Friday 8 February 2008

Springs and Autumns 9 - Duke Xiang

Duke Xiang 襄公

First year – 572 BC (573 December 9 – 572 December 27, leap year)

(經一·一)元年春,王正月,公即位。First year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord was enthroned.

(經一·二)仲孫蔑會晉欒黡、宋華元、衛甯殖、曹人、莒人、邾人、滕人、薛人,圍宋彭城。Prince Mie, the second grandson, met with Luan Yan of Jin, Hua Yuan of Song, Ningzhi of Wei, and people of Co, Ju, Zhu, Teng and Xie. Together they besieged Pengcheng, in Song.

(經一·三)夏,晉韓厥帥師伐鄭,仲孫蔑會齊崔杼、曹人、邾人、杞人,次于鄫。In summer, Han Jue of Jin led an army to attack Zheng. Prince Mie, the second grandson, met with Cui Zhu of Qi, and the people of Cao, Zhu and Qi(3). The encamped their troops in Ceng.

(經一·四)秋,楚公子壬夫帥師侵宋。In autumn, prince Renfu of Chu led an army invade Song.

(經一·五)九月辛酉,天王崩。On day Xinyou (58) of the ninth month, the heavenly king died. (August 16)

(經一·六)邾子來朝。The viscount of Zhu came to our court audiences.

(經一·七)冬,衛侯使公孫剽來聘。晉侯使荀罃來聘。In winter, the marquis of Wei sent prince Piao on an embassy to Lu. The marquis of Jin sent Xun Ying on an embassy to Lu.

Second year – 571 BC (572 December 28 – 571 December 16, common year)

(經二·一)二年春,王正月,葬簡王。Second year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, king Jian was buried.

(經二·二)鄭師伐宋。The army of Zheng attacked Song.

(經二·三)夏,五月庚寅,夫人姜氏薨。In summer, on day gengyin (27) of the fifth month, our Lady, dame Jiang, passed away. (May 12)

(經二·四)六月庚辰,鄭伯睔卒。On day Gengchen of the sixth month (17), the count of Zheng, Hun, died. (July 1, seventh month, attested in the Zuozhuan)

(經二·五)晉師、宋師、衛甯殖侵鄭。The army of Jin and Song, together with Ning Zhi of Wei, invaded Zheng.

(經二·六)秋,七月,仲孫蔑會晉荀罃、宋華元、衛孫林父、曹人、邾人于戚。In summer, in the seventh month, prince Mie, the second grandson, met with Xun Ying of Jin, Hua Yuan of Song, Sun Linfu of Wei, and people of Cao and Zhu in Qi.

(經二·七)己丑,葬我小君齊姜。On day Jichou (26), our lady, princess Jiang of Qi was buried. (July 10)

(經二·八)叔孫豹如宋。Prince Bao, the third grandson, went to Song.

(經二·九)冬,仲孫蔑會晉荀罃、齊崔杼、宋華元、衛孫林父、曹人、邾人、滕人、薛人、小邾人于戚,遂城虎牢。In winter, prince Mie, the second grandson, met with Xun Ying of Jin, Cui Zhu of Qi, Hua Yuan of Song, Sun Linfu of Wei, and people of Cao, Zhu, Teng, Xie and the Little Zhu, in Qi. Then, he proceeded to fortify Hulao.

(經二·十)楚殺其大夫公子申。The prince of Chu executed his minister, prince Shen.

Third year – 570 BC (571 December 17 – 570 December 6, common year)

(經三·一)三年春,楚公子嬰齊帥師伐吳。Third year. In spring, prince Yingqi of Chu led an army attack Wu.

(經三·二)公如晉。Our lord went to Jin.

(經三·三)夏,四月壬戌,公及晉侯盟于長樗。In summer, on day Renxu (59) of the fourth month (April 9), our lord signed a treaty with the marquis of Jin in Changshu.

(經三·四)公至自晉。Our lord came back from Jin.

(經三·五)六月,公會單子、晉侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、莒子、邾子、齊世子光。己未,同盟于雞澤。In the sixth month, our lord held a meeting with the viscount of Shan, the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhi, and Guang, the heir apparent of Qi. On day Jiwei (56) (June 5), a collective treaty was signed in Jize.

(經三·六)陳侯使袁僑如會。The marquis of Chen sent Yuan Qiao join the conference.

(經三·七)戊寅,叔孫豹及諸侯之大夫及陳袁僑盟。On day wuyin (15) (June 24 seventh month), prince Bao, the third grandson, and the ministers of the feudal princes signed a treaty with Yuan Qiao of Chen.

(經三·八)秋,公至自會。In autumn, our lord came back from the conference .

(經三·九)冬,晉荀罃帥師伐許。In winter, Xun Ying of Jin led an army attack Xu.

Fourth year – 569 BC (570 December 7 – 569 December 24, leap year)

(經四·一)四年春,王三月。己酉,陳侯午卒。Fourth year. In spring, in the third month of the royal calendar. On day Jiyou (46) (no jiyou in the third month…), the marquis of Chen, Wu, died.

(經四·二)夏,叔孫豹如晉。In summer, prince Bao, the third grandson, went to Jin.

(經四·三)秋,七月戊子,夫人姒氏薨。In autumn, on day Wuzi (25) of the seventh month (June 28), our lady, dame Si, passed away.

(經四·四)葬陳成公。Duke Chen of Chen was buried.

(經四·五)八月辛亥,葬我小君定姒。On day xinhai (48) of the eighth month (July 21), our Lady, dame Dingsi, was buried.

(經四·六)冬,公如晉。In winter, our lord went to Jin.

(經四·七)陳人圍頓。The people of Chen besieged Dun.

Fifth year - 568 BC (569 December 25 – 568 December 13, common year)

(經五·一)五年春,公至自晉。Fifth year. In spring, our lord came back from Jin.

(經五·二)夏,鄭伯使公子發來聘。In summer, the count of Zheng sent prince Fa on an embassy to Lu.

(經五·三)叔孫豹、鄫世子巫如晉。Prince Bao, the third grandson, and the heir apparent of Ceng, Wu, went to Jin.

(經五·四)仲孫蔑、衛孫林父會吳于善道。Prince Mie, the second grandson, and Sun Linfu of Wei held a conference with the prince of Wu in Shandao.

(經五·五)秋,大雩。In autumn, there was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經五·六)楚殺其大夫公子壬夫。The prince of Chu executed his minister, prince Renfu.

(經五·七)公會晉侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、齊世子光、吳人、鄫人于戚。Our lord held a conference with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the heir apparent of Qi, Guang, and people of Wu and Ceng, in Qi.

(經五·八)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference.

(經五·九)冬,戍陳。In winter, we sent garrisons to the borders of Chen.

(經五·十)楚公子貞帥師伐陳。Prince Zhen of Chu led an army attacked Chen.

(經五·十一)公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、齊世子光救陳。Our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, and the heir apparent of Qi, Guang, rescued Chen.

(經五·十二)十有二月,公至自救陳。In the twelfth month, our lord returned from his campaign to rescue Chen.

(經五·十三)辛未,季孫行父卒。On day xinwei (8) (December 3), prince Xingfu, the fourth grandson, died.

Sixth year – 567 BC (568 December 14 – 567 December 2, common year)

(經六·一)六年春,王三月,壬午,杞伯姑容卒。Sixth year. In spring, in the third month of the royal calendar, on day Renwu (19) (February 12), the count of Qi(3), Gurong, died.

(經六·二)夏,宋華弱來奔。In summer, Hua Ruo of Song came to Lu, fleeing.

(經六·三)秋,葬杞桓公。In autumn, the duke of Qi(3), Huan, was buried.

(經六·四)滕子來朝。The viscount of Teng came to our court audiences.

(經六·五)莒人滅鄫。People of Ju destroyed Ceng.

(經六·六)冬,叔孫豹如邾。In winter, prince Bao, the third grandson, went to Zhu.

(經六·七)季孫宿如晉。Prince Su, the fourth grandson, went to Jin .

(經六·八)十有二月,齊侯滅萊。In the twelfth month, the marquis of Qi destroyed Lai.

Seventh year – 566 BC (567 December 3 – 566 December 21, leap year)

(經七·一)七年春,郯子來朝。Seventh year, in spring, the viscount of Tan came to our court audiences.

(經七·二)夏,四月,三卜郊,不從,乃免牲。In summer, in the fourth month, the augurs were consulted three times about the summer sacrifice to earth, and were unfavourable. The sacrificial ox was therefore freed.

(經七·三)小邾子來朝。The viscount of the Little Zhu came to our court audiences.

(經七·四)城費。We fortified Fei.

(經七·五)秋,季孫宿如衛。In autumn, prince Su, the fourth grandson, went to Wei.

(經七·六)八月,螽。In the eight month , there were locusts.

(經七·七)冬,十月,衛侯使孫林父來聘。壬戌,及孫林父盟。In winter, in the tenth month, the marquis of Wei sent Sun Linfu on an embassy to Lu. On day renxu (59) (September 15), a treaty was signed with Sun Linfu.

(經七·八)楚公子貞帥師圍陳。Prince Zhen of Chu led an army besiege the capital of Chen.

(經七·九)十有二月,公會晉侯、宋公、陳侯、衛侯、曹伯、莒子、邾子于鄬。鄭伯髡頑如會,未見諸侯,丙戌,卒于鄵。In the twelfth month, our lord held a meeting wih the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Chen, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju and the viscount of Zhu, in Wei. The count of Zheng, Kunwan, was going to the conference, but he could not meet with the other feudal princes, because on day Bingxu (23) (December 8, intercalary month), he died in Cao.

(經七·十)陳侯逃歸。The marquis of Chen had to leave the conference and return to his state.

Eighth year – 565 BC (566 December 22 – 565 December 9, common year)

(經八·一)八年春,王正月,公如晉。Eighth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord went to Jin.

(經八·二)夏,葬鄭僖公。In summer, duke Xi of Zheng was buried.

(經八·三)鄭人侵蔡,獲蔡公子燮。The people of Zheng attacked Cai, and captured prince Xie of Cai.

(經八·四)季孫宿會晉侯、鄭伯、齊人、宋人、衛人、邾人于邢丘。Prince Su, the fourth grandson, met with the marquis of Jin, the count of Zheng, and people of Qi, Song, Wei, and Zhu, in Xingqiu.

(經八·五)公至自晉。Our lord came back from Jin.

(經八·六)莒人伐我東鄙。The people of Ju attacked our eastern border.

(經八·七)秋,九月,大雩。In autumn, in the ninth month, there was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經八·八)冬,楚公子貞帥師伐鄭。In winter, prince Zhen of Chu led an army attack Zheng.

(經八·九)晉侯使士丐來聘。The marquis of Jin sent Shigai on an embassy to Lu.

Ninth year – 564 BC (565 December 10 – 564 November 29, common year)

(經九·一)九年春,宋災。Ninth year. In spring, there was a great fire in Song.

(經九·二)夏,季孫宿如晉。In summer, prince Su, the fourth grandson, went to Jin.

(經九·三)五月辛酉,夫人姜氏薨。On day Xinyou (58) of the fifth month (May 6), our Lady, dame Jiang, passed away.

(經九·四)秋,八月癸未,葬我小君穆姜。In autumn, on day guiwei (20) of the eighth month (July 27), our Lady, princess Mujiang was buried.

(經九·五)冬,公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子、齊世子光伐鄭。十有二月己亥,同盟于戲。In winter, our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3), the viscount of Little Zhu, and prince Guang of Qi, attacked Zheng. On day Jihai (36) of the twelfth month (no such day, jihai was in the first month of the next year, December 10, the Zuozhuan says this happened in the eleventh month, which would result in the date October 11 it also says this year was leap, which is not possible according to the dates given for the next one), a collective treaty was signed in Xi.

(經九·六)楚子伐鄭。The prince of Chu attacked Zheng.

Tenth year – 563 BC (564 November 30 – 563 December 18, leap year)

(經十·一)十年春,公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子、齊世子光會吳于柤。Tenth year, in spring, our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3), the viscount of Little Zhu, and prince Guang of Qi, met with the prince of Wu in Zha.

(經十·二)夏,五月甲午,遂滅偪陽。In summer, on day Jiawu (31) of the fifth month (April 4), they proceed to destroy Biyang.

(經十·三)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference.

(經十·四)楚公子貞、鄭公孫輒帥師伐宋。Prince Zhen of Chu and prince Zhe of Zheng led armies attack Song.

(經十·五)晉師伐秦。The armies of Jin attacked Qin.

(經十·六)秋,莒人伐我東鄙。In autumn, the people of Ji attacked our eastern border.

(經十·七)公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、齊世子光、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子伐鄭。Our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, prince Guang of Qi, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3), and the viscount of Little Zhu, attacked Zheng.

(經十·八)冬,盜殺鄭公子騑、公子發、公孫輒。In winter, bandits killed prince Fei, prince Fa and prince Zhe of Zheng.

(經十·九)戍鄭虎牢。We garrisoned Hulao, in Zheng.

(經十·十)楚公子貞帥師救鄭。Prince Zhen of Chu led an army to rescue Zheng.

(經十·十一)公至自伐鄭。Our lord came back from his campaign against Zheng.

Eleventh year – 562 BC (563 December 19 – 562 December 7, common year)

(經十一·一)十有一年春,王正月,作三軍。Eleventh year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, three armies were created.

(經十一·二)夏,四月,四卜郊,不從,乃不郊。In summer, in the fourth month, the augurs were consulted four times about the summer sacrifice to earth. The omens were unfavourable, and the sacrifice was not held.

(經十一·三)鄭公孫舍之帥師侵宋。Prince Shezhi of Zheng led an army invade Song.

(經十一·四)公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯、齊世子光、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子伐鄭。Our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, prince Guang of Qi, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3), and the viscount of Little Zhu, attacked Zheng.

(經十一·五)秋,七月己未,同盟于亳城北。In autumn, on day jiwei (56) of the seventh month (June 23), a collective treaty was signed north of Bocheng.

(經十一·六)公至自伐鄭。Our lord returned from his campaign against Zheng.

(經十一·七)楚子、鄭伯伐宋。The viscount of Chu and the count of Zheng attacked Song.

(經十一·八)公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、曹伯、齊世子光、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子伐鄭,會于蕭魚。Our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, prince Guang of Qi, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3), and the viscount of Little Zhu, attacked Zheng. They held a conference in Xiaoyu.

(經十一·九)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference .

(經十一·十)楚人執鄭行人良霄。The people of Chu took prisonner Liang Xiao, a messenger of Zheng.

(經十一·十一)冬,秦人伐晉。In winter, people of Qin attacked Jin.

Twelfth year – 561 BC (562 December 8 – 561 December 25, leap year, a leap year must happen this year or the previous one, the text does not allow to know which one, neither does the Zuozhuan, but this split seems more logical)

(經十二·一)十有二年春,王二月,莒人伐我東鄙,圍臺。Twelfth year. In spring, in the second month of the royal calendar, people of Ju attacked our eastern borders, and besieged Tai.

(經十二·二)季孫宿帥師救臺,遂入鄆。Prince Su, the fourth grandson, led an army to rescue Tai, and proceeded to invade Yun.

(經十二·三)夏,晉侯使士魴來聘。In summer, the marquis of Jin sent Shifang on an embassy to Lu.

(經十二·四)秋,九月,吳子乘卒。In autumn , in the ninth month, the viscount of Wu, Cheng, died.

(經十二·五)冬,楚公子貞帥師侵宋。In winter, prince Zhen of Chu led an army to invade Song.

(經十二·六)公如晉。Our prince went to Jin.

Thirteenth year – 560 BC (561 December 26 – 560 December 15, common year)

(經十三·一)十有三年春,公至自晉。Thirteenth year, in spring, our lord returned from Jin.

(經十三·二)夏,取邿。In summer, we took Shi.

(經十三·三)秋,九月庚辰,楚子審卒。In autumn, on day Gengchen (17) of the ninth month (September 1), the viscount of Chu, Fan, died.

(經十三·四)冬,城防。In winter, we fortified Fang.

Fourteenth year – 559 BC (560 December 16 – 559 December 4, common year)

(經十四·一)十有四年春,王正月,季孫宿、叔老會晉士丐、齊人、宋人、衛人、鄭公孫蠆、曹人、莒人、邾人、滕人、薛人、杞人、小邾人會吳于向。Fourteenth year . In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, prince Su, the fourth grandson, and Shulao, met with Shigai of Jin, people of Qi, Song and Wei, prince Chai of Zheng, people of Cao, Ju, Zhu, Teng, Xie, Qi(3) and little Zhu. They met with the prince of Wu in Xiang.

(經十四·二)二月乙未朔,日有食之。On day Yiwei (32) of the second month (January 14), the sun was eclipsed.

(經十四·三)夏,四月,叔孫豹會晉荀偃、齊人、宋人、衛北宮括、鄭公孫蠆、曹人、莒人、邾人、滕人、薛人、杞人、小邾人伐秦。In summer, in the fourth month, prince Bao, the third grandson, met with Xun Yan of Jin, people of Qi and Song, northern palace prince Kuo of Wei, prince Chai of Zheng, and people of Cao, Ju, Zhu, Teng, Xie, Qi(3), and little Zhu. They attacked Qin.

(經十四·四)己未,衛侯出奔齊。On day Jiwei (56) (April 8), the marquis of Wei left his country and fled to Qi.

(經十四·五)莒人侵我東鄙。People of Ju invaded our eastern borders.

(經十四·六)秋,楚公子貞帥師伐吳。In autumn, prince Zhen of Chu led an army attack Wu.

(經十四·七)冬,季孫宿會晉士丐、宋華閱、衛孫林父、鄭公孫蠆、莒人、邾人于戚。In winter, prince Su, the fourth grandson, met with Shigai of Jin, Huayue of Song, Sun Linfu of Wei, prince Chai of Zheng, and people of Ji and Zhu, in Qi.

Fifteenth year – 558 BC (559 December 5 – 558 November 23, common year)

(經十五·一)十有五年春,宋公使向戌來聘。二月己亥,及向戌盟于劉。Fifteenth year. In spring, the duke of Song sent Xiangxu on an embassy in Lu. On day jihai (36) of the second month (January 13), a treaty was signed with Xiangxu.

(經十五·二)劉夏逆王后于齊。Liu Xia came to greet a royal spouse in Qi.

(經十五·三)夏,齊侯伐我北鄙,圍成。公救成,至遇。In summer, the marquis of Qi attacked our northern borders. He besieged Cheng. Our lord rescued Cheng and reached Yu.

(經十五·四)季孫宿、叔孫豹帥師城成郛。Prince Su, the fourth grandson, and prince Bao, the third grandson, led an army to reinforce the outer walls of Cheng.

(經十五·五)秋,八月丁巳,日有食之。In autumn, on day dingsi (54) of the eighth month (May 31, but in seventh month), the sun was eclipsed.

(經十五·六)邾人伐我南鄙。People of Zhu attacked our southern borders.

(經十五·七)冬,十有一月癸亥,晉侯周卒。In winter, on day Guihai (60) of the eleventh month (October 4), the marquis of Jin, Zhou, died.

Sixteenth year – 557 BC (558 November 24 - 557 December 11, leap year)

(經十六·一)十有六年春,王正月,葬晉悼公。Sixteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, duke Dao of Jin was buried.

(經十六·二)三月,公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子于溴梁。戊寅,大夫盟。In the third month, our lord held a conference with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3), and the viscount of Little Zhu, in Xiuliang. On day Wuyin (15) (February 16), their ministers signed a treaty.

(經十六·三)晉人執莒子、邾子以歸。The people of Jin arrested the viscount and Ju and the viscount of Zhu, and returned home with them.

(經十六·四)齊侯伐我北鄙。The marquis of Qi attacked our northern borders.

(經十六·五)夏,公至自會。In summer, our lord came back from the conference .

(經十六·六)五月甲子,地震。On day Jiazi (1) of the fifth month (April 2), there was an earthquake.

(經十六·七)叔老會鄭伯、晉荀偃、衛甯殖、宋人伐許。Shulao met with the count of Zheng, Xun Yan of Jin, Ning Zhi of Wei and people of Song. They attacked Xu.

(經十六·八)秋,齊侯伐我北鄙,圍成。In autumn, the marquis of Qi attacked our northern borders, and besieged Cheng.

(經十六·九)大雩。There was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經十六·十)冬,叔孫豹如晉。In winter, prince Bao, the third grandson, went to Jin.

Seventeenth year – 556 BC (557 December 12 – 556 November 30, common year)

(經十七·一)十有七年春,王二月,庚午,邾子牼卒。Seventeenth year. In spring, on day Gengwu (7) of the second month of the royal calendar (February 2), the viscount of Zhu, Keng, died.

(經十七·二)宋人伐陳。The people of Song attacked Chen.

(經十七·三)夏,衛石買帥師伐曹。In summer, Shi Mai of Wei led an army attack Cao.

(經十七·四)秋,齊侯伐我北鄙,圍桃。高厚帥師伐我北鄙,圍防。In autumn, the marquis of Qi attacked our northern borders and besieged Tao. Gao Hou led and army to attack our northern borders, and besieged Fang.

(經十七·五)九月,大雩。In the ninth month, there was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經十七·六)宋華臣出奔陳。Hua Chen of Song left his country and fled to Chen.

(經十七·七)冬,邾人伐我南鄙。In winter, the people of Zhu attacked our southern borders.

Eighteenth year – 555 BC (556 December 1 – 555 November 20, common year)

(經十八·一)十有八年春,白狄來。Eighteenth year. In spring, the White Di came visit us.

(經十八·二)夏,晉人執衛行人石買。In summer, people of Jin arrested a messenger of Wei, Shi Mai.

(經十八·三)秋,齊師伐我北鄙。In autumn, the army of Qi attacked our northern borders.

(經十八·四)冬,十月,公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子同圍齊。In winter, in the tenth month, our lord, together with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3), and the viscount of Little Zhu, jointly besieged the capital of Qi.

(經十八·五)曹伯負芻卒于師。The count of Cao, Fuchu, died while with his army.

(經十八·六)楚公子午帥師伐鄭。Prince Wu of Chu led an army attack Zheng.

Nineteenth year – 554 BC (555 November 21 – 554 December 9, leap year, two leap years in a row)

(經十九·一)十有九年春,王正月,諸侯盟于祝柯。晉人執邾子。Nineteenth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the feudal princes signed a treaty in Zhuke. The people of Jin arrested the viscount of Zhu.

(經十九·二)公至自伐齊。Our prince came back from his campaign in Qi.

(經十九·三)取邾田,自漷水。We seized the lands of Zhu from the river Kuo.

(經十九·四)季孫宿如晉。Prince Su, the fourth grandson, went to Jin.

(經十九·五)葬曹成公。Duke Cheng of Cao was buried.

(經十九·六)夏,衛孫林父帥師伐齊。In summer, Sun Linfu of Wei led an army attack Qi.

(經十九·七)秋,七月辛卯,齊侯環卒。In autumn, on day Xinmao (28) of the seventh month (June 13), the marquis of Qi, Huan, died.

(經十九·八)晉士丐帥師侵齊,至穀,聞齊侯卒,乃還。Shigai of Jin led an army invade Qi. As he arrived in Gu, he heard that the marquis of Qi had died. Therefore, he returned home.

(經十九·九)八月丙辰,仲孫蔑卒。On day Bingchen (53) of the eighth month (July 8), prince Mie, the second grandson, died.

(經十九·十)齊殺其大夫高厚。The prince of Qi executed his minister, Gao Hou.

(經十九·十一)鄭殺其大夫公子嘉。The prince of Zheng executed his minister, prince Jia.

(經十九·十二)冬,葬齊靈公。In winter, duke Ling of Qi was buried..

(經十九·十三)城西郛。We fortified our western outer wall.

(經十九·十四)叔孫豹會晉士丐于柯。Prince Bao, the third grandson, met with Shigai of Jin in Ke.

(經十九·十五)城武城。We fortified Wucheng.

Twentieth year – 553 BC (554 December 10 – 553 December 27, leap year)

(經二十·一)二十年春,王正月辛亥,仲孫速會莒人盟于向。Twentieth year. In spring, on day Xinhai (48) of the first month of the royal calendar (554 December 30), prince Su, the second grandson, signed a treaty with people of Ju in Xiang.

(經二十·二)夏,六月庚申,公會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子盟于澶淵。In summer, on day Gengshen (57) of the sixth month (May 7), our lord met with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju,, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3), and the viscount of the little Zhu. They signed a treaty in Chanyuan.

(經二十·三)秋,公至自會。In autumn, our lord came back from the conference .

(經二十·四)仲孫速帥師伐邾。Prince Su, the second grandson, led an army attack Zhu.

(經二十·五)蔡殺其大夫公子燮。蔡公子履出奔楚。The prince of Cai executed his minister, prince Xie. Prince Lü of Cai left his country and fled to Chu.

(經二十·六)陳侯之弟黃出奔楚。The brother of the marquis of Chen, Huang, left his country and fled to Chu.

(經二十·七)叔老如齊。Shulao went to Qi .

(經二十·八)冬,十月丙辰朔,日有食之。In winter, on day bingchen (53) of the tenth month (August 31, no eclipse), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

(經二十·九)季孫宿如宋。Prince Su, the fourth grandson, went to Song.

Twenty first year – 552 BC (553 December 28 – 552 December 16, common year)

(經二一·一)二十有一年春,王正月,公如晉。Twenty first year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord went to Jin.

(經二一·二)邾庶其以漆、閭丘來奔。Because of Qi and Luqiu, Shuqi of Zhu left his country and fled to Lu.

(經二一·三)夏,公至自晉。In summer, our lord returned from Jin.

(經二一·四)秋,晉欒盈出奔楚。In autumn, Luan Ying of Jin left his country and fled to Chu.

(經二一·五)九月庚戌朔,日有食之。On day gengxu (47) of the ninth month (August 20), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

(經二一·六)冬,十月庚辰朔,日有食之。In winter, on day Gengchen (17) of the tenth month, a new moon (September 19, but no eclipse), the sun was eclipsed.

(經二一·七)曹伯來朝。The count of Cao came to our court audiences.

(經二一·八)公會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、邾子于商任。Our lord held a conference with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju and the viscount of Zhu in Shangren.

Twenty second year – 551 BC (552 December 17 – 551 December 5, common year)

(經二二·一)二十有二年春,王正月,公至自會。Twenty second year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord came back from the conference.

(經二二·二)夏,四月。In summer, in the fourth month.

(經二二·三)秋,七月辛酉,叔老卒。In autumn , on day Xinyou (58) of the seventh month (June 27), Shulao died.

(經二二·四)冬,公會晉侯、齊侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子于沙隨。In winter, our prince met with the marquis of Jin, the marquis of Qi, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the count of Xie, the count of Qi, and the viscount of the Little Zhu in Shasui.

(經二二·五)公至自會。Our prince came back from the meeting.

(經二二·六)楚殺其大夫公子追舒。The prince of Chu killed his minister, prince Zhuishu.

Twenty third year – 550 BC (551 December 6 – 550 December 24, leap year)

(經二三·一)二十有三年春,王二月癸酉朔,日有食之。Twenty third year. In spring, on day Guiyou (10) of the second month of the royal calendar (January 5), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

(經二三·二)三月己巳,杞伯丐卒。On day Jisi (6) of the third month (March 2), the count of Qi, Gai, died.

(經二三·三)夏,邾畀我來奔。In summer, Biwo of Zhu came to Lu, fleeing.

(經二三·四)葬杞孝公。Duke Xiao of Qi was buried.

(經二三·五)陳殺其大夫慶虎及慶寅。The prince of Chen executed his ministers Qing Hu and Qing Yin.

(經二三·六)陳侯之弟黃自楚歸于陳。The brother of the marquis of Chen, Huang, came back from Chu to Chen.

(經二三·七)晉欒盈復入于晉,入于曲沃。Luan Ying of Jin returned again to Jin. He entered Quwo.

(經二三·八)秋,齊侯伐衛,遂伐晉。In autumn, the marquis of Qi attacked Wei, then proceeded to attack Jin.

(經二三·九)八月,叔孫豹帥師救晉,次于雍榆。In the eighth month, prince Bao, the third grandson, led an army rescue Jin. He established his camp in Yongyu.

(經二三·十)己卯,仲孫速卒。On day Jimao (16) (July 10), prince Su, the second prince, died.

(經二三·十一)冬,十月乙亥,臧孫紇出奔邾。In autumn, on day Yihai (12) of the tenth month (September 4), prince He left the country and fled to Zhu.

(經二三·十二)晉人殺欒盈。The people of Jin killed Luan Ying.

(經二三·十三)齊侯襲莒。The marquis of Qi attacked Ju by surprise.

Twenty fourth year – 549BC ( 550 December 25 – 549 December 12, common year)

(經二四·一)二十有四年春,叔孫豹如晉。Twenty fourth year. In spring, prince Bao, the third grandson, went to Jin.

(經二四·二)仲孫羯帥師侵齊。Prince Jie, the second grandson, led an army invade Qi.

(經二四·三)夏,楚子伐吳。In summer, the viscount of Chu attacked Wu.

(經二四·四)秋,七月甲子朔,日有食之,既。In autumn, on day Jiazi (1) of the seventh month (June 19), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed, it was total.

(經二四·五)齊崔杼帥師伐莒。Cui Zhu of Qi led an army attack Ju.

(經二四·六)大水。There were floods.

(經二四·七)八月癸巳朔,日有食之。On day guisi (30) of the eighth month (July 18, but no eclipse), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

(經二四·八)公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子于夷儀。Our lord met with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3) and the viscount of the Little Zhu in Yiyi.

(經二四·九)冬,楚子、蔡侯、陳侯、許男伐鄭。In winter, the viscount of Chu, the marquis of Cai the marquis of Chen and the baronet of Xu attacked Zheng.

(經二四·十)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference .

(經二四·十一)陳鍼宜咎出奔楚。Zhen Yijiu of Chen left his country and feld to Chu.

(經二四·十二)叔孫豹如京師。Prince Bao, the third grandson, went to the royal capital.

(經二四·十三)大饑。There was a great famine.

Twenty fifth year – 548 BC (549 December 13 – 548 December 1, common year)

(經二五·一)二十有五年春,齊崔杼帥師伐我北鄙。Twenty fifth year . In spring, Cui Zhu of Qi led and army to attacked our northern borders.

(經二五·二)夏,五月乙亥,齊崔杼弒其君光。In summer, on day Yihai (12) of the fifth month (April 26). Cui Zhu of Qi killed his lord, Guang.

(經二五·三)公會晉侯、宋公、衛侯、鄭伯、曹伯、莒子、邾子、滕子、薛伯、杞伯、小邾子于夷儀。Our lord met with the marquis of Jin, the duke of Song, the marquis of Wei, the count of Zheng, the count of Cao, the viscount of Ju, the viscount of Zhu, the viscount of Teng, the count of Xie, the count of Qi(3) and the viscount of the Little Zhu in Yiyi.

(經二五·四)六月壬子,鄭公孫舍之帥師入陳。On day Renzi (49) of the sixth month (June 2), prince Shezhi of Zheng led an army attack Chen.

(經二五·五)秋,八月己巳,諸侯同盟于重丘。In autumn , on day Jisi (6) of the eighth month (June 19, seventh month… the Zuozhuan says 7th), the feudal princes signed a collective treaty in Zhongqiu.

(經二五·六)公至自會。Our lord came back from the conference.

(經二五·七)衛侯入于夷儀。The marquis of Wei entered Yiyi.

(經二五·八)楚屈建帥師滅舒鳩。Qu Jian of Chu led an army and destroyed Shujiu.

(經二五·九)冬,鄭公孫夏帥師伐陳。In winter, prince Xia of Zheng led an army attack Chen.

(經二五·十)十有二月,吳子遏伐楚,門于巢,卒。In the twelfth month, the viscount of Wu, E, attacked Qi. At the door of Chao, he died.

Twenty sixth year – 547 BC (548 December 2 – 547 December 21, leap year)

(經二六·一)二十有六年春,王二月辛卯,衛甯喜弒其君剽。Twenty sixth year. In spring, on day xinmao (28) of the second month (January 7) of the royal calendar, Ning Xi of Wei killed his lord, Piao.

(經二六·二)衛孫林父入于戚以叛。Sun Linfu of Wei entered Qi and revolted.

(經二六·三)甲午,衛侯衎復歸于衛。On day Jiawu (31) (January 10), the marquis of Wei, Kan, finally returned to the capital of Wei.

(經二六·四)夏,晉侯使荀吳來聘。In summer, the marquis of Jin sent Xun Wu on an embassy to Lu.

(經二六·五)公會晉人、鄭良霄、宋人、曹人于澶淵。Our lord met with people of Jin, Liang Xiao ofZheng, and people of Song and Cao, in Chanyuan.

(經二六·六)秋,宋公殺其世子痤。In autumn, the duke of Song executed his heir, Cuo.

(經二六·七)晉人執衛甯喜。People of Jin arrested Ning Xi of Wei.

(經二六·八)八月壬午,許男甯卒于楚。On day Renwu (19) of the eighth month (June 27), the baronet of Xi, Ning, died in Chu.

(經二六·九)冬,楚子、蔡侯、陳侯伐鄭。In winter, the viscount of Chu, the marquis of Cai and the marquis of Chen attacked Zheng.

(經二六·十)葬許靈公。Duke Ling of Xu was buried.

Twenty seventh year – 546BC (547 December 22 – 546 December 10, common year)

(經二七·一)二十有七年春,齊侯使慶封來聘。Twenty seventh year. In spring, the marquis of Qi sent Qing Feng on an embassy to Lu.

(經二七·二)夏,叔孫豹會晉趙武、楚屈建、蔡公孫歸生、衛石惡、陳孔奐、鄭良霄、許人、曹人于宋。In summer, prince Bao, the third grandson, met with Zhao Wu of Jin, Qu Jian of Chu ; prince Guisheng of Cai, Shi WU of Wei, Kong Huan of Zheng, Liang Xiao of Zheng, and people of Xu and Cao, in Song.

(經二七·三)衛殺其大夫甯喜。The prince of Wei executed his ministers, Ning Xi.

(經二七·四)衛侯之弟鱄出奔晉。Zhuan, the brother of the marquis of Wei, left his country and fled to Jin.

(經二七·五)秋,七月辛巳,豹及諸侯之大夫盟于宋。In autumn, on day xinsi (18) of the seventh month (June 21), prince Bao and ministers of the feudal princes signed a treaty in Song.

(經二七·六)冬,十有二月乙亥朔,日有食之。In winter, on day Yihai (12) of the twelfth month (October 13, but eleventh month, probably), a new moon, the sun was eclipsed.

Twenty eighth year – 545 BC (546 December 11 – 545 November 29, common year)

(經二八·一)二十有八年春,無冰。Twenty eighth year. In spring, there was no frost.

(經二八·二)夏,衛石惡出奔晉。In summer, Shi Wu of Wei left his country and fled to Jin.

(經二八·三)邾子來朝。The viscount of Zhu came to our court audiences.

(經二八·四)秋,八月,大雩。In autumn, in the eighth month, there was a great sacrifice for rain.

(經二八·五)仲孫羯如晉。Prince Jie, the second grandson, went to Jin.

(經二八·六)冬,齊慶封來奔。In winter, Qingfeng of Qi came to Lu, fleeing.

(經二八·七)十有一月,公如楚。In the eleventh month, our lord went to Chu.

(經二八·八)十有二月甲寅,天王崩。On day Jiayin (51) of the twelfth month (November 15), the heavely king passed away.

(經二八·九)乙未,楚子昭卒。On day yiwei (32) (no such day…, or next year December 26), the viscount of Chu, Zhao, died.

Twenty ninth year – 544 BC (545 November 30 – 544 December 18, leap year)

(經二九·一)二十有九年春,王正月,公在楚。Twenty ninth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, our lord stayed in Chu.

(經二九·二)夏,五月,公至自楚。In summer, in the fifth month, our lord came back from Chu.

(經二九·三)庚午,衛侯衎卒。On day Gengwu (7) (March 31), the marquis of Wei, Kan, died.

(經二九·四)閽弒吳子餘祭。A guard at a door killed the viscount of Wu, Yuji.

(經二九·五)仲孫羯會晉荀盈、齊高止、宋華定、衛世叔儀、鄭公孫段、曹人、莒人、滕人、薛人、小邾人城杞。Prince Jie, the second grandson, met with Xun Ying of Jin, Gaozhi of Qi, Hua Ding of Song, the brother of the heir of Wei, Yi, prince Duan of Zheng, and people of Cao, Ju, Teng, Xie and the Little Zhu. They fortified Qi(3).

(經二九·六)晉侯使士鞅來聘。The marquis of Jin sent Shi Yang on an embassy to Lu.

(經二九·七)杞子來盟。The viscount of Qi(3) came to sign a treaty.

(經二九·八)吳子使札來聘。The viscount of Wu sent prince Zha on an embassy.

(經二九·九)秋,九月,葬衛獻公。In autumn, in the ninth month, duke Xian of Wei was buried.

(經二九·十)齊高止出奔北燕。Gao Zhi of Qi left his country and fled to northern Yan.

(經二九·十一)冬,仲孫羯如晉。In winter, prince Jie, the second grandson, went to Jin.

Thirtieth year – 543 BC (544 December 19 – 543 December 7, common year)

(經三十·一)三十年春,王正月,楚子使薳罷來聘。Thirtieth year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar, the viscount of Chu sent Wei Ba on an embassy to Lu.

(經三十·二)夏,四月,蔡世子般弒其君固。In summer, in the fourth month, the heir apparent of Cai, Ban, killed his lord, Gu.

(經三十·三)五月甲午,宋災,宋伯姬卒。On day Jiawu (31) of the fifth month (April 19), there was a fire in the capital of Song. Princess Boji of Song died.

(經三十·四)天王殺其弟佞夫。The heavenly king executed his brother, Ningfu.

(經三十·五)王子瑕奔晉。Royal prince Xia fled to Jin.

(經三十·六)秋,七月,叔弓如宋,葬宋共姬。In autumn, in the seventh month, Shuyi went to Song, and attended the funeral of princesss Gongji.

(經三十·七)鄭良霄出奔許,自許入于鄭,鄭人殺良霄。Liang Xiao of Zheng left his country and fled to Xu. Then, from Xu, he attacked Zheng, but was executed by people of Zheng.

(經三十·八)冬,十月,葬蔡景公。In winter, in the tenth month, duke Jing of Cai was buried.

(經三十·九)晉人、齊人、宋人、衛人、鄭人、曹人、莒人、邾人、滕人、薛人、杞人、小邾人,會于澶淵,宋災故。The people of Jin, Qi, Song, Wei, Zheng, Cao, Ju, Zhu, Teng, Xie, Qi(3) and the Little Zhu, held a conference in Chanyuan, about the fire in Song.

Thirty first year – 542 BC (543 December 8 – 542 December 26, leap year)

(經三一·一)三十有一年春王正月。Thirty first year. In spring, in the first month of the royal calendar.

(經三一·二)夏,六月辛巳,公薨于楚宮。In summer, on day xinsi (18) of the sixth month (May 31), our lord died in the Chu Palace.

(經三一·三)秋,九月癸巳,子野卒。In autumn, on day Guisi (30) of the ninth month (August 11), Ziye died.

(經三一·四)己亥,仲孫羯卒。On day Jihai (36) (August 17), prince Jie, the second grandson, died.

(經三一·五)冬,十月,滕子來會葬。In winter, in the tenth month, the viscount of Teng came to Lu to attend the funeral.

(經三一·六)癸酉,葬我君襄公。On day Guiyou (10) (September 20), our Lord, duke Xiang, was buried.

(經三一·七)十有一月,莒人弒其君密州。In the eleventh month, the people of Ju killed their lord, Mizhou.

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