the dates in the Zuozhuan)

(經十二·一)十有二年春,周公出奔晉。Twelfth year. In spring, the duke of Zhou left his state and fled to Jin.

(經十二·二)夏,公會晉侯、衛侯于瑣澤。In summer, our lord held a conference with the marquis of Jin and the marquis of Wei in Suoze.

(經十二·三)秋,晉人敗狄于交剛。In autumn, the people of Jin defeated the Di in Jiaogang.

(經十二·四)冬,十月。In winter, in the tenth month.

Thirteenth year – 578 BC (579 December 16 – 577 January 3, leap year)

(經十三·一)十有三年春,晉侯使郤锜來乞師。Thirteenth year. In spring, the marquis of Jin sent Xi Qi to Lu, to beg for military support.

(經十三·二)三月,公如京師。In the third month, our lord went to the royal capital.

(經十三·三)夏,五月,公自京師,遂會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、邾人、滕人伐秦。In summer, in the fifth month, our lord came back from the royal capital. Then, he joined his forces with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, and the people of Zhu and Teng, and attacked Qin.

(經十三·四)曹伯盧卒于師。The duke of Cao, Lu, died while he was with his army.

(經十三·五)秋,七月,公至自伐秦。In autumn, in the seventh month, our lord came back from his campaign against Qin.

(經十三·六)冬,葬曹宣公。In winter, duke Xuan of Cao was buried.

Fourteenth year – 577 BC (577 January 4 – 577 December 22, common year)

(經十四·一)十有四年春,王正月,莒子朱卒。Fourteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the viscount of Ju, Zhu, died.

(經十四·二)夏,衛孫林父自晉歸于衛。In summer, Sun Linfu of Wei came back from Jin to Wei.

(經十四·三)秋,叔孫僑如如齊逆女。In autumn, prince Qiaoru, the third grandson, went to Qi to greet a new bride.

(經十四·四)鄭公子喜帥師伐許。Prince Xi of Zheng led an army to attack Xu.

(經十四·五)九月,僑如以夫人婦姜氏至自齊。In the ninth month, Qiaoru came back from Qi with a new princess, dame Jiang.

(經十四·六)冬,十月庚寅,衛侯臧卒。In winter, on day Gengyin (27) of the tenth month (October 10), the marquis of Wei, Zang, died.

(經十四·七)秦伯卒。The count of Qin died.

Fifteenth year – 576 BC (577 December 23 – 576 December 11, common year)

(經十五·一)十有五年春,王二月,葬衛定公。Fifteenth year. In spring, in the second month of the royal calendar, duke Ding of Wei was buried.

(經十五·二)三月乙巳,仲嬰齊卒。On day Yisi (42) of the third month (February 22), the elder prince, Yingqi, died.

(經十五·三)癸醜,公會晉侯、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、宋世子成、齊國佐、邾人,同盟于戚。晉侯執曹伯歸于京師。On day Guichou (50) (March 2), our lord met with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the heir apparent of Song, Cheng, Guozuo of Qi, and the people of Zhu. They signed a collective treaty in Qi. The marquis of Jin captured the count of Cao and took him to the royal capital.

(經十五·四)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference.

(經十五·五)夏,六月,宋公固卒。In summer, in the sixth month, the duke of Song, Gu, died.

(經十五·六)楚子伐鄭。The viscount of Chu attacked Zheng.

(經十五·七)秋,八月庚辰,葬宋共公。In autumn, on day Gengchen (17) of the eighth month (July 27), duke Gong of Song was buried.

(經十五·八)宋華元出奔晉。Hua Yuan of Song left his country and fled to Jin.

(經十五·九)宋華元自晉歸于宋。Hua Yuan of Song left Jin and returned to Song.

(經十五·十)宋殺其大夫山。The prince of Song had his minister, Shan, executed.

(經十五·十一)宋魚石出奔楚。Yu Shou of Song left his state and fled to Chu.

(經十五·十二)冬,十有一月,叔孫僑如會晉士燮、齊高無咎、宋華元、衛孫林父、鄭公子鰍、邾人會吳于鍾離。In winter, in the eleventh month, prince Qiaoru, the third grandson, together with Shixie of Jin, Gao Wujiu of Qi, Hua Yuan of Song, Sun Linfu of Wei, prince Qiu of Zheng, and people of Zhu, met with the people of Wu in Zhongli.

(經十五·十三)許遷于葉。Xu moved its capital to Xie.

Sixteenth year – 575 BC (576 December 12 – 575 November 30, common year)

(經十六·一)十有六年春,王正月,雨,木冰。Sixteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, it rained, and the tree frosted.

(經十六·二)夏,四月辛未,滕子卒。In summer, on day Xinwei (8) of the fourth month (March 15), the viscount of Teng died.

(經十六·三)鄭公子喜帥師侵宋。Prince Xi of Zheng led an army invade Song.

(經十六·四)六月丙寅朔,日有食之。On day Bingyin (3) of the sixth month (May 9), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

(經十六·五)晉侯使欒黡來乞師。The marquis of Jin sent Luan Yan to Lu, to beg for military help.

(經十六·六)甲午晦,晉侯及楚子、鄭伯戰于鄢陵。楚子、鄭師敗績。On day Jiawu (31), the last day in the month (June 6), the marquis of Jin fought a battle with the viscount of Chu and the count of Zheng, in Yanling. The viscount of Chu and the army of Zheng were badly defeated.

(經十六·七)楚殺其大夫公子側。The prince of Chu killed his minister, prince Ce.

(經十六·八)秋,公會晉侯、齊侯、衛侯、宋華元、邾人于沙隨,不見公。In autumn, our lord went to meet with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the marquis of Wei, Hua Yuan of Song and people of Zhu in Shasui. But he was not granted an audience.

(經十六·九)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference.

(經十六·十)公會尹子、晉侯、齊國佐、邾人伐鄭。Our lord, together with the viscount of Yi, the marquis of Jin, Guozuo of Qi and the people of Zhu, attacked Zheng.

(經十六·十一)曹伯歸自京師。The count of Cao came back from the royal capital.

(經十六·十二)九月,晉人執季孫行父,舍之于苕丘。In the ninth month, the people of Jin captured prince Xingfu, the fourth grandson, and kept him in Tiaoqiu.

(經十六·十三)冬,十月乙亥,叔孫僑如出奔齊。In winter, on day Yihai (12) of the tenth month (September 15), prince Qiaoru, the third grandson, fled our state and took refuge in Qi.

(經十六·十四)十有二月,乙丑,季孫行父及晉郤犨盟于扈。On day yichou (2) of the twelfth month (November 4), prince Xingfu, the fourth grandson, signed a treaty with Xi Chou of Jin in Hu.

(經十六·十五)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference.

(經十六·十六)乙酉,刺公子偃。On day Yiyou (22) (November 24), prince Yan was assassinated.

Seventeenth year – 574 BC (575 December 1 – 574 December 19, leap year)

(經十七·一)十有七年春,衛北宮括帥師侵鄭。Seventeenth year, in spring, Kuo, the prince of the northern palace of Wei (???) led an army to invade Zheng.

(經十七·二)夏,公會尹子、單子、晉侯、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯、邾人伐鄭。In summer, our prince met with the viscount of Yin, the viscount of Shan, the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the count of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, and people of Zhu. Together they attacked Zheng.

(經十七·三)六月乙酉,同盟于柯陵。On day Yiyou (22) of the sixth month (May 23), a collective treaty was signed in Keling.

(經十七·四)秋,公至自會。In autumn, our lord came back from the conference.

(經十七·五)齊高無咎出奔莒。Gao Wujiu of Qi fled his country and took refuge in Ju.

(經十七·六)九月辛丑,用郊。On day Xinchou (38) of the ninth month (August 7), the summer sacrifice to earth was held.

(經十七·七)晉侯使荀罃來乞師。The marquis of Qi sent Xun Ying to beg for military help.

(經十七·八)冬,公會單子、晉侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯、齊人、邾人伐鄭。In winter, our lord met with the viscount of Shan, the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, and people of Qi and Zhu. Together, they attacked Zheng.

(經十七·九)十有一月,公至自伐鄭。In the eleventh month, our lord came back from his campaign against Zheng.

(經十七·十)壬申,公孫嬰齊卒于貍脤。On day Renshen (9), prince Yingqi died in Lishen. (no such day in the eleventh month, could be the tenth month, or another day, Renchen?)

(經十七·十一)十有二月丁巳朔,日有食之。On day Dingsi (54) of the twelfth month (October 22), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

(經十七·十二)邾子貜且卒。The viscount of Zhu, Jueju, died.

(經十七·十三)晉殺其大夫郤锜、郤犨、郤至。The prince of Jin killed his ministers, Xi Qi, Xi Chou and Xi Zhi.

(經十七·十四)楚人滅舒庸。The people of Chu destroyed the state of Shuyong.

Eighteenth year – 573 BC (574 December 20 – 573 December 8, common year)

(經十八·一)十有八年春,王正月,晉殺其大夫胥童。In the eighteenth year, in spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the prince of Jin executed his minister, Xu Tong.

(經十八·二)庚申,晉弒其君州蒲。On day Gengshen (57) (December 24), the people of Jin killed their lords, Zhoupu.

(經十八·三)齊殺其大夫國佐。The prince of Qi killed his minister, Guozuo.

(經十八·四)公如晉。Our lord went to Jin.

(經十八·五)夏,楚子,鄭伯伐宋。宋魚石復入于彭城。In summer, the viscount of Chu and the count of Zheng attacked Song. Yushi of Song returned to Pengcheng.

(經十八·六)公至自晉。Our lord came back from Jin.

(經十八·七)晉侯使士丐來聘。The marquis of Jin sent Shi Gai on an embassy to Lu.

(經十八·八)秋,杞伯來朝。In autumn, the count of Qi(3) went to our court audiences.

(經十八·九)八月,邾子來朝。In the eighth month, the viscount of Zhu came to our court audiences.

(經十八·十)筑鹿囿。The hunting reserve of Lu was enclosed.

(經十八·十一)己丑,公薨于路寢。On day Jichou (26) (July 20), our lord passed away in his private appartments.

(經十八·十二)冬,楚人、鄭人侵宋。In winter, the people of Chu and Zheng invaded Song.

(經十八·十三)晉侯使士魴來乞師。The marquis of Jin sent Shi Fang to Lu, in order to beg for military support.

(經十八·十四)十有二月,仲孫蔑會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、邾子、齊崔杼,同盟于虛朾。In the twelfth month, Prince Mie, the second grandson, met with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the viscount of Zhu and Cuizhu of Qi. A collective treaty was signed in Xuting.

(經十八·十五)丁未,葬我君成公。On day Dingwei (44) (December 5), our lord, duke Cheng was buried.

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